And honestly Im sure he had a lot of time on his hands to do stuff. He kind of giggled & said like you mean like on TV like a magician. Cause if it was the way CW said she would have fought back. They said they found paper bags around both her hands. It was already reported that Shannan evacuated her bowels when dying and that is why he took the sheet off, He told police that. Chris Watts destroyed three fully formed, perfect adults. I am not saying he touched the purse. That is simply a common misconception/stereotype that is very harmful and untrue. This would explain how she didnt fight! They were invited by Shannans family to attend the funerals and did not even show. Prior to taking the test he was asked a bunch of questions one of them was name some ways you could make somebody disappear. He may have sprung himself on her in the bathroom, came in after her and turned the light off or something, being an easier/tiled place to clean up any traces? Chris only saw things with one lense. Thanks! Page 453 I was VERY proud of my being able to take down the biggest man in my class. So I do see how Chris did this and ended up with no defensive injuries from her. Parents reach for any hope, even if the child is blue, even if rigor has set in, theyre desperate and people who are not emotionally involved as them, professionals,have to tell them its too late. Do you think she was murdered elsewhere? Watts buried Shannan's body in a shallow grave and dumped his daughters' bodies into an oil tank at the oil and gas exploration site where he worked in Frederick, Colorado, US. A tee-shirt and undies is a Sleeping Uniform for many women, another fact. When you are larger or they are tender, especially when pregnant, it is easier to sleep in them. Chris Watts is the subject of a new Netflix series called American Murder: The Family Next Door. The two girls were found in oil drums. Thankyou Nick for all your studies, research and insights. I own this site, and have posted hundreds of blogs, and written 4 books on the Watts case. 19th Judicial District Attorney Michael Rourke said that Watts totally and deliberately ended four lives, smothering the girls. What information to that extent do you expect *an autopsy* to provide?? The body is that of a well-developed, well-nourished although decomposing Caucasian female whose appearance is generally He didnt attempt to revive the children or call for help. Taking it off makes the breasts throb & feel more painful. I have NO doubt that CW did a choke-hold on his wife from behind or right side, rendering her unconscious while smothering her airwayshe never woke upis why she didnt struggle or stop him. In the interrogation CW was blaming Shannan for killing the girls, and in the next breath trying to protect NK. You get to know the people involved in a criminal investigation pretty well after writing 4 x 30 000+ word narratives. ( oh & yes there were handprints in both sides of her neck according to autopsy ) on his arms? It is my observation that Bella was unconscious but still breathing when she was and stomped on her head to get her into the tank. Chris and or others..I tend to agreeShan ann was imodefinitely disabled at some pointBella maybe not..she fought hard. Shanann Was Wrapped in a Sheet & Buried in a Shallow Grave That Watts Dug With a Shovel Police reportsThe crime scene. Cassie Rosenberg Page 626 On Aug. 13, 2018, Chris strangled Shanann, 34, in their Colorado home. I guess he did want to get rid of them all, and do it all over again with her. Its hard to fight a larger man off of you when held down, in fear of dying and trying to gasp for air. Powered by. Rude person. I would just like to express an opinion of mine to you and all your readers. @Lisa if shed already died she would have not been engaged in the act of strangling her like he said. YES! I havent finished reading the Discovery yet (just at the freaky prison fan mail/hate mail) but I havent read anything yet about any DNA testing of the sheets? I really think that the pregnancy started the whole thing. Her legs would have been free, but if he was high up on her chest I doubt she would have been able to even get him with her knees, they would not have reached him. Chris Watts isnt my hero. The reports had been sealed until the outcome of the trial. Her office was described as unorganized and sort of messy, as were closets, drawers, and things out of sight. Rigor mortis lasts 8-12 hours. Ive seen many people die in the hospital where I worked- not everyone poops when they die (and their stomachs were empty)- except the oil in the Angels stomach. Info released has stated she had some suitcases still packed, in her bedroom, from the SC trip, and there were other things (like her purses being messy) that just keeps chipping away at true, almost disabling sort of OCD tendencies. Its completely obvious from videos that the wife was a nut job, self absorbed, controlling weirdo that undermined her husband leave her ass!! Celeste was found face down in that oil tank. She was wearing a black or gray t-shirt and blue underwear. Chris only had one small scar on his body, consistent with this theory. He is a monster. In the new clip, the cold-hearted killer is wearing t-shirt, shorts and flip flops as officers secure. I am new to this case, a couple of months of watching/listening to your videos Nick, and I am now working my way through your books. Thankfully that psych warned me I should take the children somewhere to be safe. Kaye, this sounds plausible. Just asking a question., She wasnt OCD, and even if she was, what does it matter? He just switched. Debbie do you have a link to that 411 Documentary please? Kick him? Jami I have 1 question for you. Or carbon monoxide poisoning [something a former mechanic and oil worker would know about]. could also suggest a Stranglehold. Her house was immaculate, I envy that she was able to keep everything like that. Watts has since pleaded guilty to killing his wife and daughters, as well as a charge of unlawful termination of a pregnancy. According to the Denver Channel, Watts received three life prison terms without the possibility of parole. On top of that, he had to forcibly PUSH Bella down into the oil tank, because she was larger than the 8 inch diameter oil tank hole to fit through please answer why? dirty murderer!, But Celeste didnt have oil her stomach. She seemed to be in pajamas which indicates she got into bed, which sickly matches up with his barely got into bed remark, The sheets were stripped because they probably got pulled off anyway during the act. I just dont understand this. Now i fully beleive NK was in on plan, her idea to put bodies in tanks to help disolve them. Have you read the 2000 page discovery? Bella Watts Autospy Report And then it was turned off. And anyone on this thread acting as if the mother plays any part(or the mistress) for that matter..well you are just as psychotic. Here is the parts in Shanann's autopsy report that says the stuff about how her hair was sloughing, that she had skin slippage & bloating/decomposing had started. What do you think about the 8 inch thief hatch, and the narrowest section of Ceecees hips being 9.5 inches, according to the autopsy? Thanks! 2. Ive been sleeping in my bra during my pregnancy- because my chest hurts all the time and taking it off even to shower is extremely uncomfortable. As a woman, I never go to sleep with my bra on. He was asleep. There is a text I think to chris. 53 102 comments sorted by New Add a Comment For the sake that they did poop, youre assuming he didnt clean it up in the bed. When people die, sudden or expected, contents of their bowels and bladder are expelled. Like a scene from Friday the 13th. Page 463 Completely empty stomach contents doesnt necessarily indicate they died when Shanann died. Subdued and buried alive perhaps? She probably snuggled up next to him & was able to fall asleep. I find it odd that Shanann was wearing a bra when found. I dont think I know everything, but I do know more about this case than most. Even with Bella, no screaming brain said , this is your Bella!! For example, someone with OCD could have the thought that if they dont touch a doorknob a certain number of times an exact way, they will get a disease. So Chris Watts said she barely got into bed, and soshe barely got into bed? The kids had two wack jobs for parents. If Chris *hadnt* killed them, would he have gone to so much trouble to hide the bodies?,,,,,,, Christopher Watts: What else do we know? These are just my opinions (based on zero knowledge). A CHOKEHOLD usually involves cutting off the air supply, (air choke or tracheal choke) a STRANGLEHOLD involves cutting off the blood supply. Do you have any family that said she had OCD? Ive been reading this whole thread and as I always respect other ppls views and opinions as much as I can, there is one contributor to this conversation that thinks they know everything sigh. I think she was killed in the basement, just by the bottom of the staircase, by the fridges and the area where they stored old rope. So yeah sigh! If you look at the autopsy report she has purple round spots on 1 side of her face from the chin to the temple which could be his knuckles from a punch as well as a 1 handed strangulation. OCD can be like gluten-sensitivities. . He knew that he would be at those oil tanks by himself that morning. The plea deal meant that he was spared the death penalty, and was instead sentenced to multiple life prison terms without the possibility of parole. Chris was photographed head to toe & didnt have one mark on his body consistent with somebody fighting for their life from being strangled. No, it doesnt. Addendum: The cadaver dog wasaso very interested in the washing machine and his handler, Jayne, says quite clearly that her dog has scented death by the machine (check the K9 video, but watch the volume, the cadaver dogs bark is quite shrill! Chriss demeanor was nonchalant. Chris Watts. Ive considered morphine [since Shanann was a lupus sufferer, and needed strong pain meds], but morphine should have come up in the autopsy. Chris Watts attacked her from behind, his left hand around her throat and his right hand covering her mouth and nose., This is why Shanann had no defensive injuries, and this technique would account for everything in her autopsy, from blood alcohol/ethanol levels to an unbroken hyoid bone Shes not going to carry her suitcase up the stairs because of her pregnant state, and she wasnt feeling well. This autopsy is performed at the request of the Weld County Coroner, State of Colorado. I slept in my bras with all four of my pregnancies. He said those were consistent with trying to flee while being smothered. Lastly and not related to your book, I continuously read people stating that the only bruises on Shananns body were the on the right side of her neck. Chris was ocd also. He says he never saw what happened to Bella because he was downstairs. Shanann had only (ap autopsy) "probable bruising on the anterior subcutaneous neck tissue" sweetbreez 4 yr. ago Like the previous commenter said, LE explained that it had to do with her being buried in the sand vs the oil. As far as the BAC goes, it had been over 100 hours from the estimated time of death to when the samples were taken at autopsy. I dont know why the Watts murders have affected me like this. Told everyone I was bipolar, that we were divorced, even took me to one of his counseling sessions to prove I was the one with the problem. Simply stated, you are an ignorant human being, Badmouthing the vicitm like that when she can not defend herself. Did you have to cover something up for Shannan? Also, in the 2-4 minutes it took him to kill Shannan, this father who would never hurt his kids, never looked at the visible baby bump and thought Im killing the baby too, I need to stop. Her fully formed gallstone may have contributed to her not feeling well during her last MLM trip. Or putting her down. I actually do not believe that there was any sedation to the girls or his wife. These may have been caused by an object, such as a necklace worn by the victim, or fabric, such as heavy-duty leather (such as a motorcycle jacket being worn by the murderer), and being compressed between the arm of the assailant and the neck/face of the victim. Thats a power-nap another thing MLM folk are good at. @Nick I thought the bedsheets in the bedroom were soiled? She was not drinking while pregnant! She was not drinking! FACT: Why was the oil/sludge found in Bellas stomach? Get a life and quit trashing innocent victims. Page 582, 6. The entire thing is one of the worst cases Ive ever heard of- and I think about those poor responders who retrieved the bodies May they find peace from those memories some day soon. Please God Forgive me for everything.. Was there no evidence of feces on the girls beds either so maybe they were not killed in bed? Shan'ann, Bella and Celeste Watts 25 Page Autopsy Report | TRUE CRIME ROCKET SCIENCE TRUE CRIME ROCKET SCIENCE True Crime Analysis, Breakthroughs, Insights & Discussions Hosted by Bestselling Author Nick van der Leek CRIME NEWS WATTS KNOX JonBenet MCCANN WM3 PENDING TOOLBOX TCRS YOUTUBE ARCHIVE It was all a complete lie. Her clothes were even coordinated by colour in the closet. With her like this would the conspiracy theory about her killing not happening until Tues or Wed not be possible?, a medical history significant for peanut allergies. The sheets were off because he used the fitted sheet to wrap her body in because of its rounded corners, he said this to the investigators. Theres also a serious fundamental problem with your theory, which goes to the forensics. Therefore your theory is not valid. Its something so outside my wheelhouse that I didnt even know it could me done. The money was going somewhere, and the ultimate location all points to ShanAnn the expensive preschool for their girls while ShanAnn quit work to be a stay-at-home mom (she could have been taking care of them herself during the day instead of paying top dollar for strangers to); the Leona Helmsley-level of excessive expensive shoes; that trip to Arizona (which ShanAnn had to pay for) when they were in such a dire financial disaster (credit cards all maxxed out) in service to her MLM; the expensive leased car whose payments werent guaranteed to be paid by the MLM company; all those manicures (those aint cheap) and so on and so forth. And she clearly WANTED the best for them, and she was still learning. he said he had to raise the girls arms up to get them into the hatches of the oil tank. I approached an expert to get his take on it, and was a little disappointed by his findings: I take comfort in that, Bella and Cee Cee likely had no idea it was their dad doing that to them, but he wouldve wanted Shanann to know he was ending her life. Maybe some ppl just can only take so much. Or after kids went to bed, and Im sure she didnt want to become an instant Mom! I think Chris pretended to be asleep because I think hes a coward and wouldnt have wanted to interact with her. The lack of a broken hyoid bone (called thyroid bone in the autopsy?) Also, I highly doubt Shanann was killed by pulling her down onto her back. Perhaps it is safer that the majority public dont know the facts. I find it more comfortable & Ive always been afraid of sagging. Do you think Shanann was the type of person to leave her suitcase downstairs and just go to bed? I wondered what became of the gas can. I also believe Shanann was also sleeping when the attack occurred which could explain her lack of putting up a fight. Chris thought that she was dead? Also I agree much is still withhhed from the public. Time of death for all three victims is unknown. You can pooh-pooh OCD if its not you, but OCD especially for someone with a chronic disease tends to be quite significant. Lack of petechiae. A trillion to bullshit thats what they are!!! I know plenty of women who wear their bras to sleep, myself included. I think she was then taken, with her children, out of the rear of the property for concealment. Maybe we can do a group letter and petition: dear Watts, what happened??! Nickole Atkinson on ABC: Shanann was very OCD But think about it. I didnt know what else to do. through the skin in heated arguments which are undetectable to the human nose in the same way attraction pheromones are undetectable to our noses ). The phone was found in the cushions of that upstairs couch, not the downstairs couch. He was presented with evidence before the plea deal, and we dont know the content of those conversations. He said the blood alcohol is normal after you die. In theory, you should find some evidence, which did not find. Even if they appear to be dead or as the agent in this case said decapitated you call & plead for someway to help fix them. As CrimeOnline previously reported, Chris Watts tried to pin the murders of 3-year-old Celeste and 4-year-old Bella on his wife when he first confessed to murdering Shanann, who was 15 weeks pregnant at the time. October 3, 2018 / 12:35 PM / CBS Colorado. There is no soul in his eyes. In the majority of cases of asphyxiation, petechiae are formed, and Shanann exhibited none. Some people believe his story that Shannan killed the kids like he said. With ShanAnn, IF she was attacked and killed shortly after she arrived home, while still downstairs, she would have still been dressed her underwear and pants would have caught it. You know what they say, Sara.once you let your attacker get paper bags on your hands, theres no defending yourself. If Im interpreting the autopsy correctly he effectively smothered and strangled at the same time but I never see this mentioned anywhere. (942948) Interview with NK about CW's failing marriagehe badmouthed SW a lot . Not everyone poops when they die, in fact most do not. Think before you speak, Im glad he will never be out of his jail cell. That does not necessarily equate to being a psychiatric disorder, just personal empowerment. I cant believe the police let them stay in there. She was always busy. Advertisement. If she was murdered in bed, why isnt there any evidence of that? They didnt do date nights. Im sure he didnt want any questions from her or to talk about anything. He had only a few friends. I had assumed all the way through that he had used a pillow. Page 535 I am very new to this case, only a couple of months ago, end of November 2020 to be precise. Thats a harsh indictment to a woman who cant defend herself. Shananns mother Sandra Rzucek told police she suspected foul play and suspected Chris, saying he was acting weird and out of the ordinary. The Netflix show details the deteriorating relationship between Chris and Shanann, who began suspecting her husband was having an affair and felt he was suddenly pulling away from her, a fact she spilled to numerous friends in anguished text messages. It takes 4 5 hours for a stomach to empty after eating. IF the girls were sedated (with ShanAnns leftover oxycodone) before suffocation, it would have been very easy to make sure they were both in diapers CeCe was still wearing nighttime diapers at least, and these would have served for an incapacitated Bella they didnt need to be the right size, since she wouldnt be moving around. The Weld County Coroner released the complete autopsy reports of Bella, Celeste, and Shanann Watts, who were murdered by Chris Watts on August 13. How dare you blame the victim? She had the girls in daycare full time to the tune of $500 a week, spending $28k a year per official documents, and this HAD to be a financial strain. Stomach: The stomach contains approximately 75mls of viscous green-black fluid which is suggestive of oil and particulate matter from the oil tank which she was in. Take Jodi Arias she lured him into a shower and made sure she was armed and he was naked, vulnerable and unsuspecting when she attacked him. Meaning there should be no oil in her stomach just like cece. Like 1 in the kitchen by her purse. He said in his admissions that she deficated during the murder in thier bed, where he wrapped her in a sheet and moved her to the floor immediately- where he was interrupted by the girls waking up (after his first attempt to kill them by suffocating them in thier sleep)- the girls were killed in his truck CeCe was wearing a diaper, so even if she had deficated or urinated it would be unclear after days in the crude oil.. And Bella was likely not dead but simply unconscious again when he dumped her body- therefore, even if she did relax enough to evacuate her bowels and bladder- it wasnt until she was in the crude oil tank. The body is that of a well-developed, well-nourished Caucasian female whose appearance is generally consistent with the He was holding me down by sitting on me, one leg on each side of my stomache. She strangled them.. He could have planned to go to work early that morning so as to avoid talking to Shanann. Ditto who died first and last. And so on. People with OCD can have obsessions related to a wide variety of things, including losing control, hurting others, unwanted sexual thoughts, and many more. Its horrible. I think despite her bravado, she had insecurities just like everyone else, with both herself, and her roles as wife and mother AND someone working in an MLM. What are the odds???? Shannan did not have any marks on her face indicative of a punch, slap, or anything at all. Now remember this would be AFTER strangling Shannan carrying her to their room & putting her in bed, so at least 5 minutes and since it would have taken about 4 minutes for CeCe to die 9 minutes had passed supposedly since Shannan had been in her room. Its definately not most. but I dont think she ever went upstairs, not even to check on the girls. I also believe in my heart that Shannan did not hurt her babies Sounds like a good theory except that Bella did fight for her life as the coroner explained by the hole in her frenulum, the biting of her tongue & insides of her cheeks. And the decision to move Chris out of state as well? The lie detector test question focused solely on her, didnt even mention the kids. If the girls were dead by ca. Folks seem to think wanting to know why means supporting Watts or blaming his wife. I sense some disciplinary issues, and Ive seen her being absolutely overwhelmed as to how to really effectively handle even the most basic of situations. Shanann returned home from a business trip on the early morning hours of August 13, 2019. And where do you think he did it? Said it was part of the decomposition process. Chris said: I freaked out and I did the same thing to f****** her. After reading your response Im wondering if this was filled with ethanol or some similar agent. He says with a halphazard yeah she was like for sure gone, she was blue, and no beats, no breaths, nothing. I dont know her daily habits, but i use mine as an alarm. As CrimeOnline previously reported, Chris Watts tried to pin the murders of 3-year-old Celeste and 4-year-old Bella on his wife when he first confessed to murdering Shanann, who was 15 weeks pregnant at the time. Went to bed a harsh indictment to a woman, i envy that she was then,. Was turned off thats what they say, Sara.once you let your attacker get paper around! Wearing t-shirt, shorts and flip flops as officers secure much trouble to hide the?. Celeste was found face down in that oil tank Bella, no screaming brain said, is! Letter and petition: dear Watts, what does it matter she OCD. Which goes to the forensics one mark on his body consistent with this theory had raise! Shannan killed the kids kids like he said the blood alcohol is normal after you die or... 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