Situations like these are terribly unfair towards the student, who, without knowing if he / she will receive any other offers, is clearly in a position of zero leverage. Possibility not high though. 4 not 5, as I experienced a harder model question than sample models on one of real interviews, that asked me to portray a divestiture's impact on the 3 FS, which was more complex than expected. Should I renege? I have a final round interview next week for an IB analyst position in the Public Finance group at a well known, upper middle market firm (think Wells, Jefferies, Piper Jaffray, Cowen) in NYC. Once the numbers even out, it'll be the same (just like law / med schools where both genders have very sharp / good people, or even consulting). I was going to talk about personal reasons, but I think youre right about being very direct and over the phone. I can understand why you would want to hedge though Id suggest you to think through it carefully and try not to burn any bridges. they may tell you you cant interview and give the slot to someone else), Hi Nicole, Yes, both headhunters and companies know Im choosing between them. Eveniet vero est eos expedita est ut qui. The result: they slowly stop getting staffed on any relevant or important work until they are basically working on a handful of pitches for clients that don't really matter. Also, what questions should I anticipate the recruiter to ask? Otherwise, you are not really doing anything to stop the priviledge. Luckily Bank B is still willing to take me for future internships. 2. This could be my one shot at getting my foot in the door at a BB so Im considering reneging. This is going from a MM to a top EB. There is some risk, so one approach might be to skip the manager at your accounting firm and just list the internships before that. I did let AM HR I had the BB offer and I was accepting. If I sign the second offer and renege the 1st one AFTER, will the 2nd bank be able to withdraw the offer given the fact it has already been signed ? To be honest, I dont think its a huge risk if youre applying to different-sized banks in different cities in different divisions. Meanwhile, the three PE summer analysts they take a year are still as White and 4.0 Ivy educated and waspy as ever. Sorry, you need to login or sign up in order to vote. Unfortunately, Bank A withdrew their offer after I had already turned down Bank Bs offer. Because they're fucking smart and saw the writing on the wall a long time ago -- the PE market is incredibly saturated with tons of funds driving up prices and bringing down returns. However, one word of advice make sure the firm you will be accepting an offer with (I assume you are reneging the offer because you have a better offer elsewhere) is a good firm to work for, and that you definitely click with the team. My firm has a similar program and the people brought in from it have connections and backgrounds that there's a minute chance we would have gotten taking the traditional 2+2. No one at your firm should find out as its not the type of thing that HR goes gossiping about. The only girls at the top of my class (top 20-30 I guess?) i assume if they directly ask if you have signed, you should tell the truth? Debitis reiciendis voluptatem iure aut. Hi Brian I have accepted an offer at a mid/top-BB M&A group, but have received offers at Bain and BCG. Friday the bank offers me and is my dream job and is finance, now what do i do? Theres no point in accepting a sub-par offer with lower pay when you have a clearly better option. I accepted an offer about 1.5 months ago for a generalist IB Analyst position in M&A at a middle-market firm that is not extremely well known and is in a non-NYC city. Would a bank attempt to contact anyone in that industry? I have accepted a BB offer but I now have an AM offer which has really been my ambition since the start. P.S. Prestige is much higher in the latter option (everyone in the industry knows its name, while the first firm is much smaller player), and the size of deals vary much more so in the latter option (MM deals as well as those that go over $1B). I recently signed with A, and now have received an offer from B. They might ask themselves why I applied for an internship in the first place. But 5 minutes ago, you just received a call from your recruiter at a bulge-bracket bank: another spot opened up and theyre extending a summer internship offer to you. Or should I keep quiet until an offer is made? If they are able to handle the work at the same level as the other candidates / enjoy the experience, that is great. Just look back at your high school class - bunch of girls were better than you. If I get an offer from a BB SA S&T in NY of the same tier, should I renege? Id try to be diplomatic and not burn bridges if I were to renege the offer. With summer internships; and an aim to try and spin the experience to apply for IB graduate programs, would it be worth reneging on a commercial banking position for a private wealth management offer (both at large banks)? Trading and i-banking are very, very different, so if you really are more interested in investment banking as a long-term career, yes, its worth it to renege in this case especially since the prop trading firm probably has minimal contact with the bank. I felt wronged and I sent a demanding email to my contact asking him to keep his promise, citing the fact that I already accepted the offer. Would the guy that is in charge of the account I previously accepted an offer from actually be understanding of my situation and allow me to renege. I would still probably go with BNP, but if you really do not know what you want to do, yes, DCM could be better. What is your opinion? Whats your sense of reneging on an offer if this is more of a senior role (senior associate / VP) after verbal acceptance? Reached out to headhunters for lateral PE recruiting. The bank role is much more inline with what I want to do for sure but a friend of my grandparents within the company was really lobbying hard for me to get this role and claims that its easy to move around within the company. The end goal is to start IB FT and at the internship would not be too likely to result in a FT offer. Do you think it would upset the BB that much if I were to renege, even if its this far in advance? can be an art piece, stock, gold, a small business that you know, anything. I have two offers for junior year internships Wells Fargo Corporate Banking in Midwest and HSBC Liquidity/Cash Management in NYC. Yes you can tell the boutique you have another offer but I am not sure if they will be receptive to that (i.e. What if their costs don't fall? Also should I disclose that I have accepted an internship offer to the REPE firm early in the interview process or not? Also make sure the offer in NY is firm and that the firm is doing well enough to not withdraw the offer. Any thoughts on potential concerns and consequences? Then had 4 back-to-back, one-on-one interviews with associates and principals. Additionally, if you believe reneging is plausible for this situation, what do you believe is the best way to approach it? I got macro research but decided I want to do trading (I did no full rotations in trading, just shadowing and networking). Although youve mentioned not to renege on a full time offer for an internship, what would your advise be for a big4 FT offer for a BB front office summer internship? They would also point out that the upside when reneging is usually much less than you expect. Thanks. Thank you so much for any advice. Yes, its probably worth reneging in this case (but hard to say without knowing your age/experience/other facts). Sit omnis cum autem vitae soluta. Thank you for your reply! I just got a call from an elite boutique regarding the interview process for a FT job with them. What if when I emailed/phone the banker, they kept asking where I accepted else? When you get to a post-MBA role at a fund like Apollo, that difference will be magnified 10-fold. Would it be something along the lines of, A month ago, I had a three day exploding offer and I had to take the job out of necessity. Im a junior at a semi-target school. However, I recently just got the opportunity to go and interview with at a BB for an IBD position and have received an offer. I dont think it will even matter since theyll easily find out anyway. I quite enjoyed it. If thats the case, then yes, I would definitely recommend reneging if you win an offer at a European BB that offers a decent chance for a full-time return offer. Is it worth reneging in this situation? first, all of this is for summer internship and secondly OCR is not an issue. That is, in terms of the effects? I'll get 50 replies calling me sexist for this part, but the only girls at the top of my class were those who prioritized academics over everything, playing 1 sport if any, not going out on the weekends and litterally studying for 5 hours a day (you know the type). Does it matter if the top MM SA was won thru campus recruiting? Ab aspernatur explicabo est voluptas quam. I am in a bit of a sticky situation. Oh, and of course you wont be able to recruit again at the bank you reneged on. If you are willing to take this chance, do the above. Otherwise you run the risk of them finding out later on or in the background check. Of course, theres a chance word may get around to the other BB but you can still engage in conversation with them. There is a chance that the first firm will found out your offer with the second firm and let them know that you reneged their first offer. Even though I didnt write down specific names of people, both banks were furious. Welcome to private equity's annual recruitment, the frenzied window of interviews and fast-expiring job offers that firms use to fill their junior ranks. Would it still be ok to renege on the Big 4 because the positions are in different industries even though its only an internship? Thanks for the quick response! Use the phone rather than email email is just too impersonal and at least if you call, you may not completely burn your bridges. Get instant access to lessons taught by experienced private equity pros and bulge bracket investment bankers including financial statement modeling, DCF, M&A, LBO, Comps and Excel Modeling. For every financial institution/small investment firm that's willing to turn down their founder's son/daughter for internship, that's one step to that direction. Ive been reading your blog for 2 years and this is the first time I posted a question. The positions are completely unrelated to the Midwest internship. I ended up accepting my offer back but just got an offer from another bulge bracket guaranteeing me a coverage group. 1) on the day to day job, make socialization less about expensive sports that some demographics (incl. Im also worried about the bank pulling my offer before I start. We've got a lot of advice to share about hiring and careers in engineering and IT. I-banking has already been where my heart is. However if you really like that US BB and have already signed the offer, Im not sure why youd want to jeopardize that offer. You may be blacklisted. I don't think so, If the culture or hours of apollo scares away analysts there will be another 10-20 analysts from top groups that will be more than happy to take their place and smile while eating shit. Thanks ! But I have to imagine you create a very strange dynamic when you mix the 90% traditional Apollo Senior Associate / VP profile with someone who hasn't passed through any of that 'grind' per say, and put them at the same level. I also have an offer from THE social networking site in a non-finance department. Are my chances for a Summer Analyst role for next summer the same in both situations? I will think more about it. What if I have an exploding verbal offer but the bank has not provided any written offer or any detailed info regarding the offer (not even salary, housing, etc)? So you need to ask people at your school and anyone you know in the industry and see what common practice is where you live. If you really want to work for the BB, Id still suggest you to go on the superday and see how it goes. I would just keep it short and vague and not say anything about where youre going and be really sure you want to do this, because unless its a massive difference in size/brand recognition it may not be worth it. A few weeks went by and the boutique investment bank Ive been working with during the semester offered me an internship (in a front office role) for the summer. I dont think so. KKR and TPG have been taking 1-2 former MBB in recent years, but haven't seen this from many other MFs. OK, so youve already accepted the FT offer at the MM firm, and now youre interviewing at the BB firm for a FT role there? What if the the choice is between summer internships in Big 4 advisory or BB IB? Kristin is also General Counsel for Apollo Debt Solutions BDC, Apollo Investment Corporation, Apollo Senior Floating Rate Fund Inc. and Apollo Tactical Income Fund Inc. That one could go either way with either one youll have to do a lot of networking to get into IBD at a bulge bracket bank. Try working harder next time. An earlier poster suggested they have just gone down a bit in terms of pedigree -- i.e. I received an off-term internship offer (so not summer) through an alumnus whom I networked with at a BB. Id say the BBs name may help you in the long run. Are women at Apollo allowed to wear yoga pants to work? Here we will upload our favorites videos, feature our Wall Street Mentors, and explain some of the product. Id like to accept the offer from the hedge fund, but I feel like Im playing with fire, and that theres an opportunity that I could lose both offers. I am okay with delaying graduation and do another summer internship given the return rate is fine. If I dont tell BB that I signed with another firm, what are the chances that they find out later on and rescind my offer? I would renege on the Bulge Bracket that I interned at, but have a private equity offer at a middle market fund. Id really appreciate any advice. I think its reasonable to do that because the rankings of the banks have changed since this article was written. Why would they want to stay in touch with me? Assuming the UK office doesnt know, no I dont think its a big problem. Great site! What are your thoughts on this situation? Yes they may do a background check and theres a chance word may get around. I dont start until later in the summer, so I was considering also doing a relatively brief and informal internship at the local (suburban town) office of a top-5 wealth management group. Welcome to the Wall Street Oasis Youtube channel! At the minimum, call the recruiter at the firm youre reneging on and maybe speak briefly with other bankers you interviewed with there. What would be your take on moving from elite boutique to BB for full time after interning at that elite boutique for the summer? WSO and other sites bash UBS (which I still dont understand why. But it may or may not be a good move because capital markets deals tend to be more common in HK, and some of the banks you mentioned are strong in ECM/DCM. I recently got a full time offer from a big IB (not on the level of GS/MS/JPM but big enough and I liked it there a lot) after doing an internship. When the new bank that is offering the superday asks if youve gotten a return offer, should you just tell them youve signed or not? both front office same division, salary similar, you like both teams) I wouldnt renege. However, since youre talking a paid vs. unpaid role, and a MM vs. a small boutiques, Id say it may not be a bad idea to do so especially given financial reasons. The potential gain is not worth the risk. Mezzanine Fund Interview. No one seems to agree on how to deal with reneging on offers, so I dont think theres a clear answer. I have two summer internship offers in London. The on-cycle process is the one that begins for Analysts at bulge-bracket and elite-boutique banks in New York within a few months of their start date. Is there a clause re. Reneging = accepting offer in writing and then retracting your acceptance. I objectively listed the pros and cons of each position. what are your thoughts on this. Currently have 2 job offers for internship one at a BB Wealth management doing some data inputs for financial planning stuff, and another one at a specialized company doing market research. They pitch you some other stuff that's garbage (and they know it) or second rate with the caveat that you MAY or WILL get access or a real shot at it if you provide support to this other product and "commit to a relationship with the Firm. Would it be acceptable to go to a superday (all expenses paid) even though I have already verbally and will contractually accept the offer? In fact the work is more similar to the sales side of Sales and Trading albeit with Private Banking clients (and therefore lower deal flow). Im not sure I would do that because the chance of turning into an FT offer is highly variable and based on market conditions. So what about the legendary Blacklist that banks maintain to tell them who reneged on offers? Exploding offers are quite terrible, but even when you renege on one of those offers there is the potential for something bad to happen. I recently accepted and signed for an M&A internship with a specialist boutique investment Bank (very good name in their niche with strong deal flow/sizes). With the above being said, theres a risk that that firm may find out and call the other firm so just be prepared for this risk (not high but theres a chance that this may happen). Would reneging the BB offer hurt my chances of switching over (from the MM firm) to their front office a few years down the road? The offers arent that much different, and you could move from either firm to a larger bank later on. So maybe let the second bank know what youre doing first and then write a brief email to the first bank saying that you have decided to decline the offer because you won something in your desired location in NY. You could do that, but theres some potential for trouble since one of the roles is full-time. I dont think it makes a big difference if youre reneging on an IBAB (See: for a BB bank. I would ultimately like to either move to a larger PE (think TPG, KKR, Bain Capital) which would most likely require some form of BB IB Experience. Its just a risk youll have to take in exchange for the certainty of a FT position. This is for internships by the way not FT, Hi Brian, would you renege a internship BB FO (ER, S&t) offer for a BB IB offer? Thanks for visiting! Apologize profusely. It is less than a month away to the start date, would this make me look really bad and get blacklisted? (IBD generalist scheme). What suggestions do you have for me? However, if you really cant stand company A then maybe its worth the risk but you need to be very diplomatic and be prepared that word may get around (and you may risk your 2nd offer). Fast-forward to current time, I am rethinking my decision to start with a Big-4 firm (and accounting in general) as I believe consulting would give me a better start to what I would ultimately would like to do for a long term career. But now I got a buyside interview which is from my dream company. Vel aut qui et quas recusandae nemo. Talked to everyone on the team and also HR. Good post. You cant do much of anything now, I doubt the bank will do anything though since it was not another bank you reneged on. Hi Brian, Ive already signed full-time with an EB from my summer internship, but I recently got an interview with a good PE shop from an application I submitted a while ago. I am currently a final year student and will graduate in June 2018. Both are through OCR Are the repercussions for potentially losing access to FT OCR worth it? The reason why Im interviewing is because Ive received a FO non-IB role (Not S&T) but want to do IB. You want to do this as soon as possible rather than waiting until 2 weeks before you start, unless you really want to make enemies. Also, how should I tell the MM if I decide to renege? I have to add that it can be challenging to move from transaction banking into IB especially if you dont have the experience. yours is a great point and that is what I thought..but what really made me change my mind is that after making some phone calls I realized the BNP position is not about selling proper derivatives like options or swaps, but buy side products (e.g. There is no "talent drop". I would just go through the process with the Big 5 bank and renege if you get an offer, as the jump from a middle market bank to a Big 5 one would be significant. I never wanted to be in this position, but Im thinking about reneging a Big 4 firm for a MM IBD position. Is it worth it to attend the super day? Now i have been given a offer in IB from company B, this is where i want my career to be!! If it is a non-IB role or it is at a much smaller bank or different firm, you dont have that much to lose by reneging. This is my dilemma!! Hey Brian, I think I will most likely be reneging on a Corporate Banking Internship offer in SF/Chi/Houston for an IB Internship. Industrials in Chicago gives you broader opportunities. The only other time I could get an internship before I graduate would be for fall 2023 positions. Now they're reaping the 2 and 20 from 20 different funds in 10 different asset classes simultaneously all while growing their brand name even further allowing them to continue the cycle. You can do that, as long as you havent signed a contract its not the end of the world. One of their summers did BCG -> Onex -> GSB. That is a bigger problem than not having told the consulting firm about the other offer. Hi Brian I am trying to decide if I should renege on this situation: I have accepted and signed an offer from a well respected MM in NYC in their M&A group, but I kept recruiting and got an offer from JP Morgan in nyc in one if its coverage groups (a mid-tier coverage group that I did really feel that passionate about) The 2 positions are all full time positions, difference is that the M&A position is a first-year analyst position but the JPM one is a Junior analyst position (one year below 1st year and they convert you to 1st yr once 1 year passes, but I know this groups conversion rate is 100% for the past 2 years from a reliable source), so I am not sure now as to whether I should renege? It is probably worth it to renege in this case, assuming you wont be penalized by your school in some way. Yes you can proceed, just renege on the Big 4 offer if you get the IB one. Now, I just heard back from another company who made me an offer making 20K more than I make now, and with a higher title than I have now and in CRE keeping me in my home state. I dont think it will matter, at all. the offer from the BB is in natural resources and the MD is from Houston. I now have an offer for an internship at a BB firm, and also an offer for FT from a second tier bank (which is growing and doing quite well, and the people are very nice). My concern is that if the internship converts to FT I would prefer to stay on there itself, but that would involve reneging on the offer at the second tier bank. Apollo Impact Mission. Note for any other MF I'd probably say there is no stepdown but I'd think due to Apollo's culture they may not be able to compete for diversity candidates who are difficult to come by. They wouldnt necessarily disclose damaging information about you or otherwise try to make your other offer fall apart, but they wouldnt help your case much either. Ive accepted a valuation job offer with an accounting firm (not directly through my school but through alumni referral). 2005-2023 Wall Street Oasis. I really want to take this second company in my home state because not only is it CRE too, but I would not be starting all over with a bunch of recent graduates and I will be making more money as well. I accepted and signed an offer at a tier 2 bank. Guys at the top of my class were either absolute geniuses who could ace a calc or physics exam without spending a second in class or middle-of-the-road types who out in a little bit of effort into school but still mostly played sports and partied. Get instant access to lessons taught by experienced private equity pros and bulge bracket investment bankers including financial statement modeling, DCF, M&A, LBO, Comps and Excel Modeling. Also will the bank care that I had accepted a corp fin job before? Worst decision of my life. I have received offers from two firms (Firm A and Firm B), Firm A is for a Front Office role, however this offer is a SA position which runs from June Aug 2018. They are far worse for traditional PE/HF exit opportunities. Ive accepted a summer internship offer from an elite boutique (think PJT/Evercore/Lazard), but now I have an offer from a top hedge fund that Id like to accept (think Silver Point/Point 72/DE Shaw). While at the program, I interviewed with the Big-4 and recieved an full time offer I ended up accepting. So you really have the weigh the options. If youre VERY certain you want to do IB instead and want to stay in it or want exit opportunities that require it, then yes, it probably makes sense to renege. Are apollo interview wso worse for traditional PE/HF exit opportunities HR goes gossiping about an offer... Worth it to renege in this position, but have a private equity at. Access to FT OCR worth it them who reneged on in writing and then retracting acceptance... 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