This portrayal of Margaret closely resembles to that of Piper Laurie's in the 1976 adaptation. Her disorder was most likely a form of untreated schizophrenia that worsened as she aged and as a result of her untreated condition, Margaret lived a life of isolation and solitude. Chris was also the most beautiful and popular girl in school whose father was a very successful and wealthy lawyer. One of the best parts of the novel Carrie is Carrie's dramatic inner conflict about whether or not she should go to prom. She desperately wants to please her abusive, Bible-thumping mother, but even more badly, she just wants a normal life. More of Carrie's telekinetic abilities were demonstrated on that same day. Why? Margaret was very evil and abusive to her daughter, Carrie. She then bangs her head rapidly and eventually gets out. Scared, Carrie simply ran away from him. Margaret White is played by Julianne Moore in the 2013 adaptation. Sissy Spacek insisted that real blood should be spilled onto her, which the director. WebAn-mei's mother had returned home when her own mother, Popo, lay dying. This version of the character in general was more similar to the novel than Sissy Spacek's portrayal. When the cables writhed in the puddles of water, there was a violent flash, like lightning and everyone was screaming all at once as they were killed. As a result of this, rocks and hail fell on different parts of the White's house that day. As Carrie walked home barefoot, she left a path of destruction and death in her wake: she "flexed" her mind as hard as she could and made local gas mains at numerous corner stations explode, and let the broken pumps leak the spilled gasoline into the roads. Margaret insisted for Carrie to stay and they could burn their dress, because her classmates would laugh at her. If there's one thing this woman is Carrie then falls down the stairs and brutally hits the wall, leaving a bloodstain. Carrie, however, refused and, as her powers caused their windows to beat, was called a "witch" by a horrified Margaret. Carrie then peered into the windows and watched students' faces smashed up against the glass like fish in an aquarium, seeing this made her laugh. "POWER" and oh, what a word that was! Miss Desjardin, one of the few lucky survivors, resigns due to her guilt for not reaching out to Carrie, for not preventing what happened on prom night and secretly for having approved the evil prank in the end, even stating that she would rather commit suicide than teach again. Winter 1979 Carrie (1976) However, after seeing Tommy die, she runs back to him and mourns his death. As Carrie walked home, destroying the town of Chamberlain in her path, Margaret met her tragic end when Carrie used her hidden telekinetic powers to kill her mother. In all continuities, Margaret finally went off the deep end and tried to murder Carrie when she returned from the Senior Prom after killing her peers as revenge for a cruel prank involving pig's blood. She then dropped them upon the wet ground below. Sexuality A few days later at school, when the incident had died down, Carrie was unexpectedly approached by Tommy Ross, who asked her to go to the Senior Prom with him. 1979 Carrie's extremely powerful telekinetic abilities initiated a highly destructive rampage, causing much worse disasters in downtown Chamberlain than at the high school. Once, Tommy had even been approached by the Boston Red Sox team, who wanted to recruit him after he graduated. Her clothes and her hair were very witch-like and she had a very religious background. When the four sit at their table, Carrie is surprised to see her and Tommy's names on the ballot. She last wrote to her mother on August 19th, 1962 and later, became pregnant on December of 1962, though she was convinced that she was afflicted with "cancer of the womanly parts". Carrie revealed she was asked to the prom by Tommy, and her suspicions that "they" were planning to humiliate her once again. Eventually, she comes across Chris and Billy who attempt to kill her by running her over, but she uses her power to stop the car and in the process kills Billy, then sends the car flying into the gas station, killing Chris in the process. Kevin sighs that home just feels like another stop in his travels to Philadelphia, New York, Boston, and Maine. With the water from the firehose, Carrie knocked Norma down and electrified Mr. Fromm and the principal. In her bedroom, Carrie angrily caused her mirror to shatter, and managed to rebuilt it before her mother could come in. While a male bystander is walking nearby, he carelessly drops his lighted cigarette on the ground, not realizing the streets are covered in gas. DeceasedAlive (2002 TV movie only) Her death then causes Carrie to destroy the house with both of them in it before killing herself on the way. But they never found any other church in the area that was up to their traditional standards, so they held worship at home instead. The survivors got out just in time before being electrocuted and burned to death with everyone else still inside. She strips off her bloody clothes and takes a bath, washing off the blood. On the eve of her departure, she told An-mei a story from her childhood, when she was a little girl about An-mei's age. In the original story, instead of dying by being crucified by kitchen utensils, Carrie slowly stopped her heart, giving Margaret a heart attack. Carrie was also uncoordinated in her movements and once fell flat on her face during dance class in sophomore year and chipped a tooth. The car exploded, killing both Chris and Billy instantly and also destroying the building, starting yet another major fire that burned all through the parking lot. Countless of bystanders were killed in the streets and electrocuted by the wires of the fallen power lines as they evacuated from their burning homes. She then burns the lock, so Margaret can't escape and disturb the evening. Principal Henry Grayle also resigns for not preventing morewhat happened. Before she could reach her, Carrie looked at Miss Desjardin's direction and she flew backward as if she was being pushed by an unseen force. However, she also entered a comatose state because of the murder attempt of her mother on her. Angered, Carrie caused his ashtray to fall down and be knocked out by Carrie, after the principal kept calling her "Cassie". At Prom night, Margaret approached Carrie, stating that she knew Carrie would wear "red", while her dress was actually pink. And because of it, the citizens have come to literally hate Carrie, even in death. When she gets the call, that Carrie had her period, she slaps Carrie at home and drags her into the closet, where she has to pray because of she is guilty of Eve's Disobedience (women are punished by God for Eve eating from the forbidden tree and then encouraging Adam to do so). Carrie (2002) Movie info Still, Margaret's death continues to haunt Carrie afterwards during her journey to Florida with Sue. Angry by her mother's actions, Carrie decided it was time to teach her mother a lesson too. Finished, Carrie thanked her mother and went upstairs. He also was the boyfriend of Sue Snell, who was one of the popular girls and a bully of Carrie. Carrie was, however, mocked by Chris Hargensen, Norma Watson and Sue Snell as they threw tampons all over her, ignoring her desperation. class, Carrie gets confronted by her classmates and gets her first period. And as a result, Carrie has become somewhat of an "urban legend" even though the telekinesis part of the story is not taken too seriously, and looked at as a "suicide-revenge" type thing. Margaret and Carrie did not see each other again until much later in the evening, when Carrie returned home, dripping with pigs blood from head to toe, Margaret had finally lost her sanity and managed to hide the knife under her dress. She then screams smilingly in pain and then Carrie crucifies Margaret, so that she won't recover from her attack and continue to try to kill her. Just as planned, Carrie and Tommy were announced as the winners. Margaret then tells Carrie after the Prom massacre at home, that she was raped by Ralph, gains her trust and then stabs Carrie in the back. Later that day, after Margaret found out about the incident from the school, she cruelly punished Carrie by beating her with a Bible, forced her on her knees with her to pray and locked her in the closet against her will for hours to ask God for "forgiveness" for having committed "the original sin" of becoming a woman due to showering naked with the other girls at school, which Margaret forbade. At only a few months of age, Carrie's powers already began to manifest, as she cradled her bottle above her crib using only her mind. Carrie explained that she was actually born gifted with telekinesis. Carrie found that Sue was innocent and never really felt any personal hatred towards her. At home, Carrie's life was just as awful. Family information In the aftermath of this version, Carrie did not die, because Sue later came to her place and managed to revive her by performing CPR. Both scenes were cut. It also shows that Carrie was not consciously aware of what she was doing, because the prank and the subsequent laughter had put her in a temporary, catatonic state of mind where her inner rage took over and unleashed her secret powers which led to the subconscious activation of her prom rampage and the tragic destruction of the town. Later that night, Tommy picked up Carrie for the Prom as he promised, while Margaret stayed by herself and prayed silently in another room. Tragically, making a direct and detail-perfect novel-to-film adaptation of anything is impossible.Something will always be left out. A girl named Rhonda Simard busted out in a crazed puppet dance when she accidentally stepped on one of the cables, causing her Prom gown to catch fire and burst into flames, setting her entirely ablaze. Margaret was very evil and abusive to her daughter, Carrie. She is the mother of Carrie White and a Christian fanatic. While Carrie is at prom Margaret slams her arm out of the crack. Carrie rushes to her closet, carrying her mother and stayed there as the house came down, dying. 1932 Several weeks later, Carrie visits her grave for the first and last time before leaving town with Sue. She locks her in the closet and orders her to pray for "forgiveness" when she learns about the shower incident, because she said it was a "curse" for Eve's disobedience offering Adam the fruit and creating the original sin. Originally Published: Feb. 8, 2018. to protect Carrie from things that she believes would be far worse The novel closes with a letter written by a hillbilly woman in Tennessee whose baby daughter is developing incredibly strong advanced telekinetic abilities as well. Margaret then tried to hit Carrie again, but Carrie used her hidden telekinetic powers to stop her mother's hand in mid-air. Carrie makes the knife fly off the desk onto the ground, without her mother noticing. However, one night in December of 1963, Ralph tried to seduce Margaret and she kicked him out of the house. After that it was buried. When Carrie left the campus to return to her home, she made sure no one could put out her fire or tame her flames as she opened all the fire hydrants near the area to prevent the fire trucks from helping or saving anyone stuck inside. When Carrie tells Margaret, that she's been asked to the prom, she says no. Tommy invited Carrie for a dance, which she initially declined. Carrie attempts to walk off the stage. She then went into a church to pray, while at the same time, objects from the church such as pews, hymnals, and a communion set were thrown. Carrie sews her own dress and buys makeup, and on prom night, her mother tries to convince her that it is a trick and threatens to tell Tommy the truth. Margaret also disliked her mother, Judith and her new husband, Harold Allison, because Margaret believed that both were living in sin. As Norma, Freddy, and Kenny Garson left, Carrie forced the door they opened, suffocating Freddy and Kenny as Norma screamed for help. Once the hot sparks from the cables caught onto the Prom's backdrop mural, causing it to completely catch fire, the hot flames quickly spread throughout the entire gym. We also recognize that the town of Chamberlain has changed because of Carrie's rampage. A lush dog fur collar was thrown over Carrie's shoulders and Tommy was given a scepter wrapped in aluminum foil. Suddenly, one of the band musicians on stage was severely electrocuted by the large amp that had gotten soaked from the water. Throughout much of the movie, there were segments where different characters gave their accounts of the Ewen High prom night incident. Chris alsofilms Carrie with her phone while the other girls throw tampons and sanitary napkins at Carrie. She was killed by her mother who immediately got killed by a heart attack via Carrie's telekinesis and brought back to life by her best friend Sue Snell in the second adaptation (2002) and it is hinted that she lives in the 2013 adaptation as well when cracks appear on her gravestone in the closing sequence. After Popo died, An-mei's mother prepared to leave. "She literally spent her life caring after Carrie," Todd Fisher (Carrie's brother) told Good Morning America. Carrie (2002) In the original version there was a sense of self-hatred, but in the latest version that self-hatred is magnified. At the gym, Carrie was well received by Frieda Jason, who complimented her dress, while Norma and Freddy DeLois mocked her and the others noticed how different she looked. In preparation for her role, Sissy Spacek isolated herself from the rest of the ensemble, decorated her dressing room with heavy religious iconography and studied Gustave Dor's illustrated Bible. Carrie Underwood has finally revealed the details of the nasty fall that caused her to need 40 stitches in her face and left her with a broken wrist. She uses her powers to push Ms. Desjardin away, shocking and scaring George and Erika. Carrie is also the granddaughter of John and Judith Brigham, the step-granddaughter of Harold Allison and the great-granddaughter of Sadie Cochran. Tommy visited Carrie, once again insisting in taking her to the ball. Not only is the movie gory and vulgar, it also contains a sex scene. This woman died because her master beat her child out of her. Her mother, Popo, told her that she could no longer be a child. She clumsily attempted to flee the blood-splattered thrones while struggling to keep her balance. It is not an official remake of Brian De Palma's 1976 horror movie. by Carolyn Steber. The new Bates High School is now instead in another part of thetown that has grown since Carrie's demise and there Rachel Lang, Carries half-sister, who is also a telekinetic, is an attending student along with her best friend who commits suicide after a cruel and degrading sexual prank is played on her. The two were married on March 23rd, 1962, but on April 3rd, Margaret fell down the stairs and suffered a miscarriage. Whether it was her really miscarrying Tommy's baby or just a period caused by a side-effect from Sue's and Carrie's brief telepathic connection is unknown. Carrie then questioned why she was there, and was told that it was because she liked his poem. Behind closed doors, Carrie was beaten by her mother into submission on a daily basis and regularly slapped Carrie in the face and grabbed, dragged, violently shoved and locked into a "prayer" closet by her mother. As a result, Carrie's mind lost sight of the gymnasium doors for a second and some of the Prom goers almost got out. However, little did Carrie or anyone else know was that she was walking into a vile prank initiated by another girl in her class, Chris Hargensen, the main leader of Carrie's tormentors who ruthlessly bullied her, as well as all her life. In one iteration of her story, Carrie died as a result of her injuries. But Carries hurt pretty badly herself. When Carrie hopped off the stage's platform, Miss Desjardin came rushing towards her with a lying compassion. Carrie's body was taken in for examination because of what happened. For the shower scene, Sissy Spacek was told to react to the blood as if she was "hit by a truck". Later, when Carrie announces that she has been asked to the prom, Margaret throws tea at her head in an attempt to dissuade her. In her early years, Margaret's father, John Brigham was killed in a brutal gun battle and several years later she opened a fundamentalist church group. Heterosexual by Carolyn Steber. At school, Carrie was made fun of by her peers and classmates into submission on a daily basis. Patricia Clarkson as Carrie's mother Margaret White in Carrie (2002 remake). She had even tried to take part in the other camp's activities, but the jokes never stopped playing on "old praying, fart face Carrie", until she had come home on the bus a week early, her eyes, red and socket from weeping. Carrie then telekinetically flies away from her, but she doesn't stop. The knife/dagger caused Carrie's death because of Carrie's blood loss and Carrie's body shut Now there are instanceswhere Carrie's special abilities manifested all by itself without her even trying. When Carrie received the ballots for King and Queen, she noticed that they were there as candidates. The welcome turned out to be temporary anyhow. As with everything else, Carrie was viciously teased and mercilessly bullied by the other girls in her P.E. Angela Bettis was the actress who portrayed Carrie in 2002. But when the crowd began to sing the school song as tradition, this was the cue for an unseen Chris to pull a rope cord that caused the two buckets above to tip over and drench Carrie and Tommy with the rotting pig's blood while they sat on the thrones for the King and Queen. Carrie arrived home and found the rooms filled with lighted candles and, washing the blood away, burst in tears. Later Carrie was constantly picked on and mistreated by her classmates because of her differences. Margaret then tormented, slapped, pushed, pulled and threw Carrie into the closet and Carrie became vulgar with her mother. They also learned from this telepathythat it was Carrie White causing the destruction, regardless of if they knew or not who Carrie even was. In sports, Carrie was always missing the ball, even in kickball or clumsily running into the net during volleyball. Carrie did this in self-defense for stabbing her with a butcher knife, hitting an artery. Status An autopsy is performed on Carrie's body. However, Carrie felt the car approaching and wrestled the oncoming vehicle with her telekinesis and violently slammed it full force into the roadhouse. Carrie, with the butcher knife still stuck deep in her shoulder to the hilt, wandered aimlessly until she approached The Cavalier roadhouse, where her father drunk himself into a stupor before raping Margaret. Although she originally got skeptical at first and went against the idea, Carrie's hesitation was quickly forgotten and she subsequently accepted Tommy's invitation because she just couldn't resist the offer at the chance to finally experience being treated as if she fit in, even if it was only for just one night. This indicates that Carrie has survived. Margaret is seen glaring behind the bushes, when she sees Carrie going with Tommy in a limo. Her mother tells her of the night she was raped and therefore conceived her. While many people have narcissistic traits, only a few are true narcissists. A seamstress, Carrie made herself a dress for the night. Her husband died on February of 1963 and she gave birth to her daughter, Carrie, alone in her house on September 21st, 1963. Margaret White was portrayed by Piper Laurie. They rushed to the exits and tried to bang on the doors, hammering them, pounding on them to open them, but Carrie's powers were far too strong, they were trapped! Her death causes Carrie to destroy the house with her and her mother in it dying on the way. She looks at Carrie, when she is cutting, sewing and making her prom dress, but quickly looks away when Carrie glances back at her. Not only is the movie gory and vulgar, it also contains a sex scene. Carrie killed 73 people at the night of the Prom. Carrie returned the attack by using her powers to slow her mother's heart to a crawl. When Fisher died at age 60, her mother and brother were left to plan her funeral, and during the preparations, Reynolds passed away from a stroke, some believe to have been caused by grief. Carrie (2013) Margaret invited Carrie into one last prayer, and as the girl recited the Lord's prayer, comforted in her arms, Margaret stabbed her in the back. When Carrie is asked to go to the prom, she tells her not to go, as though it was the end of the world, which forced Carrie to throw her on the bed. Carrie was dragged inside their narrow closet where she was locked in and forced to pray, which she did, after all. (We probably didnt need to hear Ron Rifkin give a speech on daddy issues, but this was a backstory we could get behind Margaret, thinking that Carrie was possessed by the Devil himself, carefully took out Ralph's old kitchen butcher knife from the folds of her dress so Carrie couldn't see. 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