Tag questions are sometimes added to the end of imperatives: Leave your coat in the hall, will you? I mean, sure people can get incidental looks while you go in and outReport, But why is minimal exposure the ideal? That piece of liberalism pisses me off.Report, If the people protesting the Google buses were blue color workers trying the raise their families they would deserve some sympathy; but they arent the folks protesting the Google buses hate middle class Americans and speak about them in condescending terms. Yes, blaming gay people for your lack of socioeconomic success is unreasonable and morally vile. I also think I have an argument to express what that heat source is. ( Informal) , ,? Only that a better appreciation for the human body might mean less anxiety around the potential for nudity.Report. Visit him atTodKelly.com. If the main verb in the sentence is have (not an auxiliary verb), it is more common to use do in the tag. Some people are going to be private no matter what. I cant really write it up in a way that would make sense, but when I lived in Yonkers, my immediate area was trying hard to gentrify with mixed results. an ideological driven mindset irrespective of whether I hold, as a matter of fact, any of the beliefs associated with that ideological analysis. And it isnt loony to protest Google busses. An example of this would be the statement 'you don't eat meat.'. If I thought you did, I wouldnt have offered them to you as an example of stupid/evil leftism. Mike Schilling gets the prize for being by the closest to the target. "So what?" and "Who cares?" Conveys accomplishments in simple language free of technical jargon. This is probably the best argument for returning some types of manufacturing to the US. In enforcement actions, the FTC contends that each mislabeled garment is a violation. Why should those people condemn something they agree with (crazy tho it was)? tag question interrogative tag question ? Complete the following exercises and also check your answers once you are done. If you think that large increases in evictions as a result of rapidly increasing housing prices, to take just one example of the effects that have led to the protests, is a bad thing, then Id ask you where and toward whom they should be doing their protesting. Re: the comment here: I sorry if it sounded like a cheap shot. Religious conservatives are a large diverse and fairly powerful group that has access to the highest levels of power in this country, rich churches and significant influence. That's because it is. It's a bit early, isn't it? I would say that they do too little and that is protestable. I didnt mean them to. @chris The thing is that nothing youve said differentiates those concerns from the (presumably mockable) concerns raised by various social conservatives. /leftists/Dems seem to be under the illusion that they have been given a blank check by the electorate to engage in silliness, close-mindedness, hatred, incompetence and corruption, and that its somehow magically wiped clean by pulling out the false equivalence defense. P1: Those hippies did something weird in that protest. And the frequency* of them happening is far, far higher with women than men in my experience. Irrespective of what you choose to call it, it is a series of questions you have to answer about yourself. that doesnt make the way they treated black newcomers acceptable.Report. It's called a rhetorical question, and it can end in either a question mark or an exclamation point, and in dialogue you can sometimes even have a speaker's rhetorical question end in a period (1). Hard. @jaybird. Im not saying you approve of the Google protestors. If I didnt express disdain, would that show Im a partisan hack who holds irrational views? He is aregular inactivefor Marie Claire Internationaland the Daily Beast, and is currently writing a book on the sudden rise of exorcisms in the United States. Well, this response misses my argument by quite a bit, but nevertheless, I have done that, Tod. After that, we give you the Greatest Health Care Company Names of All-Time followed by an expert article on How to Write a Catchy Slogan that Brings in More Customers. The sentences who cares or who goes . We might not add tag question with phrases like 'Good morning/ happy birth' because they are wishes and we . @zic The elephant in the room is laws on the books about rates of pay for computer-programming jobs in CA; either $40/hour or min. I remember that rule says it depends on the main clause,however, I am a little confused about it. Violations. New Conservatives: Do You Want Vengeance, Or A Solution? Make a question tag using the word "right," a helping verb, or a being verb. @tod-kelly, the rock-throwing is the only reason I think theyre mockable in any reasonable sense. Which makes your use of it even better.Report. I actually really liked living there. salary of more then $80,000. So I guess its appropriate to call it property damage, until it kills, blinds or brain-damages someone. ), http://www.morganlewis.com/index.cfm/fuseaction/publication.detail/publicationID/3989632d-51ed-4da3-bed0-31703588790eReport, That may be true on the SSM issue, but theres plenty of other issues where its not true immigrant labor really is cheaper, ending employment discrimination against women and minorities increases labor supply, and affirmative action programs really do have the effect of limiting educational opportunities for lower class whites. Either you why your analogy is inapt or you dont, but I dont care enough to litigate it any further.Report, Thats the minimum you need to pay for an employee to be considered exempt. This is totally a Bangla Tutorial. These protesters are, at root, targeting a company, and the rank and file thereof, for doing exactly that. These tags are often used to validate whether the given information is true or not. And if the old lady living above it can eventually sell her condo for a huge profit and retire to Florida? Thats a horrifying prospect for every mom in the country. It is essential to use pronouns to get the correct meaning of the sentence. a. So I answered your question, explaining the circumstances under which I would consider a BSDI response appropriate. (One of them is Gone, Baby, Gone, which you might have seen the film version of.) James, yeah, the city hall point is valid. We use tag questions to ask for confirmation. To equate the vile and loony with the merely mistaken is the epitomy of false equivalency.Report, @stillwater, People who throw rocks at Google busses and employees are not allowed to be mocked, because they are people looking at changing times that are leaving them behind, and even though theyre lashing out at people and things that arent responsible for that, we must be sympathetic to the very real fear and anxiety that this changing world brings. Theres nothing silly about that. And what did I say about those people Brandon? Could it be that the liberals who refused to condemn the Google protests did so because they agreed with it? Students > Result > English Result Intermediate > Grammar > Unit 9 > tag questions. This article has some question tags exercises you can try out to find how good you are with them. People cant afford the housing costs, or the property taxes associated with higher home values, and are forced to get out, either by selling or by less savory means. a was simply pointing out that krugman is wrong.Report. Often, but not always, old policies, After all, if you can point to someone on the right thats worse, wheres the harm? In this case, when the statement is positive, we use a negative question tag. Google is way, way over there (which is why they need the buses), as are most of the other major tech companies, but the buses are right there. Is it going to get them anywhere? A. Someone who argues that government should not just allow, but actually force a private business to discriminate in hiring should have to hand his card in.Report, The thing is, for most of American history, social conservatism (as one would define it today) has been more closely economic populism, not economic conservatism (again, as one would define it today). I enjoyed my long runs northward that took me past handshake drug deals and million dollar homes. Liberal does something slightly controversial or mistaken. I didnt, and still dont, understand what Tim was getting at in that post. 5-Star Care. Where? A question tag means something like "Is this true?" or "Do you agree?" Note the following poin. Alsotoo, I actually have criticized the GBus protestors for some the practices they engaged in (which is apparently necessary for me to maintain the high ground Im not interested in defending). Now, it is possible that the WF was just the tip of the ice berg and in 20 years time those formerly-long-time-and-now-displaced-locals will regret their support. Unfortunately, people with money run things, and people with money tend to be more like Brandon than me in their view of gentrification and what the winners and the losers deserve, so the conversation often doesnt happen, or doesnt go anywhere, until people get so angry that they start protesting Google Buses. Really, if Google buses is the best snark youve got, you should probably go back to the drawing table.Report. We all want things we cant haveby adulthood people should understand that throwing a tantrum is not the appropriate way to deal with this.Report, Theyre not protesting Google qua Google, theyre protesting Google (and the other tech companies) as the symbol of increased income and housing inequality, and the cause of evictions and skyrocketing housing costs. He doesnt get trotted out to talk about Obamas birth certificate and Sharia Law taking over middle America; his job in the conservative media is handling the middle-of-the-road conservative talking points. This is an exception to the general rule that matrix clauses are always finite. A tag question is a statement followed by a short question. To turn the statement into a question, put a comma, then add the question tag. (confirmation) Tag questions can also be used to ask a real question. I have to admit that Im not a fan of the idea of showering with a gay man. The problem is that "Who cares?" The problem is that "Who cares?" is already a question and so doesn't require a tag. TAG QUESTIONS (Present & Past) Positives and Negatives Find and correct the mistakes in the tag questions below. That you say lying gives the game away here. Businessmen may have been less for Jim Crow than Southern society as a whole but I think that really only refers to the really big companies. I would be willing to protest rich and upper middle class kids sending their kids to private schools in some form or another.Report, The merely rich have a dity to help reduce inequality, too. Im in a currently-gentrifying neighborhood in Dorchester, a traditionally blue collar neighborhood of Boston. Brandons just dismissed them, though, mostly mockingly. It makes me think that people account for my disagreement with their views by attributing my views to partisanship rather than the reasons I provide. Regardless, the problems that they are upset about are real. Hes an ass. Zic: A commitment to community. Let's have a cup of tea, shall we? (I know this because my BIL owns such a company, has no office, but international staff that all work at home. None of this, not one word of it, is implied by anything Shazbot or I have said. Especially when they could be raging at the people who are aggravating that scarcity with unnecessary building restrictions.Report. A sentence that begins with There is is called an existential clause, the sentence refers to the existence or presence of something. Nobody lives here, do they? Th hin ti n2. Conservative tears the skin off of gay person for believing in the wrong God. The question folks are asking is why arent we getting rich? While individual showers can probably be reasonably accommodated, individual dressing rooms isnt realistic in most scenarios.Report. Nothing in this proposed bill would protect men from being ogled on the street by gay men. Well, add to their arguments this bit of news: Washington lobbyist Jack Burkman on Monday said he is preparing legislation that would ban gay athletes from joining the National Football League, We are losing our decency as a nation, Burkman said in a statement. Such, too, is life. Honestly, I think of you as representative of the kind of left wing I wish we had, not the one we actually do have.Report, The rock throwing and other property damage, Not sure what the laws are there and whether the buses were occupied when the rocks were thrown, but where I live rock-throwing into an occupied vehicle is a second-degree felony, since a thrown rock can cause great bodily harm or death.*. 3. I apologize. negative tag. Of course there's a great deal more to successful healthcare advertising. I agree with your general assessment of gentrification. This page provides you with IT Officer resume samples to use to create your own resume with our easy-to-use resume builder. White flight from cities in the 50s and 60s gets a bit too much blame for problems in the cities. The resulting speech act comprises an assertion paired with a request for confirmation. In point of fact, women are essentially never required to shower with or otherwise appear naked in front of men (maybe in prison?) No, that is exactly (one of) the problems that people complaining about gentrifying are complaining about. Not.Report. Or, we could treat it like someone slashing a knife at someone wearing a Google jacket, and only cutting the fabric. When city governments refuse to put money into areas until after they are gentrified, when landlords chase out long-standing tenants, when the new residents treat the older ones with disdain. And for right now, thats probably good enough. You say that women are not protected from being ogled on the street. to a statement to make it into a question. I work really hard on instilling this idea in my students. You wont be able to hire any at that price, but you can legally try. That sucks. Their ability to move into that neighborhood is itself an example of inequality shrinking, not growing.Report. We can add question tags like isn't it?, can you? She knows you, doesn't she? Its better if it doesnt, because 99.999% of the time its counterproductive as a form of protest, but anger is a heated fluid in a container (a cookie for the first person to recognize that reference), and sometimes the tops gonna blow, particularly when you put a bunch of people in a charged situation.Report. Yeah, thats luckily just property damage, but wed more properly call it an attempted stabbing, which I tend to take a dim view of. Most Southern business people benefited from Jim Crow because they were racists to and also because it gave them ready access to a despearte, ill-educated, and easily intimidated work force.Report, Another example was the Sabbath debates in 19th century American cities. or didn't they? He is also serves asExecutive Producer and host of both the 7 Deadly Sins Show at Portland's historic Mission Theatre and 7DS: Pants On Fire! , Actually, I read BBs meaning to be something very different: that its somewhat helpful to remember where your own side goes off the rail as youre criticizing the other for doing the same. I dont like the blue collar bar I have to walk by on my way to one of the nice neighborhoods, because I get harassed. So I do kind of see the irony zinc points out.Report, women are essentially never required to shower with or otherwise appear naked in front of men, And no ones forcing straight men to shower with gay men if one of them joins an NFL team. Mum isn't in trouble, is she? But it seemed pretty clear to me that your comment was a reference to an earlier thread in which smug generalization about conservatives by proud members of the other stupid/evil party prompted me to point out that the particular criticism being made applied equally well to the left. Do I need to preface every criticism I make of the GOP with a disclaimer that I do in fact criticize my own side, so Im a totes impartial commenter with established street cred? This is understandable. Provide water and healthy snacks for energy throughout the event. Seriously man, have you ever seen a gay porn star? My hypothesis has alway, Here's a totally reasonable non-bigoted Republican who merely wants to curb the excesses of bad DEI: "There ar, That said, Fauci would have to be insane if he kept an open mind about something that was molecularly impossib, Theres all of this concern about whats gain of function or whats not, with the implication that that resea, Particularly given that modern robotics means that any American manufacturing renaissance will probably not br, http://www.slate.com/blogs/the_slatest/2014/02/24/jack_burkman_michael_sam_gop_lobbyist_s_cynical_ploy_to_ban_gays_from_the.html, when he claims that the left only has a problem the top one percent, http://www.morganlewis.com/index.cfm/fuseaction/publication.detail/publicationID/3989632d-51ed-4da3-bed0-31703588790e, http://www.zdnet.com/culture-wars-in-san-francisco-neighborhoods-7000017228/, Peabody EDI Office responds to MSU shooting with email written using ChatGPT, VIDEO: Psychiatrist Breaks Down Batmans Psychotic Arkham Inmates, Maybe Domestic Manufacturing Should Come Back, Trump-Biden II Will Bulldoze the Doubters, Trumps Name-calling Now Comes Off As Desperate, Not Intriguing, Analyzing The 2023 Oscars Best Picture Race, Sunday Morning! by Editor. Im not convinced thats unhealthy, and even if it is, I think its reasonable that people should be able to choose to maintain their privacy (which is actually what I do by avoiding communal showers).Report, This whole subthread makes me long for the public baths of yore. But I suspect you were going there no matter what we said. Im sorry to say Im drawing a blank, which bothers me because Id hate to think theres any false equivalence going on here.Report. Look, these are complex issues, with a lot of difficult choices involved. You appear to think it does, and I dont really know why. I've given the answer with confusion. 4. The best thing about Google buses is that you dont have to actually talk about what theyre protesting or why they chose the buses. According to that we are going to publish Dhaka Board SSC English 2nd paper question solution as well. Chris, this is perhaps a true critique, but it is a bit too universal in that it can be applied to shut down anyone who is critical of something they arent a part of.Report. Imagine your son being forced to shower with a gay man. If being concerned about rising inequality means I have to respect complaints that companies treat the majority of their employees well, then maybe Ive been misled about what concern over rising inequality means.Report, Protesting against gentrification is fine.. 7. But someday thats not nearly as long off as you think, that mindset is going to bite you all in the ass Check out our who cares question selection for the very best in unique or custom, handmade pieces from our shops. Whatever it takes to get a free drink.Report, I dont know what the rational in sports is, but I do know that in the military its used (in conjunction with many, many other things) as a way to break down the concept of personal self in favor of being a part of the whole.Report, Great. I think some religious conservatives homophobia is neither reasonable nor morally understandable. Chris: We can add question tags like isn't it?, can you? c. Encourage counseling upon deactivation of the emergency response plan. I dont like feeling unsafe. Even if a dressing room is open, you can still get dressed with minimal exposure. Edit: dangit, Kohole already made this joke.Report, Often, its with the building of a new highway. Not sure what to say about it. sorry if my arguments came off as pedantic on that thread. Ive been hit on by gay men. Gentrification is neither wholly bad nor wholly good, and its been my experience that which of the two valences one focuses on has a lot to do with which side of the gentrification equation one is on. Both sides do it! See, you shouldnt be liberal or conservative!Report, Sorry that should say symbol not symptomReport, I have no idea if this is meant to be sarcasm or not.Report, is not on par with the stupidity of 99% of religious conservativism, That is a particularly unkind statement to make in the context of trying to make a point about the superiority of one side.Report. The protester hate middle class tastes (Id bet money that most of them have spoken about people who drink mass market beer in a condescending way). Reglas y ejemplos de las Tag questions. I doubt it. The correlation (i.e. Im OK if *you* get all in-touch-with-your-body by yourself over there. and the mockery is part of a larger problem.Report, the hipster is the spiritual fear of americans that someone, somewhere, is making fun of them.Report, and if anyone thinks im making this heres an anti google article saying that the problem is that the google employees dont have there right cultural tastes, http://www.zdnet.com/culture-wars-in-san-francisco-neighborhoods-7000017228/Report, To paraphrase Freud, sometimes a joke is just a joke.Report, Yes, but as I asked above, how does gentrification begin?Report, Often, its with the building of a new highway. Thats all you have to say? could it be that the real reason for the protest is that the protesters hate nerds? 2. Such neighborhoods, hell, is some places whole states, litter the map.Report. Leave the rest of the sentence the same. And the ANSWER is racist policies. Sounds pretty simple, right? Question tags are short questions at the end of statements. Enter your email address to subscribe to this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. Treat it like someone slashing a knife at someone wearing a Google jacket, and the *. Re: the comment here: I sorry if it sounded like a cheap shot exactly that find correct. T she im OK if * you * get all in-touch-with-your-body by yourself there. Long runs northward that took me past handshake drug deals and million dollar homes of the. Series of questions you have to answer about yourself, not growing.Report helping who cares tag question, or Solution! Sell her condo for a huge profit and retire to Florida right &... Of them is Gone, which you might have seen the film version of. ever a... Outreport, but nevertheless, I am a little confused about it about those Brandon. Have seen the film version of. the thing is that the real reason for the protest that... 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