She then investigated energy spikes that took The Doctor and merged her holo-novel and the Beowulf holo-novel. As of 2016, Amanda Tapping still lives with her husband, Typhuss James Halliwell, in Vancouver, British Columbia. (TNG episode: "Night Terrors"; Star Trek: Intrepid). In 2399, Typhuss helped his enemy Miranda Tate to reform so she wasn't a professional thief, cat burglar or a criminal. In 2387, after marrying Typhuss she took his last name and became Talia al Ghul-Halliwell. Upon graduation in 2354, the two were assigned to duty aboard Starbase 32. After bonding over their concern for the welfare of the creature, they refused to be beamed up by USS Voyager until they were sure the creature was safe. After his dishonorable exit, Tom explained that he went out looking for a fight and found it in the Maquis. Because the Nehret is only contagious to Klingons, she and the baby became infected. Captain Walker relayed the orders to his ship and departed DS9 and entered the wormhole officially starting its first mission into the Gamma Quadrant. In 2354, Typhuss James Halliwell joined Starfleet Intelligence. The five surviving Equinox crew members, Marla Gilmore, Noah Lessing, James Morrow, Angelo Tassoni, and Brian Sofin, were stripped of rank and ordered to serve as crewmen on Voyager, with extensive supervision and limited privileges. After providing medical care for a sick infant, the away team were able to convince the inhabitants that no harm had been intended, but his crewmate, Joe Carey, was killed. Typhuss was subjected to an accelerated course of SFMC training in a holographic environmental simulator program called "The Crucible." Five months later, Typhuss and Team Arrow came into conflict with Adrian Chase, aka Prometheus, a serial killer wanting to avenge his father, Justin Claybourne and destroy Oliver's life. In 2355, the Zeus was involved in a truce offering by the Federation in the Beloti sector. The first hit took out the warp drive and reduced main power to 38%. The three men suffered horribly in the prison and the stress of prison and the neural implants did take its toll on the three of them: when Paris once, suffering from delirium, dismantled a tool Kim was going to use for an escape attempt, Kim and Halliwell, enraged at what Paris had done, lost control and almost killed him. For 37 years Typhuss has kept a secret from Magnus, he is in love with her. After rescuing the away team and repairing the damage to the planet's atmosphere, Voyager took the probe's remains into its cargo bay and resumed a course for the Alpha Quadrant. When Kira had been infected with the quickening, Typhuss called Bashir for his help to save Kira's baby. The Voyager officers returned to Voyager, Captain Kira ordered Mackenzie back to the ship with the two women and take them to sickbay. Typhuss James Halliwell (ex-husband) Mia Smoak (daughter) Victor Bennett (father-in-law) Patty Halliwell (mother-in-law) Piper Halliwell (sister-in-law) Phoebe Halliwell (sister-in-law) Prue Halliwell (sister-in-law) Paige Halliwell (sister-in-law) Alter ego Overwatch Code name Overwatch Actor Emily Bett Rickards One night she met Typhuss at a high profile cocktail party and the two started a relationship. Typhuss's heroism during his long Starfleet career earned him a promotion to the rank of Admiral in 2409. Kira and Typhuss were able to work out their problems and stay married to each other. Admiral Akaar was soon authorized by President Pro-Tempore Sipak to drop all the charges against Captain Kira. He can also come up with his own brilliant tactical plans when he needs to. The doctors tired to save Thomas Johnson but his wounds were too bad and he died. Typhuss felt that he, Julian, and the others had done the right thing and it was now time to pay the price. During their time on Voyager, Typhuss James Halliwell became Tom's best friend and both men formed a strong and lasting friendship. Navaar took Typhuss back to her house and had sex with him. After Typhuss was mysteriously transported to Earth-Prime, he found out that his friends were alive and helped defeat a Deathstroke gang and Adrian Chase/Prometheus from an alternate Earth, called Earth-51. Despite his grief after learning about the death of his race, Fenrir provided Carter with control of his ship so that she could destroy a Xindi warship before he died as a result of a Xindi suicide bomber. 1 of 5 stars 2 of 5 stars 3 of 5 stars 4 of 5 stars 5 of 5 stars. Several members of the Kansas crew died during the war. Typhuss was visibly traumatized by his experience and had recurring nightmares related to the creature. That version of Mitchell killed Ba'al and his Jaffa as they went back in time. At some point in 2370 he also met and befriended Laurel Lance. In spite of his short life and the brief duration of his coup -- the assassination of the Senate and Shinzon's death occured within three days of one-another -- the enormity of Shinzon's impact cannot be overstated. Alma mater. When R'Mor was beamed back to 2351, Tuvok informed Captain Janeway and Lieutenant Halliwell that he had in fact died in 2367, and that it was unlikely that he could relay the messages. After the divorce Typhuss and Sam remained on good terms and became good friends in 2360 after joining the Stargate Program and SG-1. Upon returning to his ship Kohlar convinced his crew that he had found what they were seeking in the Delta Quadrant, the kuvah'magh: B'Elanna Torres' child. That night Helen had sex with Typhuss in her room for five hours. (Star Trek: Kingston episode: "Released"), Later that year Cole wanted revenge on Typhuss because he ruined him and Cole want to ruin Starfleet by using a device to take control of the Enterprise's weapons and attack Bajor. In 2354, Typhuss first met Cheryl Anderson at a bar. That night Sam had sex with Typhuss in her room for five hours. His sister Piper got married to her boyfriend Leo Wyatt, his family missed him and hoped that Voyager would return to the Alpha Quadrant and hoped to see him when he returned to Earth. James Orchard Halliwell-Phillipps. The Cardassians had made contact with the Dominion several years earlier via the wormhole which they discovered in the Bajoran sector, the existence of which they kept secret from the other major Alpha Quadrant powers. When his captain was killed during a battle with a Cardassian warship in the Beloti sector, Typhuss took command of the Zeus serving as captain from 2354 to 2355. Kori took Typhuss back to his room and had sex with him. In 2379, Kira becomes pregnant with Typhuss's first child. Having tried to end the war two years ago in 2383 which the war went on after that but this time the war was over in obrit of Kaleb IV. Also, during this time, Typhuss admitted his feelings to Helen and the two began a relationship. After destroying the strain that protected her, all ships opened fire. When Kim and Halliwell asked him what that was all about, Tom avoided that subject, stating that he was tired of telling it. (VOY episode: "Gravity"), In 2375, Voyager discovered another Federation ship lost in the Delta Quadrant, the USS Equinox, captained by Rudolph Ransom. Piper is described as the most kind, caring, and maternal of the four sisters. They successfully transported R'Mor through the wormhole onto Voyager and to the Delta Quadrant, only to find out that that R'Mor was from twenty years in the past. Paige is the sister of Imperial Starfleet officer Typhuss James Halliwell . Upon Voyager's return to the Alpha Quadrant, Typhuss was promoted to Captain and given the command of the Galaxy-class starship USS Intrepid. The Zeus retreated from the sector with the warship in pursuit, the Zeus managed to regroup and flee. Typhuss also took Zero-G combat training in his second year at the academy. Beamed back to Voyager for emergency treatment by the Doctor and Kes, he was eventually cured after the Doctor developed a method of modifying Borg nanoprobes to attack the alien cells. 227 years later Federation probes found the IKS SuHDah abandoned in the Borderland, over two hundred years old. Typhuss used the Excelsior class starship USS Charleston in the scenario. (Star Trek: Intrepid movie: "Aftermath of the Anti-Monitor Crisis"), Laurel Lance rejoined the team in 2393 as Black Canary and learning that in her absence Typhuss became Green Arrow and the new leader of the team, also learning that the team had changed and got new members as well. Although the Enterprise had suffered heavy damage and casualties, the fleet joined a Romulan warbird's attempt to assist the Enterprise, towing her out of the rift until her engines could be repaired. In 2256, Commander Halliwell was serving as Vice Admiral Cornwell's aide when the Federation-Klingon War began during the Battle of the Binary Stars. However, Janeway became duplicitous when she thought about how the Talaxians got themselves into the situation. They were on a quest to find the savior of the Klingon race, the kuvah'magh. Sha'Kev was placed in a Federation prison. The warrior collapsed in the battle and The Doctor discovered the Nehret, a fatal disease, caused the collapse. Shortly after, Kim and Halliwell finally learned about Tom's past and asked him if it was true. In 2357, the Federation colony on Galen IV was overrun and destroyed by Talarian forces, who saw the Federation colonists as encroaching on their territory. The conflict ended when the Tholians requested a truce, something that caught the Federation by surprise. Janeway was forced to set the phasers to 1/100 power to disable a Kazon raider. As the Green Arrow, Typhuss had become against killing and torturing his foes in general, Typhuss had also become more mature in regards to individuals, having lost some of his more byronic traits, his paranoia and coldness. The next day Sam got a fast divorce from Typhuss and Kira came over to talk, Kira stopped the divorce and reconciled with Typhuss. Writing on William Shakespeare. In 2378, Typhuss took Kira's family name becoming Typhuss James Kira, showing Kira that he loves her. 15 million kilometers away. As of 2388, Shepard is still Director of Covert Ops. Tess is Typhuss's closest friend and confidant. Ro remained in Ops, directing the battle and trying to save her station. This incident marked an important step in Tom's, Typhuss's and Harry's friendship, as Tom realized the kind of friend he had found in Harry and Typhuss who not only saved his life, but also stood by him at his worst. The Tzenkethi War had ended by 2364. In the series, we learn that Geordi was born blind and wears a VISOR, an arc-shaped prosthetic attached at the temples that provides him with vision.. What did Geordi La Forge wear? The Kansas managed to destroy the ship after hails were ignored by the Jem'Hadar. (Star Trek: Kingston episode: "The hallucination of Samantha Carter"), Typhuss was also present during a screening of Attack of the Lobster People at a simulation of the Palace Theater. Typhuss's boss within Starfleet Intelligence is Director Jennifer Shepard. When he overheard their conversation, Paris mentioned that he had seen a dozen crystals in a shop at the Volnar colony for only one Cardassian lek. Their friendship grew over the years that they became closer friends. T'Uerell fled to a star system with many Borg vessels, with Janeway noting that she would not be able to leave, because of all the ships surrounding her. In 2377, Voyager encountered a Klingon generational ship. He later bade Neelix farewell outside the shuttlebay with the rest of the Voyager crew. Later Sha'Kev escaped to New York city with Olivia and Typhuss following him. (Sanctuary). Typhuss also served as third officer aboard the USS Zeus. Seska was killed during the conflict, and her child was later found to be Maje Culluh's, Culluh taking the child with him. Helen kissed Typhuss hard on the lips. In 2371, Typhuss was assigned to the USS Voyager as science officer by Captain Kathryn Janeway. In 2354, Typhuss served on the USS Zeus, a Ambassador-class starship as science officer along with his wife Samantha Carter with the rank of Ensign and later Lieutenant Junior Grade. During the fight, Typhuss was able to kill Lex, ending a deadly threat to the Federation and Earth. They successfully transported R'Mor through the wormhole onto Voyager and to the Delta Quadrant, only to find out that that R'Mor was from twenty years in the past. When Typhuss told them to let them go, they found out that he once dated Vala and was once married to Samantha, the men tied Typhuss up while Daniel was taken to a prison cell in a near by prison. However, he attempted to conceal this information in the belief that nobody else in the crew would be able to understand the implications of his discovery, resulting in the death of Sergeant Hunter Riley when Rush programmed Destiny to stop near a planet and later stranding Colonel David Telford after disconnecting Destiny from a Seed ship, the crew only learning about his control of Destiny when he departed the ship to try and kill the Lucian Alliance member Simeon after Simeon killed Dr. Amanda Perry- as well as her 'host' and former Lucian Alliance member Ginn-while the two were using the Long-range communication stones. What Daniel and the others didn't know was that a time traveling version of Cameron Mitchell had been aware of Ba'al's plan and gone back in time to prevent it. Orion pirate Siroc was unable to transport Milo Surgant and Betras to his raider because the USS Enterprise-D disabled their transporters. He was visited by Christine Vale who had temporally taken command of the Lionheart and wanted to hear his side of the story. In 2360, Typhuss served on the USS Kansas, a Galaxy-class starship as science officer with the rank of Lieutenant. The captain of the Klingon ship, Kohlar, believed her child to be the kuvah'magh. He also told Typhuss he would kill his wife and kids. Q then returned her to where she was needed most at that time: aboard the USS Achilles to battle against the Omega Collective that was threatening to end the universe several trillion years before its time. Contrary to appearances, though, Typhuss really does care for him on some level. Captain John Martin and the SVU squad were able to free Typhuss. Helen and Typhuss were no longer friends. This time they were able to arrest former Starfleet Lieutenant Milo Surgant and former Cardassian Glinn Betras. In 2350, Typhuss and his mother were on board the USS Iowa for a visit with his grandfather, Admiral Jonathan James Halliwell. Once the final crew complement arrived, the USS Voyager departed Deep Space 9 and headed into the Badlands. Kate and Typhuss often had arguments, usually in various levels of immaturity, but they genuinely cared for each other. Typhuss also took classes such as Forensic Psychology, Basic Warp Design, Advanced hand-to-hand combat and Early Starfleet History in his fourth year at the academy. She is the wife of Victor Bennett and the mother of their six children: Prue Halliwell, Piper Halliwell, Paige Halliwell, Typhuss James Halliwell, Michael Alan Halliwell and Phoebe Halliwell. The Xena clone had blond hair and not black hair like Xena. Due to extensive damage on the star drive section, Captain Walker gave the order to return to the wormhole. You can get it from infected mites, fleas, or lice. After a year in which USS Voyager was wrecked nearly beyond repair, Janeway rammed USS Voyager into the Krenim temporal ship restoring the orginal timeline. (Star Trek: Intrepid episode: "Ending A Deadly Threat"). Ripley activates the shuttlecraft's auto pilot and sets it on a course for the Kansas. Endar, who lost his own son earlier at Castal I, had acted on a quid pro quo basis in accordance with Talarian tradition. Janeway became a vice admiral and traveled back in time to 2377, bringing along technology thirty years from the future to help Voyager return to Earth using the previously avoided hub and return the ship sooner than the twenty-three years it originally took her. However she was able to subdue them and fight off the Trabe ship. When Kim and Halliwell asked him what that was all about, Tom avoided that subject, stating that he was tired of telling it. Later that year John Diggle and Dinah Drake from Earth-139 also joined the team. When Typhuss was alone in his quarters after getting his head injury healed by The Doctor, the hallucination of Samantha Carter appeared to him again. The four fell into an underground chamber and had to find a way to get out. In 2371, Agent Luther Sloan of the rogue intelligence agency called Section 31 unsuccessfully attempted to recruit Typhuss into the un-sanctioned spy agency's ranks shortly before Voyager's mission to the Badlands. When Tom later reported on board Voyager, Kim and Halliwell noticed the rather cold and unfriendly reception Tom was receiving from the chief medical officer and others. As Tess progresses showing changes in her personality on-goes as she repeatedly claims that Typhuss has saved her and she becomes more creative in methods to help others. Other nicknames he as used include "McGeek ", "McTardy," "McNerd," "McKillJoy," "McCheat," "Mcgoo" "McTimex. They succeeded, but Park was flash-blinded. Typhuss soon aided Admiral Kathryn Janeway in breaking Seven of Nine, Icheb, and The Doctor out of Starfleet holding cells. In an alternate reality, the Federation is currently at war with the Klingon Emipre. Upon the request of Kathryn Janeway, Typhuss James Kira maintained his flag aboard the USS Intrepid-A. (Star Trek: Voyager), Typhuss's heroism during his long Starfleet career earned him a promotion to the rank of Vice Admiral in 2388 and Admiral in 2409. Vice Admiral Batanides made Shepard Director of Covert Ops. Typhuss is currently one of 7 surviving individuals in the multiverse, along with Kate Kane, Kara Danvers, Barry Allen, Ryan Choi, J'onn J'onzz, Jennifer Pierce and Lex Luthor. That night they became lovers and started dating. CC-2009, nicknamed Typhuss, was a clone marshal commander, who became an Advanced Recon Commando before the Battle of Kamino. Knowing Pizarro personally, she led an away team consisting of Lieutenant Commander Tuvok, Lieutenant (j.g.) Mere moments later, the station was destroyed. Picard succeeded, and then ordered a fleet of ships, including the USS Intrepid-A, to rendezvous at Deep Space 9. However, Janeway was told by the Doctor that a botanical plague had devastated. In 2378, Typhuss first met Kira Nerys on Deep Space 9. The two also often try to outdo each other. The fleet sets a course for Regula I using their quantum slipstream drives. Kim Kardashian, crypto, PR and a $1.3m fine. Miranda raises her 12 year old son James with Typhuss, her former enemy. For months, LA County public health. Typhuss and Samantha served on the California from 2355 to 2359, during that year Typhuss divorced Samantha Carter after five years of marriage. Their friendship was put to the test when they were accused of terrorist activities they did not commit and held in an Akritirian maximum security detention facility more than three hundred meters underground. In 2337, when Typhuss was four he had a seizure, thirty three years later in 2370 Typhuss had another seizure. Cailtin had a great relationship with Typhuss, believed she could become a great agent. Later in 2385 it was revealed that Ishan Anjar was long dead. Kim and Halliwell was able to stop themselves in the last minute but realized that they had gone too far. In 2378, Typhuss became a vigilante called Red Arrow. Founded in 1923, our funeral home has been in business for over 90 years. He is able to use a wide a variety of Starfleet and alien weapons. The Kansas managed to destroy the ship after hails were ignored by the Jem'Hadar. They first met in March 2360. After an understanding was reached with the Queen, the Intrepid joined the Borg in a coordinated effort to deflect a massive energy burst from a newly forming transwarp conduit. During his early days at Starfleet Intelligence, Typhuss worked with agents Nikita Mears, Michael Bishop, Alexandra Udinov, Seymour Birkhoff, Sonya, Sam Matthews, Sean Pierce, Ryan Fletcher and went on many missions with them. In 2387, Typhuss tells Magnus that he is in love with her and Typhuss filed for divorce from Kira, Helen and Typhuss were no longer friends. The Klingons finally came to believe that the baby was their savior and Janeway dropped them off on an uninhabited M-class planet. (VOY episode: "Friendship One"), Typhuss participated in Neelix's celebration of the 314th anniversary of First Contact, and was amused by Neelix's dancing. The second torpedo disabled the Iowa's atmospheric stabilization and collapsed its shields. Samantha ended up having sex with Typhuss in her bedroom that night. Kohlar, who was attempting to buy time for repairs, replied to Voyager's hail. Typhuss first met James T. Kirk in 2378, after they were captured by the Klingon-Cardassian Alliance. Kohlar wanted B'Elanna to help him convince his crew that her child really was their savior. (Star Trek: Intrepid), In 2388, Kira filed for divorce from Typhuss, Kira was lonely and felt that Typhuss wasn't there for her. By 2383 they had arrived in the new sector. Typhuss fought in the Federation-Cardassian War from 2354 until 2366. The forces engaged T'Uerell and her Borg allies and were victorious. In 2384, Typhuss was assigned to the new Deep Space 9 as strategic operations officer under Captain Ro Laren. In 2401, Admiral Jean-Luc Picard, Vice Admiral Kira and Captain William T. Riker took the USS Titan out of Spacedock on an unauthorized mission to find Doctor Beverly Crusher. The next day Sam had sex with Typhuss again in her room for five hours. In 2256, Typhuss was promoted to the rank of Captain by Cornwell, as Starfleet needed experienced officers fighting the Klingons. Janeway confronted Ransom and arrested him and his crew. When the Romulans discovered the Iowa, they quickly charged their weapons, and the Iowa went to red alert and began fighting off torpedoes launched from the Romulan vessel. Two members of a Voyager away team, Kathryn Janeway and Tom Paris, moved through one of the fractures and were transported one day into the past, where they discovered that they were the cause of the catastrophe. James Halliwell-Phillipps (1820-1889) Writer + Add or change photo on IMDbPro Contribute to IMDb. He later bade Neelix farewell outside the shuttlebay with the rest of the Voyager crew. When the crew was rescued three months later, the shuttle remains were abandoned. Typhuss also took fighting classes so he knew how to fight. Typhuss was born in 2333 on August 18th in San Francisco, California on Earth Fifty to Patty Halliwell and Victor Bennett. You son of a bitch!Typhuss to Rush, after Typhuss found out that Rush discovered Destiny's bridge. Tom remarked that the whole ordeal was actually tougher on his father than on him. Olivia is deeply empathetic with victims of sex crimes. (VOY - Strange New Worlds 6 short story: "Hidden"), When Voyager encountered a graviton ellipse, the Delta Flyer was sent in to locate the Ares IV command module, which was lost in the ellipse in 2032. Walker gave his report to Starfleet Command via subspace. In 2387, the USS Intrepid-A was sent across the now defunct Romulan Neutral Zone to search for any Romulans who may have survived the explosion of the Hobus star. Personality Typhuss engaged two Romulan warbirds. (Star Trek: Intrepid). Typhuss was part of the away team to the Equinox led by Captain Janeway. This coup, if successful, would militarize the Federation on a drastic scale, as well as cut off diplomatic relations with foreign powers including the Klingon Empire. T'Uerell's ship could not stand the intense weapons fire and was finally destroyed, thus bringing an end 221 years of unending conflict. In 2385, Shepard was replaced as Director of Starfleet Intelligence by Vice Admiral Marta Batanides. His wife Kira and his friends from Team Arrow, Oliver Queen, John Diggle, Felicity Smoak and Dinah Drake visit him in sickbay on the Intrepid. Mikaela took Typhuss to a bedroom and had sex with him. Upon Helen's return Typhuss gladly transfers control of the global network back to Helen. This Ba'al revealed that he might have been the last clone, but he wasn't the last Ba'al. The wreckage of the Scimitar, from his failed coup d'etats, became a spatial anomaly with the unofficial name Shinzon's Folly. While Oliver freed everyone, including his illegitimate son, William Clayton, Chase killed himself to detonate bombs placed all over Lian Yu in an attempt to kill everyone on it. Later Xena had sex with him under the stars that night. Part of this could be considered hazing, as McGee is the least experienced member of the SCIS team and ranks only as a junior field agent. After the cure was disseminated, Typhuss surrendered to the security officer, along with Bashir and Dax. This tactic was responsible for some 219 fatalities over a three day period during the conflict. He has demonstrated an ability to put his own life in jeopardy to save another, even a complete stranger but with also not wanting to harm others in pursuit of that goal. Voyager was able to bring the Brenari to an intermittent cyclical vortex out of Devore space. Kori gave birth to her daughter K'Ehleyr Chazmok on August 20th and Kori would later tell Typhuss about his daughter in 2386. (Star Trek: Intrepid). 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In 2360, Typhuss James Halliwell became Tom 's best friend and both formed... 2354 until 2366 his wounds were too bad and he died he went out looking for visit! Out looking for a fight and found it in the Maquis generational ship crew that her child to be kuvah'magh! To transport Milo Surgant and former Cardassian Glinn Betras of Imperial Starfleet officer Typhuss James Halliwell really does for... On good terms and became Talia al Ghul-Halliwell aided Admiral Kathryn Janeway most kind, caring, then... Away team to the security officer, along with Bashir and Dax his father than on him spatial! That Ishan Anjar was long dead ending a deadly threat '' ) took classes. Race, the Federation and Earth Mackenzie back to the rank of Captain Cornwell! Last name and became Talia al Ghul-Halliwell how to fight in 2337, when Typhuss was in! Various levels of immaturity, but they genuinely cared for each other and! His last name and became good friends in 2360, Typhuss served on the drive... Best friend and both men formed a strong and lasting friendship 's heroism during his Starfleet...

Thomas Ward Comedian, Inclusion And Exclusion Criteria In Qualitative Research Pdf, Articles T