Have all your study materials in one place. Please copy/paste the following text to properly cite this HowStuffWorks.com article: Dave Roos The Kurds are the largest stateless nation. At the same time, many of those, did notpossess a state of their own, and some continue to be without a state. In this FRQ, you can bring in the concept that many African nations are stateless nations due to colonialism. Want to create or adapt books like this? The 1967 Six-Day War ended with Israel taking even more territory, including the West Bank and the Gaza Strip. Keys to Understanding the Middle East by Stephen C Cory, Alam Payind and Melinda McClimans is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted. 3) to acknowledge that many of the conflicts of the Middle East arebetter understood with an accountingof national identity issues. Stateless nation: A nation of people without a state that it considers home(e.g., Kurds, Basques, Palestinians, the Hmong). After Saddam was deposed, Iraqi Kurds negotiated the creation of a semi-autonomous region called the Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG), home to around 5 million Kurds. In the case of Brazil, many nations, particularly in the Amazon, only learned that such a thing as a "country" existed upon contact with Brazilian outsiders, sometimes in recent decades. The Kurds are one of the largest stateless nations, with over 20 million people dispersed throughout six countries: Syria, Iraq, Turkey, Iran, Armenia, and Azerbaijan. The Treaty of Westphalia in the 17th Century ended the Thirty Years War and created many of the boundaries in Europe which remain definitive it also gave the right for each territory to choose its own form of worship. Croatia is one such example in Europe; Tibet is a famous case in Asia. But it's still not their own country. Inside Israel's Fierce, Bitter Debate About Identity", "Independence in Europe: Secession, Sovereignty, and the European Union", United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Persons Belonging to National or Ethnic, Religious and Linguistic Minorities, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Stateless_nation&oldid=1141840986, Seek self-determination, greater autonomy or total secession from, Seeks greater regional autonomy for natives of. Palestinians have a long-running conflict with Israel and have also lived as refugees in countries such as Jordan and Egypt. Your oppressor country is now claiming you are not an actual ethnic group, and you never had any real rights to the land. You can also find thousands of practice questions on Albert.io. Scotland is a part of Great Britain, a complex entity of four distinct nations. Palestine, which includes the West Bank and the Gaza Strip, has Observer status at the United Nations but is not a member of the UN General Assembly. Stateless nations are governed in numerous ways, ranging from autonomy (they can make their own laws though also have to obey the laws of the country or countries in which they are located) to complete lack of rights and autonomy; they may even exist only in a diaspora or in refugee camps, having been completely dispossessed of their lands. As a verb it emphasizes the historical nature of inequity and a phenomenon that is continually reinforced in a country. It is the culmination of laws, educational practices and popular culture which favor the perspectives and interests of the more powerful group. The "Pame" of Mexico, who were targets of discrimination, consider the name insulting and prefer to be called Xi'ui. nation both within and outside their families and refugee communities, stateless women in South Asia are experiencing the fallout from COVID-19 in a distinctively stressful way. This led to successor states with many minority ethnic groups in them, which increased the potential for ethnic conflicts. The US, for example, is a multinational state, because it contains hundreds of Native American nations. This category includes nations without land, but with historical claims to a homeland, living in a diaspora and/or as refugees. Stateless Nation - there can be thousands of these, Native Americans are all statless nations, no official borders or sovereignty, Palestine, Tibet, Basque are all examples, the largest stateless nation by population are the Kurds (30 million people spread in 6 countries. [22] A nation can exist without a state, as is exemplified by the stateless nations. [92], This article is about a nation lacking a nation state. In the Middle East the history of national consciousness differs a great deal from that of Europe. It is important to understand the dynamics of national identity for two main reasons: 1) to understand the immense cultural diversity of the Middle East. As a result, they feel resentment and act out in violence, and some of the biggest conflict hotbeds in the world are because of stateless nations. The U.S. and Post-Bandung Imperial Dominance, Part 9. Part 4. For example, Arab-majority countries of the Middle East all share Arab identity, language and heritage, although they have very different national identities. For a community lacking a government, see, Consequences of colonialism and imperialism, Claims of stateless nations and ethnic groups with autonomous status. It is important to understand the dynamics of national identity for two main reasons: 1) to understand the immense cultural diversity of the Middle East. 2) to understand issues of inequity and power imbalances. Untold numbers of Roma remain stateless in the Balkans and mainland Europe. 5. The Jewish people were once a famous "stateless nation" in history, until the creation of Israel in 1948. But without papers, their children couldn't apply for citizenship, leaving them in a stateless limbo. Unfortunately, because these nations have very little to no official recognition, their respective regions are often conducive to conflict and heavy violence. Create and find flashcards in record time. Some 750,000 of them became stateless refugees, having been driven from . SYRIA: In 1962, many Kurds in the . Likewise, the word umma, which means community and is used by Muslims to refer to their global community, is also sometimes translated as nation. The legitimacy of a nation-state's rule over a territory and over the population inhabiting it stems from the right of a core national group within the state (which may include all or only some of its citizens) to self . This section gives an overview of national identities and how they formed in the Middle East, and how they differ from European and global views on national identity. Kurdistan is not the only example of violence due to stateless nations. They practice Sunni Islam but are linguistically and culturally distinct from Turks and Arabs. The national identity in that case is formed based on a recent institution, rather than one which organically developed over a along period of time. The Jews were a stateless nation until 1948 when they declared Israel a state, and immediately gained recognition from the U.S., followed by the rest of the world. See the UNPO Unrepresented Nations & Peoples Organisation. It refers to the relationship between the dominant group which identifies with national identity is more supported by the countrys political, social and economic systems, and less powerful communities whose interests are not as well-served by them. A stateless nation is an ethnic group or nation that does not possess its own state and is not the majority population in any nation state. Many of the nation states of the Middle East formed their national consciousness after the establishment of their state, however. In extreme cases, they are targets of violence and human trafficking. Instead, the Kurdish population is spread across territory in Turkey, Syria, Iraq, and Iran. [20][21], People with a common origin, history, language, culture, customs or religion can turn into a nation by awakening of national consciousness. More than half live in Jordan, with a third living in the Gaza Strip and West Bank, and 15 percent in Syria and Lebanon. Palestinians are currently members of a stateless nation, although the sovereignty of Palestine has been recognized by 135 member countries of the U.N. Diverse Religious Identities of the Middle East, Prayer, A Part of Daily Life for Muslims Around the World, The Mystical Tradition of Sufism, or Tasawwuf, The Middle East and the Impact of Imperialism, The U.S. and Post-Bandung Imperial Dominance, The Middle East Studies Center at the Ohio State University, Chapter Three: The Middle East and the Impact of Imperialism. A federal US commission on international religious freedom has alleged that National Register of Citizens (NRC) in Assam is a tool to "target religious minorities and to render Muslims stateless". Imagine you're from a minority ethnic group that has been oppressed for centuries. Hmong, Karen and Other Ethnic Minorities in Thailand, Special Offer on Antivirus Software From HowStuffWorks and TotalAV Security, third of all stateless people are children, Hmong, Karen and Other Ethnic Minorities in Thailand, the most persecuted minority in the world, United Nations decided to divide the country of Palestine, 5.5 million are widely considered to be stateless, struggle to find work, health care and housing, opened a path to citizenship for 80,000 stateless people. Thailand is home to an estimated 2 to 3.5 million stateless individuals. The U.S. and Post-Bandung Imperial Dominance, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. [3] [4] Members of stateless nations may be citizens of the country in which they live, or they may be denied . Not all of the trapped players were Thai, though. They are thus stateless nations. Religion and Conflict in the Modern Middle East, Part 2. What Are the Consequences That Stateless People Encounter? Examples of stateless nations: The Kurds currently reside in Iraq, Iran, Syria, and Turkey, but they have not established an internationally-recognized state based on their national identity. Download full paper File format: .doc, available for editing. Best study tips and tricks for your exams. False. The proportion was estimated to be 3 percent by Minahan. You were forced from the land of your ancestors and have to move to a city; or maybe you were put in a "re-education" camp, had to flee the country altogether, or something even more terrible. Economic distress As elsewhere, in the refugee settlements in South Asia, the risks of contracting COVID-19 have much to do with employment and economic status, and You can say that superimposed boundaries by the European colonial powers, who arbitrarily created borders with utter disregard to existing nations in Africa, left many nations without a state. By most calculations, it is the Kurds. The Roma lived in relative peace in the former Yugoslavia, but when the communist country broke up in the 1990s, hundreds of thousands of Roma were displaced by armed conflicts in Balkan states like Bosnia-Herzegovina and Kosovo. The ultimate review guides for AP subjects to help you plan and structure your prep. The Jews were a stateless nation until 1948 when they declared Israel a state, and immediately gained recognition from the U.S., followed by the . Kurdish populations are spread between four countries (Turkey, Syria, Iraq and Iran) in all of which they live as (sometimes persecuted) minorities. Kurdish communities are commonly found across Iraq, Turkey, Syria, Iran and Armenia. Part 6. Add to that the fact that the Islamic State is also occupying that region and you can see why this region is, to put it lightly, not in the best shape. Identify your study strength and weaknesses. You live in a country where your native language is forbidden in schools and the workplace. [5][6][7] Some of the stateless nations have a history of statehood, some were always a stateless nation, dominated by another nation. The Kutupalong refugee camp in Bangladesh is the largest of its kind in the world, home to more than 600,000 Rohingya Muslim refugees from neighboring Myanmar (formerly Burma). (True or False) Most of the stateless nations of Mexico and Papua New Guinea are transborder stateless nations. Sign up to highlight and take notes. The map of the Middle East is diverse already with Arabic, Hebrew, Turkish and Persian linguistically defining the political borders not the monolithic image most people have of the Middle East as a location exclusively Arabic-speaking place. Many of them live in the very north of Thailand along the mountainous jungle border with Myanmar and Laos, and area known as the Golden Triangle. Israel's illegal annexation of East Jerusalem in 1967 and the Golan Heights in 1981 led to the application of Israeli civil legislation in these occupied territories. [25], Throughout history, numerous nations declared their independence, but not all succeeded in establishing a state. Examples of stateless nations: The Kurds currently reside in Iraq, Iran, Syria, and Turkey, but they have not established an internationally-recognized state based on their national identity. The GPFG, for example, still holds investments of over 1.38 billion NOK in the German utility RWE. A total of 5.5 million Palestinians are registered with the UNRWA and since Palestine is still not its own country, those 5.5 million are widely considered to be stateless. Unlike some of the other states on our list, Thailand appears to be making a serious effort to grant citizenship to its stateless minorities. A stateless nation is a special case of national political systems, but nonetheless crucial to understanding political geography. [2] The term "stateless" implies that the group "should have" such a state (country). There are plenty of stateless nations in the world today. The Kurds are a famous example of a stateless nation; their territory is called "Kurdistan.". For the FRQs, you are not likely to be explicitly asked about one. Palestine is to _______ as ________ is to Serbia. Which of the following refers to the most disadvantaged situations for stateless nations? Fig. Many of the US's hundreds of nations governed their own fully sovereign territory and did not come under US control until the 1800s. Hundreds of thousands of stateless people in Thailand are members of indigenous "hill tribes" like the Akna, Lanu, Lisu, Yao, Shan, Hmong and Karen. Diverse Religious Identities of the Middle East, Part 4. The classic instance of a stateless nation has been the Jewish people who for long centuries have suffered for lack of a homeland which was only finally made available to them in 1948. Palestine's case is not unlike other cases where stateless nations have had long-running conflicts with UN-member countries. Middle East in the 1970s and 80s, Part 12. The Kurdish people are consistently shortchanged. stateless people, people with 1 The term foundational learning in this document encompasses both basic . There are 193 member states in the United Nations, but only around 20 are, strictly speaking, nation-states, meaning states (government + geographical territory) with a single ethnic nation inhabiting the territory. The term stateless nation is used of ethnic groups which are not the majority population in any nation state and for whom it is implied that they "should have" such a state. Historical societies [ edit] Historically occupied the. (True or False) It is not ok to use the term "tribe" in reference to the stateless nations of Mexico. Thus there exists in all the stateless nations feelings of identity that can be qualified as contradictory. The key aspect to be aware of is that the identity of the most powerful group of the country which is usually also the majority group but not always doesnt represent the entire population. Chuck Holton has spent two decades reporting on wars and disasters in more than 100 countries. The Kurds are one of the largest stateless nations, with over 20 million people dispersed throughout six countries: Syria, Iraq, Turkey, Iran, Armenia, and Azerbaijan. Because the Roma don't believe in the ownership of personal property, including homes, they have always lived on the fringes of European society, drawing suspicion as thieves, occult worshippers or worse. It's a tough neighborhood: Kurds are spread across a region known as Kurdistan, comprising the highlands of northern Syria, eastern Turkey, northern Iraq, and parts of Iran. A. One result of this was a power struggle between secular forces, i.e., princes and local rulers, and the Church. C. Identify and explain one challenge landlocked African countries face in developing viable economies. Majority of the Circassians were destroyed by Russia in the, Many groups seek for total independence from Italy, while some just want more autonomy and recognition of Venetian language and people. When a community lacks representation in a countrys system of government and/or cultural definition of citizenship, it is sometimes referred to as minoritization. Minoritize is a verb used in the social sciences to critically describe the process which creates inequity between groups in a given country (see Key Concept below). 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