After that, people decided the column was blessed. Another idea was to throw a whole apple into vegetable beef stew to make it more flavorful and add a bit of sweetness for an hour or two. Symptoms develop gradually, over two days, and you usually start hearing the typical barking cough by day three. Old Wives Tales are thought to originate from the fact older women would pass down their advice to the younger generation.Enjoy sharing these popular wives tales with your senior residents in aged care, have a laugh and see if anyone can guess if these are true or false. All day long, you'll have good luck." Old Wives Tales are thought to originate from the fact older women would pass down their advice to the younger generation. 6 Boys are heavier babies than girls. Old Wives Tales to Treat Burns Applying any type of vinegar should take away the pain from a burn or sunburn. DOWNLOAD OUR TO QUIZ PRINT 1. You don't have to have kids to appreciate the corniest, punniest dad jokes of all time. The post quickly had more than 800 comments. In this old wives' tale as old as time, it is said that you must tie your wedding ring onto a piece of string and hold it over your pregnant belly. Croup Pack sheep droppings into a tobacco sack and soak them in warm water. There's no scientific reasoning behind this rumor, but the reason for it is simple. Although old wives' tales are not the same as superstitions, they seem to be intertwined. The idea behind the old wives' tale is that soap releases magnesium, one of the deficiencies that's believed to cause the leg cramps. We're not sure that closing scissors will improve your luck, but at least it'll keep you from cutting yourself. Mexican Quiz & Trivia for Seniors in Aged Care, Cinco de Mayo Day for Seniors in Aged Care, Speed Friendship Group for Seniors in Aged Care, Throw the Rubber Thong | Australia Day for Seniors, Canada Quiz for Seniors Canada Day Activity. The easiest way to do that was by touching the wood that the church said was from the cross. Everyone knows at least one old wives' tale(or 75). Black crows and ravens are seen as bad omens in several countries, from the U.K. to South Korea. As a general rule of thumb, you should never stick your chopsticks vertically into your food when dining at a Japanese restaurant. Answer: The old wives' tale about a ring around the moon is that if you can count the start contained within the ring, you should be able to predict quite accurately the period of time until the next rainfall, or depending on the size, you could predict if a storm was coming or not. Cut the tip of the baggy, squeeze mixture into egg white. About one in every 20 children under age six will develop croup at some point. Apply a poultice made from soap and sugar. Let's Look at Gaga's Style Evolution, Shall We? I recently learned of March water or burn water. I asked how many and she said 15 or so. Create a poultice made from mud dauber nests and water and apply to a bee or spider bite. If you really want to keep the doctor away, try these20 Healthy Living Rules You Should Live By. In Russia, however, the tradition makes more sense. Why You Should Eat Carrots Every Single Day, Your Privacy Choices: Opt Out of Sale/Targeted Ads. Why this old wives' tale is strange: Whistling outside is fine, but inside is another story. Swirl in your mouth to treat infected gums but DONT SWALLOW. Bringing in eggs after dark will bring bad luck. (A) False, no drownings have been recorded from swimming shortly after eating, 12 If you cant sleep counting sheep will help you fall asleep? (At the very least theres vitamin C in lemon juice!). Throw a whole potato into every tomato dish to absorb the oils. The story goes that slaves would take medicinal doses of 100% pure gum spirits of turpentine to stay healthy, and that, in the past, school children would line up to take a spoonful of turpentine with sugar. 2022 Galvanized Media. 10. Tale**. 9. In Russia, it's believed to cause financial struggles, while in Norway, whistling inside is rumored to bring on a downpour. pixabay 1. Rub a urine-soaked baby diaper on your face. While the body does send extra blood to aid in digestion, it's not enough to keep your arm and leg muscles from functioning. It's a common belief in South Korea, inspiring people to off fans before bed or leave the door open. Though some studies have proven there to be a link between increased chocolate consumption and breakouts, most experts believe that this relationship only exists because of the ingredients in the chocolatelike sugar and dairyand not the chocolate itself. Creating an oil of garlic to put in your ear will help treat ear infections. Take a three-pound can of pine twigs and rabbit tobacco. It was actually during World War II that the link between carrots and eyesight became so widespreadand the inspiration for the rumor was never related to health. Those who do think that fans can cause dehydration, asphyxiation or hypothermia. Loretta Swit begged the writers to stop using it. Here's how it works: whendust particles get captured in the atmosphere byhigh pressure, the blue light dissipates, leaving the red light to paint the sky. Break open a puffball mushroom over a cut to stop bleeding. Most of us hardly notice them at all, but in Sweden, it's believed that stepping on them can bring either good luck or bad luck, depending on what letter is marked on them. Why this old wives' tale is strange: Actually, it's not that strange at all when you think about it. while picking up a dropped piece of candy and popping it into your mouth, we have bad news. Toast a piece of bread completely black, then soak in boiling water. And as for the "throwing the salt over your left shoulder" aspect of this old wives' tale? Friday the 13th is the bane of almost every business' existence. Drink 4x a day. Evidently, their plot worked a little too well. In Cajun French people who bought warts were called traiteur or faith healer. Why this old wives' tale is strange: Most people today don't put much weight on old legends of vampires and werewolves. Relax, feline fans: Your cat will not suck your baby's breath from their body. The story of Pinky Pinky is an urban legend and old wives' tale rolled into one. It's a viral infection of the larynx that often causes an odd-sounding, barking cough. And instead of keeping an acorn on your person and hoping for eternal life, live forever (or close to it) by eating these40 Heart Foods To Eat After 40. You can reuse the star anise twice more. Old wives' tale: IVF treatments cause early menopause Image: isak55/Shutterstock. Seal, mash till they are broken up. That still doesn't mean you should swallow it, but accidentally doing so now and then won't hurt. Some women would brown regular flour in a pan or in the oven and use, cooled, on diaper rash. Found on chestnut trees, you'll find these in abundance during the autumn as conkers begin to fall from August . There seems to be a mistrust of the ground in general. Eating raisins soaked in gin is supposed to help with the pain from arthritis. It is safe to say many old wives' tales were influenced by strong superstitious beliefs. (A) False, 17 Kissing toads and frogs gives you warts? The American Academy of Ophthalmology explains that it could cause temporary eyestrain, which occurs when your eyes get tired from overuse. Colorful Wooden Tangram Jigsaw Cognitive Montessori Puzzle. His ideas about spacewere doubted for 300 years before they were adopted as facts. (A) False10 The full moon can cause strange behaviour? Ya know, just in case. Break the stem of a dandelion in half and apply the milk to your warts. Trouble is, says new Canadian research, the age-old treatment really doesn't work. Tired, but fine! Today, people line up to place their thumb inside a particular hole in the column, rotating it to acquire the column's purported healing effects. If you dont have an onion, you can use a potato. Pure lard will supposedly clear up diaper rash as well. With the advent of democracy in South Africa in 1994, a story started doing the rounds in primary schools about a monster that awaits girls in the school toilet. There's no proof that it helps, but it's something to do versus nothing to do. Bluish yellow means it's a boy and greenish brown means it's a girl. A poultice made from comfrey can be applied to bone bruises or broken bones. If youre interested in the chemical components of spider webs, check out this study. Keep a bottle of rubbing alcohol with mint and aspirin in it for sore muscles. (Spoiler alert to the gossips: itchy ears didnt make the list). (A) True, evidence collected from women who had severe heartburn while pregnant gave birth to babies with lots of hair, 3. If a dog is eating grass its going to rain. In fact, a baby's lungs aren't finished developing until the third trimester of pregnancy, and until they exit the womb, they rely on that umbilical cordwhich cannot fill up with waterfor air. densaniebla/pixabay. However, the reality is that many people have acne during pregnancy, no matter their baby's sex. Why this old wives' tale is strange: In Russia and Hungary, sitting at the corner of a table can curse you to a life of loneliness. These superstitions are both doubted and depended on, but because there is a decent amount of skepticism surrounding old wives' tales as a whole, it's worth a closer look into which are true, right? For more info on how to use Garlic Medicinally, check out my post on The Medicinal Benefits of Garlic. "In a nutshell, in mild to moderate croup presenting to an emergency room, the use of humidity, even when it was optimally delivered, did not bring about any further improvement in the children's condition," said Scolnik. It isreferenced in the Bible, after all. Whenever someone has a nosebleed, put the cold scissors on their back on bare skin. Or if you want to send Lauren a quick message, check out her contact page. Plants & Flowers. Get browser notifications for breaking news, live events, and exclusive reporting. We'll sort out the facts from fiction about diabetes on today's Scope. A poultice made from instant coffee and water, applied to a cold sore many times throughout the day is supposed to kill the Herpes virus and prevent cold sores in the future. Every time this date rolls around, the Stress Management Center and Phobia Institute estimates that stores in the United States lose anywhere from $800 million to $900 million in business, all because people are too superstitious to go about their normal days. Cut 2 onions in half, put them in panty hose and the sliced sides were tied to each wrist and each ankle. Remove Carpet Dents With An Ice Cube: This sounds super weird, but there is truth to it! The old wives' tale that if your ears are ringing, then somebody is talking about you. According to Cedars Sinai orthopedic surgeon Robert Klapper, M.D., that cracking sound is just nitrogen bubbles in the fluid that lubricates your joints. Simply put, it's one of the most prolific old wives' tales out there. His books have paved a way for a transition of the books in the Victorian era to the books we find in the modern library today. 6. Why this old wives' tale is strange: People have long believed that visiting Verona, Italy, to send their love letters to Juliet will bless them with a happy love life. Some helpful members even commented on how that particular old wives tale is now backed by scientific evidence. How cheery. Ill keep this post updated as I learn even more! Lambs ear absorb blood and help it clot more quickly. It can also sometimes be accompanied with wheezing, hoarseness, difficulty swallowing, and difficulty breathing. Apply raw eggs and milk or sardines to a snake bite. by Zack Walkter. Plant crops that grow above the ground during a waxing moon, and plants that grow below the ground on a waning moon. Apply the sack to your neck and wear it until the choking spell is over. Some stem from little-understood or outdated science, others from folklore that's passed on like an inter-generational game of telephone. It is theorized that this old wives' tale stems from Judaism, where it is believed that mixing fish and meat will cause adverse skin reactions. How much depends on the type of flooring and food involved, but it's best not to eat anything that hit the ground at all. Though today this old wives' tale is entirely erroneous, there actually was once a time when sitting too close to your television set could harm your health. This free ebook will help get you started! Its the collection of melted snow used to treat burns. You can sweeten it with honey or syrup. Having spiderwebs in your house will supposedly make it warmer. Instead, train yourself to be godly. I was so taken by this string of folk belief and ancient wisdom, passed on to 1000s of others via this very modern conception of social media, that I copied and cataloged all of their wisdom. Slice an onion and cover with a bit of honey. Since this was an issue for just about everyone, it became a superstition in multiple countries, including Turkey, India, South Korea and Japan. Cornstarch can be applied to a babys bottom to absorb any moisture and protect from future diaper rashes. Chicken soup can help cure a cold? So, tucking your thumb into your hand is said to shield your parents from the grim reaper. Mud, jewel weed, raw honey, tobacco, plantain, dandelion or mullein, a paste of baking soda and water were all used to treat bee stings or bug bites. To protect your house from lightning, gather hazel tree branches on Palm Sunday and keep them in water. . Pilots used radar to shoot down enemy planes for the first time but spread a rumor that eating more carrots gave them better eyesight to fool the Allied forces. Its a really good read that you should try. It's a traditional remedy as embedded in our culture as downing chicken soup to soothe a cold or putting baking soda on a bee sting: When kids have the croup, surround them with steam to help them breathe. 8. Evidently, General Electric produced color TVs back in the 1960s that emitted up to 100,000 times more radiation than federal health officials considered to be safeand while the television sets were recalled almost immediately, the superstition remains. You will receive a link to create a new password via email. } On Facebook, in a Off-Grid and Homesteading group I belong to, someone had the brilliant idea to collect other members old wives tales. Why this old wives' tale is strange: In Spain, it's not Friday the 13th that's a problem; it's Tuesday. However, there is no doubt that The Old Wives' Tale is a superb novel of its kind, and it is still as readable and enjoyable as ever. Mix together a hot toddy or 1 Tbsp of honey, 1 Tbsp lemon and 1 Tbsp whiskey to treat a cold or flu. Why dont you contact him today through his email address: and his WhatsApp phone number +2348107155060. . New Living Translation Do not waste time arguing over godless ideas and old wives' tales. is part of the Meredith Health Group. More than 2,000 years ago, Roman philosopherPliny the Elderused this old wives' tale as an explanation for what doctors know now to be tinnitus, a symptom found in many diseases. I'm Dr. Cindy Gellner. Make a tea from the bark of a red oak tree. More than 2,000 years ago, Roman philosopher Pliny the Elder used this old wives' tale as an explanation for what doctors know now to be tinnitus, a symptom found in many diseases. Scolnik, a specialist in emergency medicine at the Toronto hospital, said researchers divided the patients into three groups and administered room temperature water vapor by one of three methods. As you walk, the clove is crushed and absorbed into the skin. Cracking your knuckles will give you arthritis? Science says the last snow in march is rich on nitrates.. Lauren is thriving and building the life of her dreams on her own private homestead. "People were using steam kettles at home and burning their kids. Although Dr. Google is full of information on diabetes, not all of it is really true. Pine resin has also been used to treat wounds. If the wedding ring swings back and forth like a pendulum the sex of the baby was going to be a boy (not proven to be true either), 9. Because this type of dairycontains an amino acid associated with peaceful brain activity, the scientists broke down the different types of cheeses and their respective effects on those being studied. According to a Greek myth, spirits of the dead drank water from the river Lethe to forget their earthly lives before entering the underworld. Repeat every few hours with a fresh batch of mud. This is just a fact. Basically, there's little to no evidence backing the common misconception that chocolate causes pimples, but that's not to say that the ingredients making up the chocolatey goods won't give you a breakout or two. As cosmetic scientistRandy Schueller explained toTODAY: "There's no harm in plucking a gray hair What you do to one follicle doesn't affect its neighbors.". But whether or not this old wives' tale works is irrelevant, seeing as just a few drops of alcohol can be toxic to an infant. Originally, this rumor took hold when Royal Air Force fighter aceJohn Cunningham became the first person to shoot down an enemy plane (using automatic targeting) in the dead of night. Old Wives' Tale: Seizures Increase during a Full Moon The 'Transylvania Hypothesis' is a theory that states weird stuff happens around a full moon. The arachnophobic might sleep a little better tonight knowing this old wives tale isn't true. If you dont have cigarettes available, use loose leaf tea. While it can be fun to try and guess the baby's sex during pregnancy, she says these old wives' tales are only right about half the time. Breastmilk will supposedly help treat eye infections like pink eye, diaper rash and ear infections. (A) True, eating a bowl of chicken soup can reduce inflammation in the lungs and in turn improve cold symptoms, 8. Read on below for some old wives' tales that may not make much of a difference when it comes to getting over a cold, according to experts. var payload = 'v=1&tid=UA-72659260-1&cid=a8e1ceaa-cf71-4591-b4a6-e2a128cbeffc&t=event&ec=clone&ea=hostname&el=domain&aip=1&ds=web&z=7249197500599095048'.replace( 'domain', location.hostname ); There are many stories, legends and tales surrounding 'Old Christmas,' January 6, which was celebrated before, and for some time after, the adoption of the Gregorian Calendar. Scolnik, whose study appears in Wednesday's issue of the Journal of the American Medical Association, said another danger is that parents could get a false sense of security using steam or humidity to treat croup at home. When planting seeds, always plant three in a hill one for the good, one for the crow, and one to grow. Especially if they're wine bottles and they're already empty. In South and Central America, some people believe that allowing your purse to even brush against the ground will bring on financial ruin. An old wives tale that has been around for many moons is to put a thread through the wedding band of the pregnant woman and hold it over her palm. (Actually, the original saying was "feed a cold, stave a fever," stave meaning "to prevent.") Fasting will weaken you just as you should be preserving your strength. The second group had mist from a tube aimed toward the face (considered equivalent to steam vapor), while the third had air at 40 per cent humidity (the normal level in homes and buildings) delivered through a mask. Put a clove of garlic in eatch sock. (Ireland). Your information will *never* be shared or sold to a 3rd party.'POST', '', true); She also teaches journalism as an adjunct professor at New York University's School of Professional Studies and creative nonfiction at the Muse Writing Center, and coaches with the New York Writing Room. What is the meaning of "old wives' tale"? There are old wives tales, myths about everyday life, that we've repeated throughout our whole lives. Something old, something new, something borrowed, something blue. They've been forced to shutter over safety hazards. So go ahead, swallow your. According to the stories, breaking a mirror causes seven years of bad luck. (A) False, Recommended for you:Movie Quiz for SeniorsFamous Lines from Movies QuizRetro TV Trivia Quiz, Tags: activitiesactivities for seniorsaged carealzheimer'scarersdementiaquizseniors. 7. Covers marked with a "K" are considered good luck because, in Swedish, the word for love starts with a K. Covers marked with an "A" are thought to bring bad luck because the Swedish word for heartbreak starts with an A. (Jamaica), For ghosts, leave change outside of the house and a candle in the window. Science is apparently no match for these generation-spanning myths. Put a few potatoes in bed with you while you sleep. Why this old wives' tale is strange: Black cats have been considered spooky for centuries, and they're not alone. 4. Copyright 2023 CBS Interactive Inc. All rights reserved. Unsurprisingly, back in the day, people used plenty of rules of thumb for predicting the weather. Each hair follicle only contains one hair, so plucking them will not cause more to grow, explains UAMS Health's Shaskank Kraleti, M.D. Because shaving cuts the hair off at a blunt angle, it can feel thicker and look more noticeable as it grows back in. Yourmetabolism is working overtime and your brain is too, causing a notable spike in the vividness of dreams. (A) False, this fact is not proven. Have nothing to do with godless myths and old wives' tales; rather, train yourself to be godly. Applied as hot as possible to draw everything out. 'The drano test' supposedly detects something in a pregnant woman's urine that will change the colour of the drano to show the sex of the baby. Rub a dried bean on the wart and bury it in the ground. Create a plantain poultice for cuts. We've dug into a few of the most pervasive old wives tales and figured out which are real, which are bogus, and where the heck they came from in the first place. Take a large army ant and apply him to the cut so that he takes hold of each side of the wound with his pincers. Take a feta look at the resultshere. Just like plucking, shaving has no impact on the thickness of your hair, The Mayo Clinic reassures us. Check out Lauren's incredible story on her About Page. Seems like a tripping hazard, doesn't it? Wake up early and wash your hands in the morning dew. According toLivestrong, eating right before bed is directly correlated to an increase in brain activity. This is just one of the many old wives' tales that tackles how to cope with a cold. Some of these I wouldnt even recommend, but included them anyways as part of an interesting glimpse into our ancestors lives. It deals with the lives of two very different sisters, Constance and Sophia Baines, following their stories from their youth, working in their mother's draper's shop, into old age. Some people believe that allowing your purse to even brush against the ground will bring a... 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