If the applicant does not submit both fees within that time period, or if any check or other draft instrument used to pay either of those fees is returned to the superintendent unpaid by the financial institution upon which it is drawn for any reason, the application shall be denied or approval withdrawn. (3) The commission shall review the hearing examiner's report at the next regularly scheduled commission meeting held at least twenty business days after receipt of the hearing examiner's report. The licensee shall disclose in the contract the manner in which the listings of units have been obtained. An applicant who has completed the classroom instructional requirements of division (F)(6) of this section at the time of application shall be examined no later than twelve months after the applicant is notified of the applicant's admission to the examination. (4) The licensee is found to have engaged in a discriminatory practice pertaining to housing accommodations described in division (H) of section 4112.02 of the Revised Code. If the applicant does not submit both fees within that time period, or if any check or other draft instrument used to pay either of those fees is returned to the superintendent unpaid by the financial institution upon which it is drawn for any reason, the application shall be denied or approval withdrawn. All fines collected pursuant to this section shall be credited to the real estate recovery fund, created in the state treasury under section 4735.12 of the Revised Code. (BB) "Brokerage" means a corporation, partnership, limited partnership, association, limited liability company, limited liability partnership, or sole proprietorship, foreign or domestic, that has been issued a broker's license. Service of process upon any person may be initiated by leaving with the secretary of state or an assistant secretary of state four copies of the process, an affidavit stating the address of the person given on the consent-to-jurisdiction document, and a fee of five dollars. If the commissioners affirm the determination of the superintendent, the superintendent shall so notify the complainant and the licensee within five business days thereafter. In representing any client in an agency or subagency relationship, the licensee shall be a fiduciary of the client and shall use the licensee's best efforts to further the interest of the client including, but not limited to, doing all of the following: (A) Exercising reasonable skill and care in representing the client and carrying out the responsibilities of the agency relationship; (B) Performing the terms of any written agency agreement; (C) Following any lawful instructions of the client; (D) Performing all duties specified in this chapter in a manner that is loyal to the interest of the client; (E) Complying with all requirements of this chapter and other applicable statutes, rules, and regulations, including the Ohio fair housing law, division (H) of section 4112.02 of the Revised Code, and the federal fair housing law, 42 U.S.C.A. (B) Whenever the commission, pursuant to section 4735.051 of the Revised Code, imposes disciplinary sanctions for any violation of this section, the commission also may impose such sanctions upon the broker with whom the salesperson is affiliated if the commission finds that the broker had knowledge of the salesperson's actions that violated this section. (B) The brokerage policy on agency described in division (A) of this section shall include all of the following information: (1) An explanation of the permissible agency relationships available under section 4735.53 of the Revised Code and the duties that the agent owes the agent's client; (2) The brokerage's policy on representation of purchasers or sellers; (3) Whether at some time during the agency relationship the brokerage and its licensee may act as a dual agent, and the options and consequences for the client if a dual agency situation arises including the right of the client to terminate the agency relationship and seek representation from another source; (4) Whether at some time during the agency relationship, another licensee affiliated with the same brokerage as the licensee may become the exclusive agent for the other party in the transaction and whether each licensee will represent only the interests of that licensee's client; (5) The brokerage's policy on cooperation with other brokerages, including whether the brokerage offers compensation to other brokerages or will seek compensation from other brokerages; (6) That a brokerage that has a purchaser as a client represents the purchaser's interests even though the seller's agent or the seller may compensate that purchaser's brokerage; (7) That the signature of the purchaser or the seller indicates acknowledgement of receipt of the brokerage policy on agency. If the person is brought before the court by virtue of the attachment, and if upon a hearing the disobedience appears, the court may order the offender to be committed and kept in close custody. Whenever the division or superintendent of real estate is referred to or designated in any statute, rule, contract, or other document, the reference or designation shall be deemed to refer to the division or superintendent of real estate and professional licensing, as the case may be. Ohio Code 971.03 Property not covered by the Fence Line Law. Under Ohio law, trees that border fence or property lines and hang over can be trimmed back to the property line. Notwithstanding division (D) of section 2317.023 of the Revised Code, all information obtained by investigators or auditors from an informal mediation meeting held pursuant to section 4735.051 of the Revised Code, including but not limited to the agreement to mediate and the accommodation agreement, shall be held in confidence by the superintendent, investigators, auditors, and other personnel of the department. (D) A real estate broker or salesperson obtaining the signature of a party to a listing or other agreement involved in a real estate transaction shall furnish a copy of the listing or other agreement to the party immediately after obtaining the party's signature. The application shall be in the form prescribed by the superintendent and shall contain such information as is required by this chapter and the rules of the Ohio real estate commission. If the purchaser refuses to provide a signature, the licensee shall note this on the policy. (8) Procuring a license under this chapter, for the licensee or any salesperson by fraud, misrepresentation, or deceit; (9) Having violated or failed to comply with any provision of sections 4735.51 to 4735.74 of the Revised Code or having willfully disregarded or violated any other provisions of this chapter; (10) As a real estate broker, having demanded, without reasonable cause, other than from a broker licensed under this chapter, a commission to which the licensee is not entitled, or, as a real estate salesperson, having demanded, without reasonable cause, a commission to which the licensee is not entitled; (11) Except as permitted under section 4735.20 of the Revised Code, having paid commissions or fees to, or divided commissions or fees with, anyone not licensed as a real estate broker or salesperson under this chapter or anyone not operating as an out-of-state commercial real estate broker or salesperson under section 4735.022 of the Revised Code; (12) Having falsely represented membership in any real estate professional association of which the licensee is not a member; (13) Having accepted, given, or charged any undisclosed commission, rebate, or direct profit on expenditures made for a principal; (14) Having offered anything of value other than the consideration recited in the sales contract as an inducement to a person to enter into a contract for the purchase or sale of real estate or having offered real estate or the improvements on real estate as a prize in a lottery or scheme of chance; (15) Having acted in the dual capacity of real estate broker and undisclosed principal, or real estate salesperson and undisclosed principal, in any transaction; (16) Having guaranteed, authorized, or permitted any person to guarantee future profits which may result from the resale of real property; (17) Having advertised or placed a sign on any property offering it for sale or for rent without the consent of the owner or the owner's authorized agent; (18) Having induced any party to a contract of sale or lease to break such contract for the purpose of substituting in lieu of it a new contract with another principal; (19) Having negotiated the sale, exchange, or lease of any real property directly with a seller, purchaser, lessor, or tenant knowing that such seller, purchaser, lessor, or tenant is represented by another broker under a written exclusive agency agreement, exclusive right to sell or lease listing agreement, or exclusive purchaser agency agreement with respect to such property except as provided for in section 4735.75 of the Revised Code; (20) Having offered real property for sale or for lease without the knowledge and consent of the owner or the owner's authorized agent, or on any terms other than those authorized by the owner or the owner's authorized agent; (21) Having published advertising, whether printed, radio, display, or of any other nature, which was misleading or inaccurate in any material particular, or in any way having misrepresented any properties, terms, values, policies, or services of the business conducted; (22) Having knowingly withheld from or inserted in any statement of account or invoice any statement that made it inaccurate in any material particular; (23) Having published or circulated unjustified or unwarranted threats of legal proceedings which tended to or had the effect of harassing competitors or intimidating their customers; (24) Having failed to keep complete and accurate records of all transactions for a period of three years from the date of the transaction, such records to include copies of listing forms, earnest money receipts, offers to purchase and acceptances of them, records of receipts and disbursements of all funds received by the licensee as broker and incident to the licensee's transactions as such, and records required pursuant to divisions (C)(4) and (5) of section 4735.20 of the Revised Code, and any other instruments or papers related to the performance of any of the acts set forth in the definition of a real estate broker; (25) Failure of a real estate broker or salesperson to furnish all parties involved in a real estate transaction true copies of all listings and other agreements to which they are a party, at the time each party signs them; (26) Failure to maintain at all times a special or trust bank account in a depository located in this state. (b) If the licensee fails to meet the continuing education requirements of section 4735.141 of the Revised Code, the licensee shall satisfy the commission that the licensee has complied with the continuing education requirements within twelve months after the licensee's first birthday after the spouse's discharge or within the amount of time equal to the total number of months the licensee's spouse spent on active duty, whichever is greater. If the certified notice is returned because of failure of delivery, or was refused or unclaimed, the notice, written reports, or determinations are deemed served if the superintendent sends the notice, written report, or determination via regular mail and obtains a certificate of mailing of the notice, written reports, or determination. (B) A licensee, at any time during which a license has been suspended pursuant to division (G) of section 4735.07, division ( J) of section 4735.09, division (E) of section 4735.12, division (C) of section 4735.14, division (C) of section 4735.141, or section 4735.182 of the Revised Code, may apply to the superintendent on a form prescribed by the superintendent to permanently resign the licensee's license voluntarily. All operating expenses of the division of real estate shall be paid from the division of real estate operating fund. Encroachment is the act of either building a new structure or extending an existing structure onto somebody else's property without their consent. Unless the seller so directs, the licensee is not obligated to seek additional offers if the property is subject to a contract of sale, lease, or letter of intent to lease; (2) Accept delivery of and present any purchase offer to the seller in a timely manner, even if the property is subject to a contract of sale, lease, or letter of intent to lease; (3) Within the scope of knowledge required for licensure, answer the seller's questions and provide information to the seller regarding any offers or counteroffers; (4) Assist the seller in developing, communicating, and presenting offers or counteroffers; (5) Within the scope of knowledge required for licensure, answer the seller's questions regarding the steps the seller must take to fulfill the terms of any contract. (A) The real estate recovery fund is hereby created in the state treasury, to be administered by the superintendent of real estate. The license of a real estate broker shall be prominently displayed in the office or place of business of the broker, and no license shall authorize the licensee to do business except from the location specified in it. Field drainage ditch buffered with grass filter strips. (C) Persons who have indicated on the application that they have not been convicted of any criminal offense, shall, if all other requirements for licensure have been satisfied, be permitted to take the real estate examination for which the applicant has applied prior to the superintendent's receipt of the results of the criminal records check. (C)(1) In all cases, a management level licensee shall keep information of the client or brokerage confidential. Title 53 | Real Property: Title 55 | Roads-Highways-Bridges: Title 57 | Taxation: Title 58 | Trusts: Title 59 | Veterans-Military Affairs: Title 61 | Water Supply-Sanitation-Ditches: The superintendent may accept an application for renewal less than fifteen days before the expiration of any calendar year. (A) The superintendent of real estate, with the approval of the Ohio real estate commission, shall establish by rule an agency disclosure statement. No person, partnership, association, corporation, limited liability company, or limited partnership shall engage in any act or acts for which a real estate license is required while that entity's license is placed in an inactive or resigned status, or is suspended, or revoked.

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