Home Improvements, Home Design, Home Services, Real Estate, Mortgage, Home Remodeling, Home Building Call Us Now 858-224-7373 From the above link building tactics, guest posting is one of the best link building techniques search experts use on their website. Here are the lists of higher Search Operators for guest posting. Readabilitymatters alot to each and every user and thats where we need to keep our paragraph short and crispy. Find out- who is their audience, how are they interacting with their audience, what type of content is shared by them, what formats do they prefer? This type of search should ideally lead you to a blogs guest post guidelines page, a submission page, or actual guest posts written by people. We publish high-quality, original business-focused articles. When you establish an author profile with us, please include the following information: Biographical information, which will be attached to every post . Posts should be written with good grammar and have a minimum of 600 words. Posts not submitted on time may not be published. The only thing bigger than our footer will be your ROI. Please do not submit these articles, or articles with links to them. Every post will include a bio linking back to your site. We do, however, get a lot of requests, and we cant accept them all! Our readers must be interested in your topic. Guest posts can be written by almost anyone. The best way to see if weve covered your topic is to do a site search on Google: This search operator is your best friend. For SEO, guest posts also fall into a bit of a gray area. With the right strategy, you could also reach audiences that you may not have been able to reach without the influence of the target media professional or blogger. Guest Post Guidelines We receive tons of guest posts. This is especially the case now that search engines are on high alert for quality content to enhance SEO. If the words in the anchor text describe something way off base, it could be a mistake or it could be spammy. So follow their rules or they wont let you inside. If you have any questions, let us know! If you have your blogging goals clear in your mind and you have chosen a site that is relevant to your niche, you will become visible to an audience that is already interested in your area of work/ business. Pretty much everyone who can string words together can write a guest post. guest posts wanted. Guest blogging can also help you get in touch with companies/brands/individuals you hope to partner with in the future. Apps (28) Business (33) Crypto (9) Gaming (16) General (18) Stick to what you have promised to them. While some guest posts might be as long as 2500 words and still be engaging to read. P.S. Guest post service is a white hat link-building technique that allows you to write a blog and post it on someone elses site. This can help convince the site to accept other guest posts from you in the future. Clickbait headlines might capture attention, but the content that follows must measure up to what the reader is expecting. Effective guest posting does not stop once a guest post has gone live. Publishing an article or a blog on someone elses website is known as guest blogging and guest posting. If youre sending your author bio along with the Guest Posts, make sure its short & sweet. SEO Guidelines Before Submitting Guest Post | TNB. It is a good idea to read a lot of blogs relevant to your niche. Write for the audience of the site. In general, its a bad idea to give out any account to an outside author to directly publish guest posts to your website. Suggest a post. Now you should look at the content of the submitted guest post. 2. Align to the blogging format of the site. If you start publishing guest posts that arent unique or relevant, you will alienate your audience and lose regular readers. Writing. We only accept high-quality guest posts for our blog. However, only a few talented people can create content that will resonate with audiences and retain their attention. Double check. Health Blog February 28, 2023 February 28, 2023. Become an author. If you provide images for the post, you will provide a source and reference for the image, along with appropriate image names and alt descriptions. If you use them in any way, you need to create and follow strict guest post guidelines. Deep-dive into the world of content marketing with Pepper's insightful ebooks, Learn how to use Pepper's platform for Businesses. In the end, the goal is to avoid having everyone waste each others time and to mutually benefit from each other. A guest post is a piece of content you write for someone else's blog for it to be featured there and spread the word about you. Reading the above should make it clear why its important to have guidelines on your own site for accepting guest posts. We do not accept these articles because its out of our niche. Follow us on our social media. Social media shares will lead to more people coming across your brand/ business or individual social profiles. You gain increased visibility from the blogger's blog audience in exchange for the free content you provide. This is where your research from step #2 will come in handy. If you want a link to a sales page, then youll need to submit a software review or software roundup post. Blogging is all about sharing on-topic and relevant content that the audience finds useful and worth reading. Writing guest posts for other sites helps you get exposure to a whole new audience in the same niche. 10. You don't want any random piece of content on your site. Longer articles have a better chance of appearing in search results. 3. Save the promotional posts and obvious sales pitchesthose wont cut it. writers wanted. Want to contribute an article to one of the biggest News Network communities in the world? Write for us. Know about Pepper Content's journey and our way ahead, Learn how brands are scaling their content with Pepper, How VerSe Innovation increased their CTRs by 70%. Follow any guest post guidelines set forth. In general, write 200 characters about yourself. When you follow all their rules, you make the editors life a lot easier and they are more likely to accept yours. If it is clear that it is a bulk email, media professionals wont even think twice about deleting the email. Moonlight Chicken Episode 8 Release Date, Performing Cast, Trailer and Overview of the Series! Redundant topics have a very high chance of getting rejected. Make sure it's clear and easy to understand. When it comes to creating content, there is no specific way in which it should be written. Even, following these guidelines will help you to achieve your ranking too. The next step is to make sure that the guest post you write for them is something theyre likely to publish. Eyelashes Write For Us. 4. Pitch your visitor article ideas concerning They come to your blog and follow for more posts and knowledge. Crafting guest post guidelines requires a lot of thought and decision-making. 2100+ Guest Posting Sites Where You Can Publish Your Content. 5. When a blog tags you or mentions your business/brand/social media handle on one of their posts, it is a ripe time to tell them you would like to collaborate with them or write a guest post for their site. Use keywords and keyphrases to find blogs associated with your niche or blogs that accept guest posts. Read a few posts in full, and then do some skimming and exploring. You need to find a reliable service from people who know how to do this right. So youre looking to write a guest post for Launch Space. Guest posting brings you closer to the community of bloggers and helps you attract more visitors to your site. It will also help you gain more followers and readers to your own website. Send an email to Kristen at [emailprotected]! If interested, we'll probably ask for some tweaks before giving you an assignment. In short, a relevancy is required to publish guest post. When you pick your targets carefully, you will have a much greater chance of having your guest posts accepted. You are not required to create Pinterest images with text; our team will take care of that. This is something our readers have come to expect, and it's a great way for authors to connect with potential new readers. Guest posts are welcome on the V3B blog. I realise that youll probably be making this guest post request because you want to get a link from Launch Space. This means that it should have that human, friendly tone. Their guidelines also tell you how to submit a guest post. Is content actively shared on the blog page? Give us some competitor URLs and well analyze the backlink profiles of each to look for overlaps. This will help you in pitching. We accept guest and sponsored posts. Keep in mind that we look for particular type of article topics so familiarize yourself with the guidelines below before you suggest a guest post. You can identify the best blogs to submit your guest posts to by understanding your goals before pitching your guest post idea. Here are some headline ideas for guest posts that PR professionals and expert writers have used to provide a clear vision of the content of their guest posts. When pitching your ideas for a guest post, start with basic research about the niche, audience, and engaged readership of the site you are pitching to. Ultimately, guest posting harnesses earned media by helping brands to gain visibility in the media and among their target audience. 3. This will help you find opportunities for guest posting. Tracking results helps you figure out how much and what kind of traffic you could gain through your guest post. Above all, you should honestly believe that it will help your website and your audience in a meaningful way. Lip Balm Write for Us. You should already know what topics they write about, and what audience they write for. Guest post guidelines are very important for everyone involved. Read as well as adhere to these guest message guidelines. FreelanceFolder.com - contributor guidelines page. The search results will list all the guest posts by the blogger you have searched for. Here is a sample guideline to guide you through the process of pitching: Start by carefully observing and understanding what type of content within the niche, is a particular blog posting. A digital marketer is constantly in the hustle of getting quality links from a variety of referring domains, but we all find friction . They can also have their passwords hacked, which would give malicious hackers access to your website. But opting out of some of these cookies may have an effect on your browsing experience. 4. AllFreelanceWriting.com - guest post guidelines page. Hungry for more? The WordStream blog has been a go-to resource for online marketing and advertising for over 12 years. It is a great way to establish a relationship with bloggers and high-authority websites that can host a companys posts and gain more followers for additional exposure. The second step is to find your ideal guest posting opportunities through sites and blogs relevant to your niche or industry. Guest posts wanted. With guest posting/guest blogging, you can secure high-quality backlinks and gets better rankings. Certain blog pages list when an opportunity opens up and they are looking for a guest writer or blogger. I recommend that you only accept guest posts from qualified, vetted people with interesting points of view and experience related to your space. Whether youre submitting them to other sites or accepting them for your own, theyre a common practice. Your post should fall under one of the following topics: food, recipes, natural/eco-friendly living, cooking tips, meal planning, or kitchen tools. Do not attach any previously-written drafts, as your proposal will be ignored. Some other you can use as they are also related: For Categories, you can add category name along with this query, Holiday and Travel + contribute to our site, Health and Fitness + submit your content, Technology blog + contributor guidelines, Web and Apps Development + guest posts wanted, Business and Technology + looking for guest posts, Google News Approved site + accepting guest posts, Hotel and Restaurant + become guest writer, Health and Fitness bLog + become a contributor, Fashion and Clothing + submit an article, digital marketing + write for us + guest post, technology guest post Technology contributing writer, digital marketing write for us guest post. And the guidelines helps everyone get to that point as painlessly as possible. Toget a feel for not only our topics, but also our tone and basic format (short intros, lots of headings and subheadings, short paragraphs, value-adding images, etc.). By guest posting, brands can create a win-win situation for both themselves and the blogs they partner with. When you are a guest in someone elses home, you are polite and respect the rules they have for their own home. Add Headers in H2 tags and sub-headers in H3 and H4 tags. Now, its time to know what type of article you could write for us! Our team has a significant digital footprint and content published on any of our family of websites attracts eyeballs and interest. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. The primary reason for guest blogging is to secure backlinks to your site to improve search rankings. In case your goal is building backlinks, which advisably should not be your sole purpose for guest blogging, you will have to approach blog pages that have a strong root domain. Most websites that accept guest posts will have a page on their site outlining their guidelines for new submissions. Before you send an email requesting a guest post collaboration, make sure you have chosen the right topic, and have done thorough research. While its time-consuming to use this as an inbound marketing strategy, guest posting is still one of the best ways to get an audience and drive traffic to a companys owned media. You will have a higher chance of getting your content published on these platforms because the bloggers have already accepted content related to your industry/niche. Be selective in what you allow to be published 5. Set Your Content Standards Early Remember, this only refers to the rights of the content. If you want to write a guest post targeting a relevant keyword, read the following closely: We dont link back to sales pages from blog posts. To make your content outstanding, start focusing on following checklist: Feel the words of your article and then Write! Navn Gupta. While guest blogging is about adhering to the guidelines, tone, style, and format of the blog you are writing the guest post for, you also need to make an impression. Now, Let's Talk about how to submit guest posts. Guidelines: Your post should fall under one of the following topics: food, recipes, natural/eco-friendly living, cooking tips, meal planning, or kitchen tools. Thats going to be our hard deadline. Why guest post guidelines are a must-have. Follow any blogger's guidelines to increase the chances of your guest post being accepted on their blog. A blog post has to provide value to readers. Global ranking: 4,574 Core theme: Lifestyle, Entertainment, News Accepts republished content: Yes.Contributing writers are expected to submit at least one article draft a week, but we are very flexible & allow our writers to submit articles a little more or less than that (if desired.) If you'd like to write a guest post that will be published on our blog, please follow these rules: What We Love. This is the easiest way for us to convert your content into a WordPress post (using our Google Docs and WordPress . Some are there to standardize their posts. Guest posting guidelines Produce content that supports Demio's dedication to making marketers' lives easier and happier. WritingForward.com - guest post page. To find these guest post guidelines, do a quick Google search like: "site:blog.com blog guidelines." This searches the blog for any content related to their guest post guidelines. The final and very important guideline for accepting guest posts is setting up the agreement that you own the content. Submissions that don't meet our requirements will be immediately rejected. According to an update from Google in 2017, they warned against using large-scale guest posting as a link building strategy. Now make a list of all the blogs and websites they have contributed to. FSA Write For Us. So now weve devised a system for anybody to be able to submit one in real time. First-hand accounts ofexperiments/strategies/tests. The guidelines also help save you time, as you can have people write guest posts in a certain style, word count, formatting, document type, markup, and so on. These are our guidelines for a guest post: Your post must be writing-related. We use cookies on our website to give you the most relevant experience by remembering your preferences and repeat visits. Is the content of the blog you are pitching relevant to your niche? Guidelines of the Article Eyelashes Write for Us You can send your article to contact@Healthandblog.com. Make sure that what they wrote is on a relevant topic, but covers information that is unique and interesting. You will have a greater chance of success if you send a personalized email pitch and start developing relationships with the bloggers and journalists on their list. What are Your Guest Blogging Goals? Out of these cookies, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. Save the promotional posts and obvious sales pitchesthose won't cut it. Brings you closer to the community you are writing for. Guest bloggers usually share the link to their guest posts on their stories and posts and even tweets. How to Make The Best Pizza Sauce Recipe With Tomato Paste, 5 Best Meal Planning Services for Stress Free Dinners. Guest Post Requirements. 10. By clicking Accept, you consent to the use of ALL the cookies. This will impact your lead generation. Looking for guest posts. Some of this research is very basic, but still important to do: This research will pay off huge for you. Guest posting guidelines. Find out if you're making costly mistakesand how to fix them. There are two opportunities for Demio to accept guest content: The easiest way to have another site accept and publish your guest post to their site is by following their style, topics, and so on. SUBJECT: Hi [NAME], regular contributor pitch for [PUBLICATION NAME] Hi [NAME], [YOUR NAME] is a [YOUR UNIVERSITY] grad with over 20 years of experience in brand management, technology marketing and innovative business strategy. The first thing you should do when a potential guest sends you a pitch is send them the link to your guidelines. Set out in your guidelines that new guest authors need to include a link to their own blog, and a few samples of other guest posts. This is all we need from your guest post proposal. Always include an introduction and a conclusion. Articles that mimic our tone and style of writing. Your guest post needs to be 2,000+ words. Secondly, a guest posts headline is what draws peoples attention to the companys content. It just means that you own the rights so they cant take away the unique value you gain from publishing it on your site. We love guest posts, but we do get a high volume ofrequests on a daily basis. Be sure your content is SEO optimized including a keyword or keyword phrase and a meta description. Purchasing 1000s of the guest post and writing 800 words article is something everyone does for their branding but can you do research based long article and thats too with infographics and for sponsored post? Valuable: if the information you provide to their audience doesnt tell them anything useful or interesting, they wont accept it. To make a guest post inquiry, emailcontent@launchspace.net. If syndicated, the post should include a reference as to where the post first published and a link. It. Whether you are a freelance writer or a company that has authority on the subject, we understand the importance of giving our readers various perspectives to help them gain more knowledge on the subject. Guest blogging is the practice of writing content for another website. A good trick is to look at older content on their blog and see what you can write about with newer facts, tips and information. Learn how to become a creator and use Pepper's creator platform. Guest posting is an important part of any serious blog strategy. A blog post must have 1-2 links to credible publications. Email marketing Write for Us. First off, its nice to connect with you . End up being a subscriber to this blog site and read it for a while. Also, we have become quite good in spotting spinoffs, plagiarized and articles that are too common knowledge. Find out if there is a common element in the guest posts featured on the blog. Things that you need to consider include: whether the content on the site/blog is focused on your niche, whether the readers are interested in the topics related to the industry, if the blog has an engaged readership, and whether the blogger/media professionals also have other channels that they use to communicate with their audience. Guest Post Guidelines to submit a post to this site The article must relate to Shipping, Freight, Maritime, Logistics, Supply Chain or Trade; The article should have been originally written by you and not reproduced or plagiarised from elsewhere; The article should be unique to this site and not reproduced elsewhere; Recently Heard is a Popular news Distribution And we do not have time to review all of them. We only link back to relevant SaaS and marketing sites (no gambling or random topics). Guest blogging has emerged as an interesting field in recent years. Hyperlinks in the post content are fine, please be reasonable. These contacts help them to connect with the best journalists in their respective niches. Please follow up in three weeks if . Hence, you need to be flexible and be patient if you want to obtain efficient and effective media coverage. Google Search Strings is your first stop on the roadmap to guidelines for guest posting. Even, If you follow 5 checklist out of these 10 guidelines, You are good to go. A guest post includes an "About author" section in which you can link to your own websites and projects. One of the main ranking factors on Google is links. Guest posting typically starts with finding blogs to contribute to, pitching your ideas to the site owner, submitting the content, and promoting it to attract the audience. If you do write a guest post, following the guidelines will give you a much better chance of it being accepted. Guest post guidelines are important for both parties. Just like that. Creating high-quality content is one of the most important outcomes of successful guest posting. Guest posting encourages you to put in more effort and dedicate more time and research to your own niche and the posts that you are creating. A blog post should contain at least 800 words. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. This will boost your authority as the creator and establish you as the go-to person when people are looking to gain more insight. : your post must have 1-2 links to credible publications, get a guest post guidelines of thought and decision-making efficient... In recent years Release Date, Performing Cast, Trailer and Overview of the biggest News Network communities in anchor. Articles with links to them you consent to the use of all the guest posts headline is what draws attention! Away the unique value you gain more followers and readers to your website lead to people... 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