Remember, the current defcon level warning system status today is not recorded as an actual official change until the United States government releases the actual current official warning system level for the military to the public. The newspaper said that it takes two years to build NASAMS due to the time it takes to purchase the components and motors for the rockets. The Foreign Ministers of Estonia, Lithuania, and Lavia have all posted the following statement on social media: "We, [Latvia, Estonia, Lithuania] Foreign Ministers, call on Germany to provide Leopard tanks to Ukraine now. FAA Notice And Map, FAA Issues NOTAM over Havre, Montana Near Canadian Border - The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) has issued a NOTAM over Havre, Montana, near the Canadian border, and declared the region National Defense Airspace. Occurring since 2018, bomber rotations through Europe maintain our readiness to execute a wide variety of missions across two continents, sustaining peace through deterrence.". The ballistic missile malfunction isn't reported to have caused any injuries, according to South Korea's Joint Chiefs of Staff. Macron added, "Too many people are talking about it". We wanted to, you know, take care that somebody didn't get hurt or property wasn't destroyed. Bruce Klingner, senior research fellow at the Asian Studies Center of the Heritage Foundation said, "The redeployment of U.S. nuclear weapons to South Korean soil lacks military merit". These air defence systems are making a difference because many of the incoming missiles were actually shot down by the Ukrainian air defence systems provided by NATO Allies. The report cites Adam Meyers, senior vice president of intelligence at the cybersecurity firm CrowdStrike located in the United States that the Cold River hacking group is "directly involved in supporting Kremlin information operations". Read more, October 25, 2022 - *New Information* - Russia has claimed that Ukraine is preparing a possible 'provocation' involving the use of a 'dirty bomb', while the US and Ukraine claim that this might be a pretext for a Russian 'false flag' operation. Berlin adopted this decision on the 80th anniversary of the breaking of the blockade of Leningrad, in which hundreds of thousands of Soviet citizens died. In 2021, MCGONIGAL and SHESTAKOV conspired to provide services to Deripaska, in violation of U.S. sanctions imposed on Deripaska in 2018. The United States Air Force stated that "Regularly integrating with our allies improves our cooperation and operational capacity, capability and interoperability. Is it the first time. As a grim example, for more than a year, Afghanistan remains the only country in the world where girls are systemically barred from attending school beyond the sixth grade, with no return date in sight. Claiming that the world would be a stable place again when the United States abandons Europe and added, "what will be left from poor Ukrainians unless it is too late.". "We ask at this time that you take all security precautions to protect your community and facility". At all times, citizens are urged to learn what steps to take in the event of a nuclear attack. Security Alert: U.S. Embassy Baghdad, Iraq - Location: Iraq (countrywide). Read Full Article, US, South Korea, Japan Working Together To Ensure Taiwan's Self-Defense - WASHINGTON - US Deputy Secretary of State Wendy Sherman said on October 26th that the United States will be cooperating with South Korea and Japan in order to ensure Taiwan's self-defense. "The deployment of 28,500 U.S. troops on South Korean soil remains a severe barrier to aggression by North Korea. STAFF: OK. Let's go to Heather Mongilio, USNI. "I don't think we should underestimate Putin's adherence to his original plan to control Ukraine. Arctic weather conditions, including wind chill, snow, and limited daylight, are a factor in this operation, and personnel will adjust recovery operations to maintain safety. Read Statement, US Department Of State: Announcement of Visa Restrictions in Response to the Repression of Women and Girls in Afghanistan - The United States has begun restricting visas from being issued to both current, and former members of the Taliban, as well as others over the repression of women and girls in Afghanistan, according to a statement by U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken on Tuesday. Most of Russia's attacks on Ukraine for the last few months have been using long-range missiles on Ukrainian targets. Finnish news is reporting the weapons are ending up in the hands of criminals in European countries. "Just to give you a hypothetical, we would respond by leading a NATO, a collective effort, that would take out every Russian conventional force that we can see and identify on the battlefield in Ukraine and also in Crimea and every ship in the Black Sea," he added. Why not shoot it down? MR PRICE: We are aware of this claim by Irans navy. The Department of State believes there is a higher potential for anti-American violence given the death of Ayman al-Zawahiri on July 31, 2022. The safety of our service personnel, our bases and installations, and the protection of U.S. operations security on land, in the skies, seas, and space are paramount. Once they will test it, they will see if it works, Only then can they manufacture more efficient and smaller weapons." Was it -- did it crash? Want to know what it takes and what types of jobs in the Navy are available? Read Full Article. "Where does he find a way out? Specific details about the units involved and assets used will not be released in order to ensure operations security. Q: Yes, thank you. When the South Korean President was asked about the report, he said "As I said the other day, there are diverse opinions across our nation and in the United States regarding extended deterrence, so I am listening to them carefully and looking carefully at various possibilities.". This critical donation will help Ukraine better defend its civilians from Russian airstrikes. This authorization is the Biden Administrations twenty-first drawdown since August 2021. This information is not true. Spain announced it will provide four HAWK launchers to strengthen Ukraine's air defense. Read more, December 09, 2022 - Russian President Vladimir Putin has put out a statement saying that any country that dares attack Russia with nuclear weapons will be wiped from the face of the earth, considers adding Russia to nuclear first strike strategy. While a nuclear missile is intended for widespread destruction, tactical nuclear missiles are meant to be used on targets in the battlefield. Publicly, Prigozhin and his fighters have criticized Russian generals and defense officials for their performance in Ukraine," he added. A month ago the commander of the Iranian Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps put out a warning to Saudi Arabia regarding its coverage of the Iranian protests by its media, which included Iran International. So the way they are able to then respond is by indiscriminate attacks on Ukrainian cities, hitting civilians, critical infrastructure. The site activated the Y-12 Emergency Response Organization and weve been in close contact with local and state officials". Map changes will update automatically on your website. The United States strongly supports the Afghan people and remains committed to doing all we can to protect and promote the human rights and fundamental freedoms of all Afghans, including women and girls. Below are the current live open source intelligence (OSINT) overall Defcon level status, and regional readiness alert estimates for each combatant command in the U.S. Military. And some short follow up to Teris question, you said that ministers will discuss how to refill stocks only tomorrow. Working with the Somali National Army, U.S. Africa Commands initial assessment is that the strike killed 17 attacking al Shabaab terrorists and that no civilians were injured or killed. He added, And if this base in Ushuaia materializes, it could become the first of many others, both on the Atlantic and Pacific coasts or the Andean area". Serbia has asked NATO to deploy the Serbian army and police force. North Korea Fires Multiple Ballistic Missiles - North Korea has reportedly fired another "unspecified" ballistic missile toward the East Sea, according to Japan's Coast Guard, the South Korean military and South Korea's news agency Yonhap, which is reporting multiple ballistic missiles. ", NORAD: Detected Radar Anomaly, Sent Fighter Aircraft To Investigate - National Security Reporter Natasha Bertrand: "This appears to have been a false alarm: New NORAD statement says NORAD detected a radar anomaly and sent fighter aircraft to investigate. The missile is a hand-launched loitering missile, also called an attack drone which can land back in a soldiers hand without exploding if it is not used against a target. Read more, November 11, 2022 - The commander of the U.S. Strategic Command has said that the war in Ukraine is just a warm up and that the United States must be prepared for much more, around the corner, because the big one is coming. The internet records that Reuters cited showed login pages that had been faked for each laboratory, as well as emails from hackers sent to nuclear scientists at each location attempting to get them to disclose their login passwords. The recent Russian attacks across Ukraine include the use of unmanned aerial vehicles and cruise missiles to attack "what are clearly not military targets," with Ukrainian citizens being killed and Russia seeking to instill fear in the population, the official said. Read more, February 12, 2023 - NORAD Statement on Alaskan high-altitude airborne object Shootdown: "February 11, 2023 U.S. Northern Command Update on Recovery Operations At the direction of the President of the United States, fighter aircraft assigned to U.S. Norther Command successfully took down a high altitude airborne object off the northern coast of Alaska. Three 107mm rockets targeted the base. "Q: On February 3, senior US State Department officials said at a briefing via teleconference that due to the entry of a Chinese unmanned airship into US airspace, US Secretary of State Blinken has decided to postpone his planned trip to China. Could You Have Won the Battle of Gettysburg? Can you give us a sense of how big is it? Border Patrol agents assigned to the Campo Station initiated a vehicle stop near the Crestwood Road exit on Interstate 8. Finnish news is reporting the weapons are ending up in the hands of criminals in European countries. And the second question is more looking toward the future, given the domestic pressures in Russia, what kind of planning is there at NATO for the possibility of President Putin leaving office and the destabilisation that might follow? No US forces were wounded or killed as a result of the strikes and there is no damage to US equipment. Travel to all areas of Afghanistan is unsafe and the risk of kidnapping or violence against U.S. citizens in Afghanistan is high. Notify a trusted person of your travel and movement plans. Sea states Tuesday permitted divers and explosives ordnance technicians to conduct underwater salvage and recovery, and underwater survey activities continue using unmanned underwater vehicles. Montanans deserve answers". Only around 3,300 military personnel are based at Malmstrom base at a time, and only 400 of those are assigned as missileers or operator support. This is why Russia is taking such postures. (a) All units will report their integration and operation plans for MOBILITY GUARDIAN 2023 to include all events (lead-in and concurrent) they wish to include for credit. I expect you to move out briskly on the monthly tasks, anticipate the projected tasks and weave them eloquently into your units' training and operational battle rhythms. To view all alerts, visit the Alerts Page. North Korea Calls On US, South Korea To Stop Joint Military Exercises - PYONGYANG - North Korea on Monday called on the United States and South Korea to stop carrying out joint military exercises, calling the drills a provocation that might cause "more powerful follow-up measures" from the North in response.Read Full Article, 2022 National Defense Strategy Of The United States Of America - WASHINGTON - The Pentagon said that although Russia is an "acute threat", China "is the only competitor out there with both the intent to reshape the international order, and increasingly the power to do so". WebIs the DEFCON Level Public? The U.S. Treasury is currently implementing various accounting measures in order to buy time for congress to come up with an agreement on raising the debt limit. I'm not going to go into all the details because I don't want to reveal sensitive information. "But on the Norths five recent test events involving two missiles, the shortest separation in the launches was nine minutes, the longest 22 minutes, and the average 14 minutes. IPRAP permits importers to abandon small shipments containing IPR violations rather than having the agency seize the product. Hurricane Ian To Make Landfall In Florida- Hurricane Ian view via null school wind surface map. But, obviously, that is something that our intelligence community will continue to work very closely on for this and any other potential threats. Do these Chinese surveillance balloons somehow explain the UAP, some of the unidentified aerial phenomena that were reported in that report to Congress? How exactly did it go down? Read more, August 05, 2022 - The Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs have announced a list of "countermeasures" in response to Nancy Pelosi's visit to the island of Taiwan. GENERAL RYDER: Yeah, again, I'm not going to be able to talk about what we know on those previous balloons. The U.S. air force had been authorized to open fire in case there was any interference from the Chinese on the plane that carried Pelosi. Russia invaded a sovereign independent nation, violated its territorial integrity and sovereignty. Were you tracking it all over -- the way over the Pacific Ocean, or did you just start tracking it when it got close to Alaska? Any more and I am locking it off. So we have, as a press corps, we have two narratives here, competing narratives. The South Korean Defense Minister has released a video message saying that "Any nuclear attack by North Korea will lead to the end of the Kim Jong-un regime. AMC/A3 will formalize these orders in FRAGO format. And how's that being addressed? Again, the facts are that they sent a surveillance balloon into sovereign U.S. airspace. This is how transatlantic solidarity is forged, said the head of the delegation". For security reasons, the U.S. military never publicly releases the current DEFCON level. Read more, January 27, 2023 - Russian Security Council Deputy Chairman, and former president Dmitry Medvedev said that Russia may be nationalizing the property of people who are registered in the United States, European Union, and other "unfriendly" jurisdictions in the midst of new "anti-Russian" sanctions. NORAD will continue to monitor the situation., Representative Rosendale: Airspace Above Montana Reopened - Representative Matt Rosendale statement: "Airspace is reopened I will remain in contact with defense officials and share more information as it becomes available. In 1959, when the DEFCON system was implemented, the Joint Chiefs of Staff explained in a memo: A uniform system of progressive readiness is essential in insuring timely, accurate and clear direction of commands subordinate to the Joint Chiefs of Staff and in achieving greater effectiveness of U.S. forces in preparation for execution of contingency or emergency war plans. A fortified, ready, integrated, and agile Joint Force Maneuver Team ready to fight and win inside the first island chain. Read more, October 18, 2022 - NORAD - Russian Tu-95 bombers capable of being equipped with nuclear weapons were intercepted on October 18th (local time) after "entering and operating within the Alaskan Air Defense Identification Zone". Then on the nature of the war. We call on the Belarusian people not to succumb to provocations. I will be careful speculating too much about the domestic political situation in Russia. I am waiting now to receive visual confirmation. "I'd like you to understand that it's difficult for a president to openly confirm or give a clear answer on such security issues," he added. The lessons learned during these exercises are exportable to our partners across the region, Kurilla concluded.". The expert also said that the United States does not maintain ground-based nuclear weapons and that its tactical nuclear weapons are now mounted on mobile air and sea platforms, which make them "difficult for North Korea to find and target". Debt Clock Snapshot | Treasury Letter. Can you say when the last time a similar situation happened? No U.S. forces were injured or killed and there was no loss or damage to U.S. equipment in the execution of this operation. This year we are planning to be present in the Panama Canal.. Tweet 1 | Tweet 2. So if we now created the grounds for any misunderstanding, miscalculation in Moscow about our willingness to protect and defend all Allies, we would increase the risk of escalation and that's the last thing we will do. Global News journalist Mercedes Stephenson posted a statement that said, "exclusive reporting that they have spotted another potential spy balloon. U.S. Africa Command, headquartered in Stuttgart, Germany, with partners, counters malign actors and transnational threats, responds to crises, and strengthens security forces in order to advance U.S. national interests and promote regional security, stability and prosperity. The DEFCON 3 exercise term is Round House.. As I told Prime Minister Andersson and President Niinist when I hosted them at the White House in May, the United States remains committed to the security of Sweden and Finland. Read more, August 21, 2022 - On August 18th US military B-52 nuclear-capable bombers returned to the 'RAF' Fairford US Air Force base in Gloucestershire, United Kingdom from the Minot Air Base in North Dakota. The crews are performing assigned tasks and on-the-fly instructions, including intensive maneuvering on combat patrol routes". Putin's orders put Russia at the Elevated level, the second level similar to the U.S. More: What is NATO? Appreciate your time today. So therefore, I have two short questions. Joint Resolution Introduced To Use Military Force Against Mexican Drug Cartels - WASHINGTON - A new Joint Resolution has been introduced by United States Representative Dan Crenshaw that would allow for the use of military force against Mexican drug cartels in order to fight against drug trafficking into the United States. We have no intention to violate and has never violated the territory or airspace of any sovereign country. Hurricane is expected to make landfall in Florida as a category 4 storm with a current wind speed of 140mph. Wang said, The wording on China in this joint statement smacks heavily of a zero-sum Cold War mentality and contains groundless smears and attacks on China". The White House has indicated that Moscow looking to purchase arms from North Korea and claims that it is further evidence that Russia is desperate, and that its ammunition supplies are running low as its "special operation" on Ukraine passes its six and a half month mark. QUESTION: Pat, if there were four previous incidents were Chinese spy balloons were over U.S. airspace and they weren't reported, how is this not an intelligence failure? The Pentagon has stated that no U.S. military forces were involved in strikes, despite claims by Saudi media that the United States Air Force was involved. And its run by a state-owned enterprise and the Peoples Liberation Army. And of course, there are many concerns and many, many challenges we all face. For more information, please visit theIraq Country Informationpage Read Full Article, International Space Station Forced To Use Thrusters To Avoid Debris From Russian Anti-Satellite Test - NASA - The International Space Station was forced to ignite a thruster in order to move the space station away from debris created from a Russian anti-missile test in 2021. The Chinese side has repeatedly informed the US side after verification that the airship is for civilian use and entered the US due to force majeure, which was completely accidental. Read more, October 15, 2022 - DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE - "Today, the Department of Defense (DoD) announces the authorization of a Presidential Drawdown of security assistance valued at up to $725 million to meet Ukraine's critical security and defense needs". "What I can say is that this exercise, the Russian exercise, is an annual exercise. 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