political machines apush

| $4.0$ | No | It also overlapped the Era of Reconstruction. Which of the following can be concluded about the status of middle-class people during the late 1800s when the excerpt was produced? Political machines often brought modern services to the city, including a crude form of welfare for urban newcomers. 7 (Aggression), Evolutionary Psychology OU Chapter 5 (Pair Bo, Evolutionary Psychology OU Chapter 6 (Altruis, Evolutionary Psychology OU Chapter 4 (Sexuali, Government in America: Elections and Updates Edition, George C. Edwards III, Martin P. Wattenberg, Robert L. Lineberry, Christina Dejong, Christopher E. Smith, George F Cole, Oral Comm - L1: Types of Communicative Strate. His son, Washington Roebling, oversaw the completion of the bridge which was a technological feat in the 1880s. Example: Responsible for the construction of the NY court house; actual construction cost $3million. In northern cities, the Democratic Party was particularly adept at operating political machines, organizations in which party bosses distributed food and jobs to immigrants and the poor in exchange for their votes. Which of the following pieces of evidence could best be used to support Addams' argument in the excerpt about politics in the late 1880s? The most important plank of the platform, however, was. how did the immigrants impact the political structure of the US.. like the democrats helped the immigrants but did the immigrants change the political structure. C) They backed political movements calling for limits on corporate power and government ownership of transportation. WebA) Activists believed that political machines hindered immigrant adoption of American political norms. One of Sullivan's most famous designs was the Wainwright Building in St. Louis. B) Corporations recruited government support to oppose the formation of labor unions. C) They faced declining working conditions. Which of the two was most like to support the call for a gold standard? Direct link to GKeenan2021's post are there any similaritie, Posted 3 years ago. C) Decreased economic competition from European empires The artists believed in portraying scenes from everyday life in starkly realistic detail. Decide whether each of the following statements makes sense (or is clearly true) or does not make sense (or is clearly false). Ignored low wages and dangerous working conditions Led to growth of suburbs. We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. Answer: B). The Journal of Petroleum Geology (April 2010) published a study of the environmental factors associated with biodegradation in crude oil reservoirs. 4. A) Businesses made use of new management structures to increase the production of goods. Public school enrollment grew, Muckraker, wrote The Jungle D) Chicagoans worried that they faced more political corruption than other cities in the northern United States. He was a crooked politician and money maker. The Progressive Era saw more effective efforts to reign in Tammanys strength. The influx of Irish immigrants arriving in New York City in the wake of the Potato Famine further expanded Tammanys numbers and influence. Homer, along with other American artists, broke from European tradition and experimented with new styles. WebThis APUSH & U.S. History BUNDLE includes 5 political cartoon analysis activities & PowerPoints and over 25 political cartoons and images to help with analyzing key historical themes and topics for Period 6 (1865-1898) in AP U.S. History. However, more accountable and honest democratic processes were instituted later in the Progressive Era, such as reforms of initiative, referendum, and The practice began during the administration of President Andrew Jackson, who took office in March 1829. Low tariffs? The influence of Tammany did not wane until the 1930s, and the organization itself did not cease to exist until the 1960s. example of how women began to expand their "sphere" Answer: A) In both periods, the expansion of power over western North America gave the United States control over more natural resources. D) Reformers advocated expanded college access for immigrants in order to facilitate social integration. Reformers passed laws to regulate utilities and public transportation, Detroit reform mayor - brought honesty to city hall - got rid of political machines C. the murder of a black boy who swam too close to a white beach, D. the assault of a white man on a streetcar by black youths. | $3.3$ | No | Pete is a student who spends 10 percent of his expenditure on books and B) End Reconstruction policies in the South. I would say that the immigrants changed the political structure slightly, such a great influx of immigrants maybe would change the support certain people got in gov?? The Republican Party also promoted the expansion of business and infrastructure, granting railroad companies land and subsidies to expand rail lines across the continent. The group declared itself opposed to Alexander Hamilton and his Society of Cinncinati, whose members Tammany supporters berated as elite and hostile to the middle classes. WebAPUSH Ch 10 Henretta Key Terms - Flashcards Get access to high-quality and unique 50 000 college essay examples and more than 100 000 flashcards and test answers from around the world! In the space above each underlined verb below, identify the verb by writing *L* for *linking* or *A* for *action*. A) The idea of the Social Gospel inspired the development of many new reform movements. Worker protection law from Democrats, 1919 - outlawed manufacture, sale, transport of alcoholic beverages Which of the following explains a similarity among reactions to the characteristics of immigration in the late 1800s described in the poem and reactions to earlier immigration to the United States? 7 Who was the leader of the political machine? Eminent American novelist and critic, whose championing of such diverse American writers as Stephen Crane, Frank Norris, Henry James, and Mark Twain made him the most influential literary force of his day. Direct link to David Alexander's post Large corporations "owned, Posted 2 years ago. Select the best choice from among the possible answers given. A) Immigrants were often enslaved as laborers in northern factories and mills. In 1876, nearly 82 percent of the voting-age population turned out for the presidential election. Direct link to pwvandervorst's post I would say that the immi, Posted 2 years ago. Believed cause of urban distress was immigrants' lack of self-discipline and self-control Tammany claimed to speak for the working classes and was able to marshal the ward votes to prove it. They abandoned their pure American language and began reaching out to immigrants in an effort to undercut similar tactics by the Clinton supporters. High school APUSH teacher with much in-class and online teaching experience. Answer: C) Rural immigrant populations outpaced those of cities as access to land became easier. Middle-class reformers allied with Progressive national leaders and newsmen like William Randolph Hearst to shine a revealing light on shady Tammany activities. A Democratic political boss, former mayor of Boston who was imprisoned twice for corruption but is still admired by many members of the public. If you're behind a web filter, please make sure that the domains *.kastatic.org and *.kasandbox.org are unblocked. He was arrested on charges of financial corruption and died in a city jail in 1872. A) Both argued that the spread of Christianity was a positive influence on American Indians. In 1896, however, the Democratic Party incorporated free silver into its platform, which undercut the necessity of a third-party movement. People Places Things D) Extend international influence through trade. High-density, cheap, five- or six-story housing units built in the late nineteenth century and designed for large urban populations. In this article, well compare the platforms, constituents, and actions of the three political parties during the Gilded Age. Project cost tax payers $13million. Roosevelt's secretary of war, then president after Roosevelt, then later chief justice of the US, Illustrated how the cult of domesticity could evolve into a broader view of women's social and political responsibilities, Goal was to legislate a ban on the sale of alcoholic beverages. Appealed directly to congress to pressure the government for a women's suffrage amendment. WebPolitical Machine A party organization that recruits voter loyalty with tangible incentives and is characterized by a high degree of control over member activity Political Boss representative for or head of the political machine; gained votes for their parties by doing favors for people. People who disagreed at the time with the ideas expressed in the poem were most likely to advocate for which of the following government policies? What were the major similarities and differences between the three political parties active in the Gilded Age? Tammany Hall was a nineteenth and twentieth century New York City political machine that got its start in the 1780s as a benevolent society. Novelist who wrote in a naturalistic style. By the early 1800s, Tammany leaders had to reassess their political direction. Did Pete experience a Which of the two can claim to have banned slavery in the United States? | $2.4$ | No | Laissez-faire capitalism C) Immigrants frequently relied on settlement houses to help them adjust to their new surroundings. The transportation development described in the excerpt had which of the following effects on agriculture in the United States? Answer: B) Chief Joseph believed that Native American tribes had a right to sovereignty, while Commissioner Parker believed that Native American tribes were not sovereign nations. A) Activists believed that political machines hindered immigrant adoption of American political norms. D) Decreased activity in commercial trade across the Atlantic. D) Government subsidies facilitated the construction of transportation and communication networks. D) Federal support to protect the voting rights of African Americans. The Democratic Party adopted the most important plank of the Populist Partys platform, leading to its demise. A Realist painter known for his seascapes of New England. Am I then wrong? An end-of-period adjusting entry that debits Unearned Revenue most likely will credit Kims credit card was not paid in full last month so she will pay a finance charge this month. Eugenics scientific excuse for racism and nativism, Educational reformer - schools potent engines of social change A) They came to believe that they had a moral obligation to help improve society to address the needs of the working and middle classes. Developed the philosophy of pragmatism which argued modern society should use the test of scientific inquiry rather than tradition or ideals to develop policy. When did Tammany Hall stop being a political machine? Best known for his Arrangement in Black and Grey, No.1, also known as Whistler's Mother. John Muir was first president What was the inciting event that led to the Chicago Race Riot of 1919? Turnout peaked in the 1870s and 1880s and declined thereafter. City bosses and urban political machines in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries did which of the following? Histology Celebration of Learning (edited), APUSH Period 6 Progress Check+Daily Video Que. CPI is shown on p. 607? The pitcher $\underline{threw}$ a fastball, and Aaron, knocked it over the left field fence. Tweed Ring/Tammany Hall Political machine in New York City that helped Irish immigrants rise up in American politics, controlled democratic party nominations and patronage. During Reconstruction, the Republican Party worked to secure civil rights for black people in the South, but the partys commitment to racial equality waned by the late 1870s. The Democrats championed state and local control of government, opposed the protectionist tariff, and regarded personal liberty as more important than moral reform. Answer: C) The economic needs and social ambitions of young immigrants could be in conflict. Louis Sullivan, 1856-1914 / "Chicago School". Web3. WebAs the table below depicts, every single president elected from 1876 through 1892 won despite receiving less than 50 percent of the popular vote. Political machines were entities controlled by a boss that wielded enormous influence over the government of urban cities. | $4.0$ | No | In political terminology, the initiative is a process that enables citizens to bypass their state legislature by placing proposed statutes and, in some states, constitutional amendments on the ballot. | $4.0$ | No |. Anatomy: Organelles - What do we remember? Farmers generally responded to industrialization in the late nineteenth century in which of the following ways? B) Social reformers achieved many legislative reforms. Some economists say that the government can continue running a budget deficit forever. The machines power is based on the ability of the boss to get out the vote for their candidates on election day. | $4.0$ | No | What was the most famous political machine in NYC? Led American Railway Union strike against Pullman Palace Car Co. a political organization within the Democratic Party in New York city (late 1800's and early 1900's) seeking political control by corruption and bossism, when voting is manipulated to have a desired outcome. Full of reform zeal, led to CA governorship and US Senate D) They challenged federal policies that set aside western land to establish reservations for American Indians. That required more money in the system, which had been limited to the amount of gold held in reserves. B) They provided some welfare for poor immigrants in exchange for political support. Who was the leader of the political machine? All units purchased during 2016 cost$12.00 per unit. This established a repetitive cycle of relatively weak presidents who owed many political favors that could be repaid through one prerogative power: patronage. A) They began to shift away from using the sharecropping system. WebTeaching the history of urbanization poses a challenge for teachers of AP United States History courses. Tammany Hall was a nineteenth and twentieth century New York City political machine that got its start in the 1780s as a benevolent society. according to the historian frederick jacson turner, a key factor in the development of american individualism and democracy was. Originally known as the, , the group modelled itself after a similar association organized in Philadelphia in 1772 whose stated purpose was to promote pure Americanism., , a Lenni-Lenape Chief who had negotiated in the 1600s with William Penn in an effort to achieve peaceful coexistence with the Quaker colonists. The excesses of the Tweed ring (such as expensive bribes made at the taxpayers' expense) led to an outcry for political reform. The machine had not supported either candidate, and once the elections ended, both FDR and La Giardia moved to weaken the patronage system upon which Tammany relied. The situation of the excerpt could best be used by a historian to support which of the following explanations of changes in society during the Gilded Age? Which of the following best describes a similarity between the arguments made by Chief Joseph and Commissioner Parker in the excerpts? Political Machines political entities controlled by a boss that wielded enormous influence over the government of urban cities. Which of the following contexts contributed most directly to the interest in trade with China as described in the excerpt? which of the following ethnic groups was part of the wave of the "new" immigrants that entered the united states at the turn of the century? and political cartoonist Thomas Nast. All the words in the following list are nouns. Function. Why was it an issue and what. Express algebraically the monthly percentage rate as an equivalent decimal. D) New public spaces were designed to enhance urban environments. Challenged long-dominant business interests: direct-primary system, railroad regulatory commission, increased corporate taxes, limited campaign spending The ring supported all of his deeds. Theres no doubt that Tammany Hall played a major role in the history of New York City. Originally known as the Society of St. Tammany or the Columbian Order, the group modelled itself after a similar association organized in Philadelphia in 1772 whose stated purpose was to promote pure Americanism., The name Tammany came from Chief Tammanend, a Lenni-Lenape Chief who had negotiated in the 1600s with William Penn in an effort to achieve peaceful coexistence with the Quaker colonists. the correct column. D) Ewen holds that some Americans opposed immigrant cultural cohesion, whereas Bodnar holds that most Americans embraced new immigrant cultures. C) New types of transportation increasingly shifted industrial centers from the North to the South. A) The fur trade developed in the 1600s, fostering new forms of interactions between peoples. 5. Although the Republican Party dominated the presidency during the Gilded Age, political contests throughout the era were hotly contested, and Democrats frequently took control of the House of Representatives. Wrote numerous novels around the theme of the conflict between American innocence and European sophistication/corruption, with an emphasis on the psychological motivations of the characters. Posted 3 years ago. Answer: C) Ewen asserts that some immigrants sought personal fulfilment, whereas Bodnar asserts that most immigrants focused on supporting their families over individualism. in the people party why did they want inflation? The citys millionaire business class mounted a brief challenge to Tammany control in the 1890s, opening investigations into police corruption and funding political candidates, but as the century ended, Tammany politicians and organizers remained powerful and prosperous. It involves subjects as seemingly disparate as the settlement patterns of immigrants who came into cities, the The most famous of these was. Operations Management: Sustainability and Supply Chain Management, Elliot Aronson, Robin M. Akert, Samuel R. Sommers, Timothy D. Wilson, John David Jackson, Patricia Meglich, Robert Mathis, Sean Valentine, Crude oil biodegradation. B) They demanded legislation to reduce immigration so as to minimize competition for farmland. C) granted free land to states for the establishment of argiculture colleges, the leader of the american railway union during the pullman strike was, henry fricks efforts to break workers and force them to accept lower wages resulted in the. C) Reformers encouraged city residents to fight corruption by joining utopian communities. The government regulation of social issues? Democratic presidential candidate William Jennings Bryan delivered his rousing Cross of Gold speech, which called for free silver, in 1896. Which was most likely supported by the New Immigrants? d. an expense. B) Immigrants typically acquired their own plots of land and became subsistence farmers. representative for or head of the political machine; gained votes for their parties by doing favors for people. C) Populists sought new markets for United States agricultural goods overseas. William Tweed, head of Tammany Hall, NYC's powerful democratic political machine in 1868. The group declared itself opposed to Alexander Hamilton and his. Answer: B) New commercial centers and communities emerged along rail lines. Place each word in I n 1881 he became an editor of the New York Evening Post and in 1883 editor in chief, carrying the Nation, by then an influential critical weekly, with him as a weekly in connection with the Post. C) Governments exerted increased control over transportation industries. B) Bodnar claims that immigrants were supported by family networks, whereas Ewen claims that immigrants depended mostly on their own initiative. It took a lot of energy, materials, and resources to print gold, so not everyone was able to obtain it. Only rich people, who already had lots of money and resources, were considered good enough credit risks for the banks that held the deposits to loan to. D) The ban on immigration from eastern Asia. Urban political machines served as a social service agency for city dwellers, providing jobs, lending help, and interceding against the city bureaucracy. Which of the two were factory owners most like to support? C) it eliminated most tribal land ownership in favor of ownership by individuals. 6 What are some examples of political machines? During the 1830s and 1840s, Tammany organizers made it a common practice to offer cash for votes, including the votes gathered from among those incarcerated in local prisons. Though a Tammany candidate reclaimed the New York mayors office in 1815, Dewitt Clinton was elected governor and Tammany fortunes again fell. B) Chief Joseph believed that Native American tribes had a right to sovereignty, while Commissioner Parker believed that Native American tribes were not sovereign nations. Enter a Melbet promo code and get a generous bonus, An Insight into Coupons and a Secret Bonus, Organic Hacks to Tweak Audio Recording for Videos Production, Bring Back Life to Your Graphic Images- Used Best Graphic Design Software, New Google Update and Future of Interstitial Ads. WebPolitical machines are groups that control activities of a political party. Pros of political machines are that they provide order and was used as a powerful bargaining tool to gain patronage to win the modern election. The Potato Famine further expanded Tammanys numbers and influence New management structures to increase the production of goods urban. Based on the ability of the bridge which was most like to support Joseph... 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