please let me know which option you prefer

. Closing your account will prevent you from accessing your past revisions, and you will no longer be eligible for a FREE daily revision. Please tell us why you want to close your account: Fast corrections and brief feedback from a human editor. When I worked in customer-facing roles in retail and food service, I much preferred looking the next person in line in the eye and saying something like, Step on up. Sometimes I have no idea how else to end an email that indicates that I need an answer and whatever Im doing cant move forward without it. I lay out my problem and then say please advise meaning I am so lost can you please help me navigate this so I dont look like a complete idiot, I will admit, there was a time or two when please advise meant you and I have gone back and forth on this and you insisted on your way and it did not work, so what do you want to do now?. teehee! We have a process for removing yourself from a distribution list, and replying to all to an email sent to the distribution list isnt it. I hear this about bless your heart all the time. I have people in India who do this a lot too, but I grit my teeth and move on. Sending The flight I was supposed to send this on is cancelled. and the comments from the editors", My editor understood my intention and gave me a good advice !! Ive used just bumping this to the top of your inbox! before, but only with people who I know are pretty chill and arent going to interpret it as you clearly dont know how to manage your workload so please let me nag you. Maybe thats a little too informal for some places, but it generally works for me. Oh FFS we havent even closed this topic yet and youre diverting the attention to something else? I think we could write Please let me know which you prefer or What do you think? and offend nobody. ! Thats true, now that I think of it. or Let me know if you can join me.? It tells the subject being asked to advise (others) whom are relevant to the specific situation to be given information regarding that situation so everyone involved has the level of information that the person who requested please advise wanted to convey. Option 1 likely will result in this behavior but Option 2 will accomplish this.. But if youre my client and you need something, I will do my best to get you an answer, even if I have to be a bit sharp in tone. They also like to use gentle reminder and thanks in advance. I think part of what gives it that differing connotation is who is essentially armed in the conversation. Im not religious and Im certainly not a Scientologist but the one thing they got right is that they insist that people know what a word means. Earlier today I used it, as I was supposed to send a part out on a specific flight. Please let me know if any Peacekeeper scans are imminent. Just this morning I had to send out a second reminder to someone about turning in something that should have been turned in two weeks ago. If I have one grievance to file about business email, it would be that I wish people wouldnt use words that they dont understand. I dont like please advise either, but there are so many other awful things people do either inadvertently or deliberately (passive aggression is the worst) I feel like I have to pick battles. I hate please advise! Philomena, Im like, Like We had someone call from a company trying to sell us a bridge, so I took their name and number and told them someone from the bridge purchasing department would call them back. So efficient. Yeah, those are not please advise situations! . or call us at (205) 502-2500. I think the reason I hate it though is because usually, its not my job to advise the people who are asking me to advise them. Please advise, is much more concise than the alternative of listing all the options out. Maybe its location based but where I am at, people find my emails abrupt so I have to add the gentler language. She then said What parking procedure? Or, I schedule a 15 minute call with a conference line and ask them to phone in. And kind of hilarious. They havent been out plowing the fields; theyve been sitting under the picnic shelter in the shade with the rest of us! Same thing happened at my work placethousands of employees all responding with reply all. If I have to remind you again, it wont be so friendly. The phrase that drives me right up the wall is please do the needful. On can ask questions in an email and never get a reply, so I make sure they realize I expect a reply. Over the past year you have been a valued customer. Its funny, because to me, Please advise means exactly the same thing as Id appreciate your input on this. It really is a Know Your Office thing, I guess. versus Research indicates, however, that including "don't know" options actually produces more problems than it solves. LOL. But dont you need to reply all with a request to be removed from a group email? if you need. Thats right up there with customer service people who say Can I help whos next in line? Fingernails on the chalkboard, that phrase. Or sometimes, thanks for reading and mulling this one over. w.attachEvent("onload", loader); But sometimes the reason people say it is because there are line-jumpers. If anyone is taking routine email language as demanding and bratty etc., its on them. It loses the effect and can be irritating/condescending when you use it too often. Like better But Americans are more likely to use the phrase "likebetter" when talking. If they say the second line instead, people look at each other and defer to the next person. After some research, I have found that A and B are mutually exclusive and will cancel each other out if theyre implemented together. Kinda reminds me of getting a message from the Dean of Students, Please report to my office at your earliest convenience, without fail, I use quick reminder. I managed to screw up pretty regularly in the third category, which led to me being pretty gun-shy about replying at all unless I was explicitly asked a question or given an action item. i kind of agree with the letter writer. I dont feel comfortable using it as a full sentence because it sounds a little stilted to me, but I dont mind when other people use it. Given the general horrid state of business email etiquette in general, I find it difficult to complain about any word usage that begins with please. Every time I get an email that ends with please advise I want to send one back that says I advise you to stop ending your emails with please advise! That is the most annoying phrase ever! Sometimes we feel particularly cheeky and switch it up to kindly advise. Do not leave your belongings at the front desk. There are a lot of other options on how to send it I could send it on a different (non-direct) flight tonight, I could have them send it out on the first direct flight tomorrow morning, I could ship it Fedex overnight, I could use a private courier, I could send it on a flight operated by a different airline, or they could have a different location send the part. Fastest Times Our team of editors is working for you 24/7. I am reflecting that the phrase I hate to be a pest, but can also come off as passive aggressive. I think the reason the qualifiers miff people is that they have the exact opposite of the intended effect. of these changes. Because it is deferential, I would view it as an obnoxious phrase only if used by a manager to a direct report and not vice versa. I dealt with a lot of rebate payments at old job and the reason certain accounts might be delinquent/unpaid was due to a variety of reasons such as items not qualifying, reporting problems, contract renegotiation so what I thought was due truly wasnt but I didnt have current documentation on hand, invoices making the report but some sort of tallying error causing a short pay, already paid but reported for the wrong customer, etc. ooooo! When I use please advise its because Attorney X has completely ignored the five other e-mails Ive sent regarding the status of an issue or information needed to proceed. Im not a big user of please advise, but I dont think theres anything wrong with using it. Also updated EXPENSE sheet If I have to remind you more than once youre probably on my nerves more than I am on yours. I met some Icelandic people who complained about how uncomfortably close Americans stood. I have no clue and no inclination to do anything else. Ive been using it to mean HALP, but it seems that in other places its more like Do the thing already! Me too. A nun in grammar school taught us math. I am impressed. 6. Lowest prices Up to 50% lower than other online editing sites. It just comes off as sort of short to me, especially when there are . Do the needful was a British expression for doing whats necessary that was very popular in the latter 19th and early 20th centuries. ", The most useful app that I have ever found.I truly appreciate your efforts. I use Please advise every so often, and I think I basically use it as a step up from Let me know what you think. Specifically, for Let me know what you think, I would consider a lack of preference an acceptable answer. To me, please advise means please write back something. Some of this is probably just cultural (meaning office culture, not overall culture). Often I see please advise on an I just described a hilariously tangled or annoying situation email and it generally translates to I dont even know. Bold is betterI can understand it for dates, times, conference rooms, key info of that sort. (I am so immature. People do notice that. Ive actually built a macro into our corporate chat program where I type (512 and it expands into (512) 123-4567 or tell me your # and Ill call you. I guess I could take the time to type out Would you like me to continue doing this in the future? Though now that I work in a more casual situation, I just say Please let me know, and sometimes I even omit the Please. No one is demanding that you stop holding up an important project more like, I would like to take my break today at 5 instead of 6. I think Ive caught myself doing this a few times but I realize it before I send it out. Check availability now! I assume since it is done so often that it is just a common formal phrase used in this culture. This is the other circumstance where I use Please advise.. I read it as deferential. Please let me know your preferred way of dealing with this. Of course, Id try to say it more diplomatically. Often, one person or department will need to make a decision that effects my clients. I always felt like my reaction was unreasonable, but its definitely a strong one! Although I usually prefer let me know what you think since I know please advice grates on some people. If I have asked a series of questions, I put a final, actionable question at the end. I also like Would love your input for similar situations. ;). Happily, havent dealt with please advise outside of corresponding with legal counsel. If I do that Id feel really small and incompetent. EllieH Me too. Since that is what you actually want to know, couldnt you ask what are the options here? instead of please advise? Do (b)not(/b) leave your belongings at the front desk. Thank you.. From coworker A, I dont give it a second thought. Im getting more used to the smaller zone as the years go on, but its still maddening. Especially annoying if its a repeat offender one of my co-workers and I used to joke that it actually meant please give me advice so I can ignore it and do whatever I want anyway, and then blame you when it went wrong because then I can CYA and say well, I asked Meg Murry for her advice and carefully neglect to mention that I didnt actually follow her advice. https . I also feel it may have something to do with the nature of the relationship you have with the sender it drove me up the wall to receive an email with please advise in it. Let me know if I can be of any help. It only happens rarely, but every once in a while Im asked to email someone about something and I really have no idea what Im doing/what the end goal is, so I put please advise. It comes across as condescending to me. Need to go to the loo: Im just off to do the needful. I just had this situation the other day someone asked me to change something that I posted in our system. I regularly use please advise and reading this question made me so upset! On the please advise thing. (Or would it? And I definitely wouldnt instruct others not to do it, since its really just a personal preference on your part, not a rule thatthey should be following in general. i really like it and never considered that it could be seen as condescending! Please let me know when it completed or Please let me know when it complete? There are certain people I email who arent in the office so I tend to use a combination of please advise and subject lines with Response Required to try and make them aware I need a response. and the result is so good!! (We know people are not a statistic, so please let us know about any mistakes). For some reason, were constantly begging our lawyer to (pretty) please (and only should the stars align to create no personal inconvenience to him) advise (on this legal matter with respect to which were paying him a hefty fee). Ok, this is hilarious, because I used to this way today! Body of email First line often says gives detail about the action the recipient should do. managers. Please Advise doesnt sound snarky or passive-agressive to me at all. So Ive taken to using Thanks, Dana every.single.time. Get perfection for short pieces of text in just a few minutes. Sentence examples similar to let me know your preference from inspiring English sources. I am sure we have plenty of equally annoying locutions). I never heard the how many sleeps thing back in the UK I heard it for the first time when I moved to Canada. When my employees come to me, I want them to come with solutions or ideas, not just problems. update: is my future manager a bigoted jerk? Shes lovely, but I dont like the phrase. This is a kind phrase, as you are politely ensuring their comfort, while also offering any further assistance if deemed necessary. I wouldnt ever want to imply that Im telling my boss what to do. 2nd Option: Be the nerdy student who becomes the school dux, while getting a raw 50 in English . Any help would be . Monday . Same goes for people who use Comic Sans and other scribbly fonts that are hard to read which I think is unprofessional. Hey boss, just an FYI to keep you in the loop, blah blah blah.. Im still unconvinced that it is bad form. Please advise if you require further information. I realize that it sounds more formal than please let me know.. Im a little behind. And I put down the pencil, and I turned over the piece of paper, and there, there on the other side in the middle of the other side away from everything else on the other side in parentheses capital letters quotated read the following words: (KID, HAVE YOU REHABILITATED YOURSELF?), One of my bosses sends out technicoloured emails, but shes also the kindergarten teacher, so its understandable. Man, I cant stand when people use please advise but it is a lot more tolerable if they clearly state in the message specifically what action they want me to take. Juste tre sr de me faire savoir quels animaux vous prfrez la caisse. I know Im starting to react badly to anyone saying I have a question or I have a *quick* question (questions in my industry are never quick) or Can I ask you a question? because I hear it fifty times a day, for example. I think it takes work to infer anything other than whats written in a work email. How come I did not think of that??? As if Im a) too stupid to understand her and b) need to be asked or apparently I would have otherwise not said anything if I didnt understand??? How do you feel about emails that say, Just wanted to let you know that blah blah blah.? Just kidding. Your text is being reviewed by one of our Experts.We will notify you when your revision is ready. I used to think it was extremely formal and cold, but now it has no affect on me because it is used so freakin often. For example if a person has not done something huge, dont tell them they did. We wouldnt say Please advise out loud, because we know how it sounds. please advise as a declarative statement instead of a question is almost always used passive-aggressively. AHHHHH. I was just thinking about do the needful while reading this! + Read the full interview, I started to use TextRanch when I began to learn English. Like, if Im asking my manager a question, Id say Hey manager, this is the thing thats happening, what do you want me to do with that? but if I was emailing the CEO with a variety of other senior staff copied, Id say Here is the situation please advise. I could see how it might seem snotty when used in a situation that doesnt call for it, like youre being faux respectful. Just decide not to read too much into something. so once they agree to speak, i send the email to all the speakers with all the additional tasks, and say thank you in advance, as an acknowledgement of all the things i just told them to do. Which is a lot, because I think its a super useful phrase. I moved from big city to mid-Michigan and West Michigan though. I like it because they might actually need something before they complete and return the thing I need; if not, its a memory jog that doesnt automatically assume theyre not on the ball. This weekend I decided to reorder the teapot lid process from Z to A, rather than A to Z because (insert reasons). Related Comparison let me know which hours suits you best or let me know which hours suit you best? Yes! If you want a man to treat you like a priority, you have got to prioritize yourself. as is brekky, I think. 5. Answer (1 of 20): "Let me know where you're at" "Keep me apprised" "Keep me in the loop" "Keep me informed" "Keep me updated" "Advise me when" "Tell me when something changes" To name a few Floor plans starting at $925. It is a way of warning people to stay in the order they came. - Artwork will be emailed to you as a high quality 150dpi JPEG. I recieve emails like shipping updates a lot of the time and Ive defaulted to saying Thanks! because I dont know what else to say, even though theres not really anything Im thanking them for. Make sure you specify your time zone (people will assume they are in your timezone) The busier the . But otherwise, I typically use something that apparently many other people find really irritating: Thoughts?. Please let me know when it complete or Please let me know when it is completed? Can you please answer one of the 4 emails or 2 voicemails on this topic? Go make a brand new email for your thing and stop derailing others. Which one do you prefer? That makes sense to me. Top Customer Service We are here to help. Can I help anyone? versus Who was next? From the Cambridge English Corpus His preferred option is theory of mind ability, which underpins processes of cultural learning and cultural accumulation and transmission. I also find that, when replying all, it helps to specifically address the people who need to take some sort of action or provide an answer. Did we actually want to purchase this item? Get it corrected in a few minutes by our editors. Sexy way of putting it! In American English, "prefer" is a little more formal but still common enough to use in everyday speech. Sometimes Ive had people reply with Do I need to know more? or Is there more? and then we can have a conversation about that, rather than me give them a long monologue without checking in with them first to make sure they want to know more. ", Quick and smart, plus is "human-based"! Therefore, if I want to call someone, I ping them on IM first and then ask if its a convenient time to call. In fact, I prefer it much more to someone writing to my boss and asking them and tacking on Sunflower didnt answer my email when I had no clue she needed a response. For me, Id rather people just ask me the question (assuming Im not on the phone in mid-sentence) rather than ask me if I have time or if Im busy. I agree with the response, the person is merely probably wrapping up the email. I counted 154 times in one period. It sets my teeth on edge. Is that better? Please advise lets the recipients know that they are to pass on a certain piece of information that they should already have a previous understanding of to certain other people of interest without the risk of contamination by outside sources. My bosss boss would end certain emails to me with that phrase. Stands for very respectfully. But in Namibian English, dear has come to be spelled dia. I spent a lot of time wondering who Dia was and why people were always thinking that was my first name, I just got really excited that someone else commenting here has lived in Namibia. But obviously it struck a nerve with me, because Ive been thinking about it all day. It is almost always someone who is trying to disagree and doesnt want to explain how or why, someone who is trying to delay, or someone who doesnt want to make a decision (but not in a whats your advice? way, more in a I dont want to deal with this way). I said yes, we do have a parking procedure. I never, ever, take a no answer personally. I think youre too stupid to realize that Ive asked you a question and I want an answer. This additional time is also helpful when you have more interviews scheduled with companies that interest you. ", Human who is reviewing my question not automated machine. I have been wondering how people bold or italicize here for ages, lol. We're pretty excited about this feature, so please let us know how it works for you. Extra formatting can just come off as shouting. If the question has been asked, I will answer it. 1. I have marked this listing as Complete. Tried to get ebay and paypal details in order send an invoice to me. Ill confess to using please advise in place of certain expletives. 2. I think this might be part of why I dont have a problem with it. I really hate sending those please submit your TPS report by noon, Friday e-mails, but its a part of my job (my least favorite part of my job). The phrase that I always hated was make sense? at the end of an email from a former Director. Yes, my grandmother who was born in the late 1800s as a young woman worked in the field all day and then at lunch break the men stretched out under a tree while she and other women served them lunch and then everyone went back to work. That would make me investigate accordingly and resolve as applicable and reply with details of any action taken. Do they tend to throw you under the bus? I always read it like shes yodeling at me. Heres the cluster fudge thats happening. Im guessing someone will chime in here and have a problem with kind regards. Yep. Watch the video and let me know which one you prefer! We KNOW that some cultures crowd up and breath down your neck; we KNOW in our heads that it is a cultural difference this does not prevent the visceral reaction to being crowded that people who require more personal space feel. You can use this phrase when speaking to houseguests or new coworkers. A message that was truly friendly wouldnt need to be softened, so when you get a heads up that should be a non-issue but its been thoroughly bubble wrapped it can come across that the sender is making a big deal about it and that has frustrating implications. Thats a great use for it. Am I being overly sensitive? In which case my (uncensored) answer would be Yes is not an answer/an option. Thats what I envisioned, too, because its what I see. People with professional degrees should be required to take email etiquette classes, too. Yes the way it grates on me is when I get a message that says please advise, I take time to actually give a suggestion or remedy, and then either hear nothing or find out that they did whatever they wanted anyway without actually listening to my advice. I feel like as long as she can make it clear that its a totally normal email phrase that they should feel free to continue using in general and nobodys in trouble, but to please refrain from using this phrase because its her personal preference, that would fall in the line of quirky manager preferences and not annoying stupid pointless manager questions.. I guess they could say, Can I help the person who is next? But that, while grammatical, still sounds odd. var s = d.createElement("script"), tag = d.getElementsByTagName("script")[0]; We dont have a parking procedure. I resisted the urge to bang my head on her desk. I frequently have to exchange e-mails with attorneys who are fairly high up the food chain. Author: Douglas Could you at least answer me so I know the Chicago office has not been wiped out in a zombie apocalypse or other natural disaster? would not have gone over well. Me: OK, Ill pick some and have a draft for you to review next week. I mean, what other phrase could you possibly use to indicate that youre ready to help the next person in line? Make sense?. Its really meaningless in this context, like How are you? when youre walking past someone and neither of you is going to stop and really talk about How You Are. Although to be honest, if Im sending my boss an FYI email I usually indicate that. Thats more of a benign request. In my mind, an employee who just comes to me and says please advise is taking the easy way out and making my job harder at the same time. In his defense, hes like 70-something, but whoo boy. Not many of them are productive or helpful ones. Then the person I speak with asks why not just do C? Please click the link that we've sent to this address to post your question to our experts.Ok, I'll check my email. I often use it with my boss or MOR to get their advice i.e. Its my way of succinctly saying Listen up, you pompous twit this is the fifth and last time Im going to respond to something that you were supposed to handle three weeks ago. Someone who criticizes popular characters or plot elements is often accused of having overanalyzed or misread or deliberately subverted the obvious real story when they were just expressing their instinctive responses. We used to have this. As in, The task youve given me is physically impossible. Running errands: I have to get the needful done. I have used the kindly requesting bit. Most of the email is explaining the situation, then please advise.. Yes, I have lots of thoughts about this. If we didn't meet your expectations, we'd really like to know more. He became legendary and it always lightened the tone of the email. Me too! Ive been trying to figure out what it is about phrases like this that bugs me. Im still waiting for the Veeblefetzer Report, Please send it to me ASAP.. I explained it a third time, very slowly, and very carefully. This is such an interesting conversation. its only used when i know theyll do it. } else { Yea see because you made a statement rather than ask a question. Can you please at least acknowledge that you are holding up a thing that the CEO asked for and we are STILL waiting on you?? Improve your English! Privacy Policy and Affiliate Disclosures. I am having a hard time with the fact that someone is having a hard time with the word please being used. Can I help whoevers next would be perfectly grammatical, thoughhow about that? Didnt know this was such a well known meaning! Makes my blood boil. Example: Just checking in to see if theres anything else you need from me so you can complete the [thing you havent sent back to me].. To be fair they can just put Agenda to follow, but none of the invites I receive had any follow-up agenda sent. ok, thanks all. TextRanch lets you have your English corrected by native-speaking editors in just a few minutes. Yeah, its more please give your overall thoughts or opinions on this matter versus a specific question. If everything else from you is important, then to me its equally as non-important. I generally think thats a fair assessment by the writer, so maybe thats why it rarely annoys me. Which option do you prefer? JMO of course. its definitely as bad or worse than gentle reminder in my book. Only because the former co-worker that sent it was constantly nagging me and it felt like she was using it in lieu of I need your input on this now. LOL I read it as some character from a Disney movie about to break into song. The How do I save a word file is not a literal question thats happened, but very close. Please alert me when Keep me in the loop The preferred version is "please keep me up to date." It's still a strong, polite phrase because we start with "please." However, it's also more professional than "let me know" because it asks to be kept "up to date" about whatever matters are currently going on. Popular in the future yes is not a statistic, so please let know. Is because there are line-jumpers to come with solutions or ideas, just., is much more concise than the alternative of listing all the options here used in a situation doesnt! What to do anything else ask a question the time and Ive defaulted to saying thanks please. Not to read which I think part of what gives it that differing connotation is who is armed... Of why I dont want to deal with this way ) since that is what you actually want to with... Have people please let me know which option you prefer India who do this a few minutes by our editors service people who can. That??????????????????. Happily, havent dealt with please advise means please write back something thanking them.! 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