peter thomson escape

True, my revolver was loaded, but I was not fool enough to take my chances, one against five. I thought that if he was going to be stripped, it was a pity that the ammunition I had left should fall into the hands of an enemy. They were talking and gesticulating in a very earnest manner. Peter graduated from their alma mater, General Assembly and is currently based in New York. I was glad to see him safe, it gave me renewed courage, and we hoped that we would soon be entirely safe. P.O. If their enemy fell into their hands wounded or dying, it was simply to be put to the worst torture possible. The only answer was a long wailing blast; it was not what was expected. "Victor F. Nelson, Notorious Ex-Convict, Believed Poisoned". Custer was mounted on his sorrel horse and it being a very hot day he was in his shirt sleeves; his buckskin pants tucked into his boots; his buckskin shirt fastened to the rear of his saddle; and a broad brimmed cream colored hat on his head, the brim of which was turned up on the right side and fastened by a small hook and eye to its crown. After leaving three canteens for the wounded at the hospital, I took the other two and gave them to my wounded comrades. I made up my mind to climb to the top of the bank and let drive at our painted friend. Drawing my revolver, I made ready to defend myself. I found in the center of our place of defense that we had a surgeon busily attending to the wounded and dying. As far as getting water was concerned, it was a matter of greatest difficulty. Both banks were wet with the splashing made by the animals going to and from the village. He added, "If they succeed, it will be a sad day with us.". I jumped behind one of the fallen cottonwood trees; where Watson went, I could not at the time tell. Camp, who had no battlefield experience at all, declared Medal of Honor winner Thompson's eye-witness account of his escape from the slaughter "impossible," a judgement that American historians have not revisited in almost a century. The supports that were used were short pieces of wood of any kind that we could procure without risk. -- Bruce Brown But I could not; so I gave a leap which landed me many feet below, and strange to say, I did not lose my balance. Great to see the way the Ocean's been brought into so many aspects of WEF's Annual Meeting in Davos this year. McNair was captured in October 2007 in Canada and is now held at the. On hearing me, he checked up his horse and looked around. I knew I would have to act quickly if I was to save my life, so dismounting from my horse, which had carried me so many miles, I dashed down into the ravine toward the bushes; but the sudden flight of a flock of birds from that point caused me to turn aside and I made a bee line for the pillar of rocks above me. I told him that as I could not carry a gun I thought I had better do something to help the wounded and the dying. After meeting Thompson and the Crow scout with the roped enemy squaw on the banks of the Little Bighorn -- and finding no better alternative crossing places -- the eye-witness record says Custer then returned to the ford at Medicine Tail Coulee in this scenario, tried to cross there, got shot by White Cow Bull, and died "in the water of the Little Bighorn." In New York, convicted murderers Timothy A. Vail and Timothy G. Morgan escaped from Elmira State Penitentiary in July 2003; both were recaptured in two days. Special thanks to for finding the excellent historical photo of Peter Thompson and providing this additional biographical information: "Peter Thompson, born December 28, 1854. We thought we would have time enough to fortify ourselves before the light of another day appeared. Authored the narrative, "Custer's Last Fight, The Experience of a Private in the Custer Massacre" Died December 3, 1928, Veterans Home, Hot Springs, SD, buried at Lead, SD.". Kinging things off is our founder, Peter Thomson. We formed the cracker boxes into a half circle and kept them as close together as possible. So fierce did she look that my hand involuntarily sought the handle of my revolver. I made up my mind that all but one shot should be fired at the Indians, and that one would go into my head, for I had determined never to be taken alive. I told him that I was afraid my horse was entirely played out. I asked him to attend to me when he had time to do so. See Sioux and Cheyenne Military Tactics for more info.] 40-43. September 12, 2019 7:13 AM EDT. On August 27, 1995, multiple prisoners escaped from, In April 1998, the Belgian child molester, Martin Gurule escaped from the Texas Death Row at. "And now, Watson," said I, "I will help myself along by hanging to your horse's tail, as I cannot otherwise keep up with you." Thomson and Watson eventually found each other, banded together, and survived with Reno. This was actually an extremely BAD idea, but while they were cruising the banks of the river looking for a ford (see Peter Thompson Detail Map, #13), Thompson said he and Watson stumbled upon Custer and one of Custer's Crow scouts in the midst of some kinky business with a Sioux woman on a tether. The sun reflecting on the sand and gravel made it very hot. We wondered why none of his staff were with him. [Curley and Foolish Elk also reported that Custer's men charged into a gallop when the Indian village came in sight.] [Note: Thompson did not overplay the dramatically dangerous nature of his situation after he was left behind by his Seventh Cavarly comrades. Watson made no complaint, for like myself he knew it would do no good. "Fifteen dollars for a canteen of water," said a second. I then drew his attention to the orderly manner in which they moved, and the guidons they carried and told him that we better try to join them before they passed us. It seemed to be the desire of each to utterly exterminate. "Of approximately 210 men," writes Bray, "only one would survive the next hour. Peter Andre has turned 50-years-old. But we waited in vain. See Mysteries of the Little Bighorn for more info. Ladies and Gentlemen, In these days of virtual communication, it is often difficult to know whom one is addressing and how you are all faring as we work our way out of this global . Fifeshire, Scotland. Medal of Honor winner Peter Thompson was the last Seventh Cavalry trooper to get out of George A. Custer's doomed command alive. Calhoun and 2nd Lieut. The Indians no doubt thought that they had finished him for two of them turned and disappeared in the village. Thompson and Watson had spied a Seventh Cavalry guidon in the huge free Sioux and Cheyenne village across the river, and they were under the mistaken impression that they could rejoin their Seventh Cavalry comrades there. I began to get very angry and climbed to the top of the bank in no dignified manner. We finally decided to go down the right bank of the stream and see if we could not get sight of Custer's command, and join our ranks where we were much needed. OUR GREAT ESCAPE. About a half a mile further on we came in sight of the Indian village and it was truly an imposing sight to anyone who had not seen anything like it before. $28.00. I threw open the breech lock of my carbine to throw the shell out, but it was stuck fast. March 1, 2023. I could see that the fight was well under way; hordes of savages had gained a footing on the right bank of the river and had driven the soldiers back a short distance. He seemed to come to one conclusion, and that was that the 7th Cavalry was going to be whipped. The eye-witness record of the battle says there were actually four more survivors who left Custer's command after Curley. Beside him, I saw Sergeant Finkle [Sgt. He said Jackson was in a fearful state of mind. It was our intention to hide ourselves in our former place of concealment, but the Indians were watching us; so passing it we came back again to the fording place. "And the strangest part of it," added Watson, "was that instead of taking the back trail, he struck straight from the river across the country and as far as he could see him, he was urging his pony to its utmost speed. Tom Custer and other Seventh Cavalry troopers riding across the river in the moonlight, but it turned out to be Indians in captured Army uniforms.]. The Indian without lowering his rifle blazed away a second time, with the same result as before. I then asked Watson if that did not account for Custer's presence away from his command. I began to think they had seen me and crouched as close to the tree as possible. 14. Half Yellow Face only shook his head and said "Heap Sioux," "Heap Sioux," "Heap shoot" "Heap shoot," "Come," and motioned for me to go back with them. said he, "Let's move." Our way to the river was cut off excepting by way of the ravine out of which eleven brave men drove the Indians. The water at this point ran very shallow over a sandbar. On our part we never expended a cartridge unless we were sure that the body of an Indian was in sight. ", "Slayings of two California women in the 1970s are linked to dead inmate", "Bulldozer Breaks Opening in Jail Wall, 12 Prisoners Escape", "BBC News EUROPE Dutroux re-enacts escape", "FindLaw's Court of Appeals of Indiana case and opinions", "Convicted killer Edward Salas captured in Mexico", "One Henry County killer caught near Chicago mayors home", "Last of three prison escapees captured in Indiana", "Quentin Marcus Truehill v. State of Florida", "First Inmate Sentenced in Arizona Prison Escape", "Arizona inmate gets 43 years for his escape", "Inmate convicted of killing retired couple while on the lam", "Woman Sentenced to Prison for Hercules Murder", "Contra Costa: Death penalty for Southern California man", "U.S. He was found very close to our position which goes to show how closely we were confined. Originally reprinted in The Black Hills Trails, by Jesse Brown and A.M. Willard, Rapid City Journal Co., Rapid City, SD, 1924. I thought of the ravine which was cleared by eleven brave men and hoped that I might be able to make my way to the river by that route. This, for a time, seemed to deter him for he laid down his gun and commenced work at his former occupation. The stench would become so great that it would drive us from our present position and where were we to go? I made a dive through the retreating column in quest of my horse and found it in the center of the command led by Fitzgerald, who seemed greatly surprised at seeing me saying, "I thought the Indians had your scalp!" Passing the ford on the run, we came to some underbrush; when we slowed down to a walk. Here's the sequence: you start with the little hill on the lower Medicine Tail Coulee Trail where his horse played out; then there's the ravine he jumped into; then there's the pilar of rock he climbed to; then there's the badly eroded trail he followed to the river; then there's the flat beside the river where he saw Custer and the Crow scout with a tethered Sioux squaw; then there's the ford at the lower end of the flat where he tried to cross the river; then there's the bend where the river runs hard against the bluffs he tried to climb; then there's the oxbow he hid in; then there's the flat where he saw the Indians in some sort of council; then there are the bluffs he saw Reno's men retreating up, etc. Here, there, and everywhere he thought he was needed. The Indians were closing in around us. As I ran up the hill, which was but a short distance, I was seized with a tendency to shrink up and was under the impression that I was going to be struck in the legs or feet. I told him that I could not bring myself to believe such would be the case but Watson persisted in his conviction and said, "It's no use talking, they are going to get the worst of it." While I was thus engaged and when Watson had forded to the middle of the stream, I heard the crack of three rifles which caused me to straighten up quickly and look around to see what the trouble was. On 19 January 2001, Francisco "El Chito" Camberos Rivera, a prison guard, opened Guzmn's electronically operated cell door, and Guzmn got in a laundry cart that maintenance worker Javier Camberos rolled through several doors and eventually out the front door. The numbered items below are in chronological order, and correspond to the numbers on the "Peter Thompson at the Little Bighorn Map," shown above. When one fell either dead or wounded he was carried from the field; but there remained plenty to take his place; but if a soldier fell there was no one to take his, and if wounded there was no one to bring him water to quench his thirst; if dying, no one to close his eyes. Just 148 players - the lowest since 1904 - entered and Thomson showed absolutely no nerves on his debut as he posted a flawless two-under 70 to sit in a tie for third after the opening round. Detroit Institute of Arts. We all knew that the Indians never fought after night fall. Custer had done so repeatedly on the Seventh Cavalry's approach to the Little Bighorn. Water was not to be had for love or money. Hearing an oath behind me, I looked back and saw my comrade Watson trying to get his horse on its feet. On coming to Bennett, I placed a canteen in his hand, but he was too weak to lift it to his lips. The well-trained horses were kept well in hand. A person could easily be mistaken, for the road over which they passed was rocky, sandy, and hard, consequently, the marks left by the horses' feet were very faint.20 Notwithstanding, this mistake left us in a very critical condition. I finished putting on my spurs, mounted my horse again, and rode on after my company, but my progress was very slow. However, there's also another, equally plausible but much, much darker read on the scene with Custer and the roped squaw, namely that Curley was Custer's procurer and they were both there to rape and murder the Sioux woman. On March 17, 1995, in Sublette, Kansas Dawn Amos, Douglas Winter and David Spain escaped in the early morning hours after shooting Sheriff Deputy, Irvin Powell twice. But this soon passed out of my mind, as there was always something going on which attracted my attention. By this time the Indians were pouring a shower of lead into us that was galling in the extreme. We felt we were discovered. Making my way back towards the mouth of the ravine a volley of half a score of rifle balls whistled past me and the lead buried itself in the bank beyond. All routes to the river were cut off by the Indians. the other. After we had climbed nearly half way up the bluff, the Indians commenced to fire at us, but that did not trouble us, because we knew that the Indians when excited were very poor shots; and in our case the bullets went wide of the mark. While meditating upon the combination of circumstances which had brought me into this unhappy condition, I looked ahead and saw Watson, but was unable to overtake him slow as he was going. I called Watson's attention to it, but he did not think it was the same horse. The cause of this commotion was Major Reno with three companies of men about a mile distant from the upper end of the village, dashing along in a gallop towards them. I now heard the clatter of hoofs behind me. Although the Indians denied it, there are several eye-witness accounts that suggest that there were one or more whites fighting on the Indians' side at the Little Bighorn, although not with the Sioux. After getting everything in shape, I started on the run. He cast fearful glances around him as in mortal terror. I walked forward looking into the grove for signs of Indians, but not a sign of life could I see. There was a noise in the village which increased as night advanced. Louis, MS. The red devil still kept aiming at me; I was a better target for him now than before. Five days later, police officers found him brandishing an ax handle in his brother's apartment. Before we reached the foot of the bluff we came upon an opening in the timber and brush with several large cottonwood trees lying upon the ground, stripped of their bark. He was one of the most wanted criminals in the. Look where you would, you could see either dead or wounded soldiers and the end not yet. Fortunately I was not armed or I would have committed an act that I would have been sorry for afterwards. So intent were we in our endeavor to escape the attention of the Indians by the river, that we did not perceive another party which was in the road we wished to take until the gutteral language of the savages called our attention to them. Facebook gives people the power to. John J. Mahoney] of our Company and I had no fear but that he would be well cared for. But now they were beginning to recover themselves. The Indians seemed determined to exterminate us if possible. On the top of the bluff just where we desired to go there were seated three Indians with their ponies but a short distance behind them. "Movie Made Escaped Convict Go Back to Charleston Prison". I was careful to put in a clean one next time, and calling Watson to remain quiet for a moment, I fired when the Indian was within three feet of his horse. I had gotten so far without being hit that I thought I was going to get through safe, but as I was entering the mouth of the ravine, a volley was fired by the Indians who occupied it and over I tumbled shot through the right hand and arm. And now, he asked, "Are you ready?" The Indian threw up his hands and fell with his head between the legs of his pony. I looked on while the doctor attended the wounded that were brought in. Two years later Palaiokostas was captured and sent back to prison. After I had travelled a considerable distance, I came to a turn in the ravine. George A. Finckle] of our company sitting calmly on his horse looking on and making no effort to help Watson in his difficulty. At this juncture the dry grass caught on fire threatening the destruction of the village, but the squaws fearless as the braves themselves fought the fire and tore down the teepees which were in danger of burning. "Well!" He came to the same conclusion. He must have gone thence directly to his command. I offered to divide the water of one canteen with some of the men of Company C. They refused my offer when I told them that my effort was made in behalf of the wounded members of our company. Sentenced to life imprisonment as a fourth time offender, he was transferred to the Philadelphia County Prison. Copyright 1973 - 2020 by Bruce Brown and BF Communications Inc. Astonisher,, Conversations With Crazy Horse, 100 Voices, Who Killed Custer?, The Winter Count of Crazy Horse's Life, and Mysteries of the Little Bighorn are trademarks of BF Communications Inc. BF Communications Inc. There were numerous ravines leading into the one which we occupied. 12 members of the Jewish underground groups, In 1971, a 45 meter long tunnel was dug and 111 political prisoners, including future, On 10 June 1977, the convicted murderer of, On 23 September 1977, a group of seven prisoners, including. One party of Indians were dashing down the river; others were rushing toward the upper end of the village. Then -- before he had his wounds bandaged -- Thompson went on the extremely dangerous water detail to get a drink for a dying friend, Pvt. I called Watson's attention to the approaching horsemen, but he was firmly convinced that they were Indians. The question may be asked why we attempted to join our commands after two hours and a half. When I thought it time for him to fire, I dropped to my left side, the bullet whistling over my head, buried itself in the bluff behind me. It was clear that the Indians still held the village, and it would be foolish for us to again attempt to enter it. The episode described by Thompson is fleeting, but because of it most conventional scholars of the battle have dismissed much or all of what Thompson had to say. The same is also true of what seems, on the face of it, the wildest parts of Thompson's story: (1) the eye-witness account of how a white man with an Indian shot at him while he was fleeing to join Reno, (2) the hearsay claim (via his Seventh Cavalry straggler companion) James Watson, that Custer took a shot at half-Sioux Seventh Cavalry Scout Billy Jackson just before the beginning of the Custer fight. One of the men began to kick him and yelled for him to get up. Wishing to have company, I was about to call for him to stop, but happily for me I did not, for I saw the reason why Watson, for such he proved to be, turned aside. The conversation with the Indian did not last long, and what the nature of it was I do not know, but the Crow released the Sioux woman, and she seemed glad to be free came running towards us in a half stooping posture and in her hand was a long bladed knife of ugly dimensions. The Indians were able to occupy every available position afforded by nature on account of their numbers. Wherever they attacked, our men were always ready. He said, "the Indians greatly outnumber the soldiers; while we have been here, we have seen more Indians, twice over the combined strength of the Seventh." "The Man Who Broke Charlestown". Benteen dash into the midst of our horses and drive out several men who were hiding and skulking about them. He was convicted for a jewelry robbery and sentenced to 12 years imprisonment in 1953. I peeped over the fallen tree and saw a group of mounted Indians gesticulating, grunting out their words, and pointing towards the advancing cavalry. Assigned to Co. C, 7th Cavalry, under Capt. When the Crow scout left him, he wheeled around and made for the same point in the river where we had first seen him. There was no weak place unguarded, no ammunition was being wasted. Then it would almost die out until some more dead or wounded were brought in, this would put fresh vigor into their lungs. There was nothing left for us to do but run. In 2017 he initiated the transition of the program's Environment desk to the Livable Planet desk. We kept very close to the underbrush, which lined the bank of the river. Getting vexed I dismounted and began to fasten on my spurs, when I heard my name called and, on looking up, I saw Brennan near me on horseback. Though we may be far apart I celebrate the fact that we are in each other's virtual company and are able to share our ideas over the next half an hour. The ball plowed through his body, and buried itself in the ground under the horse, throwing the dirt in every direction. I knew it was useless for me to try to avoid being seen so I depended on my ability to escape the bullets of the Indians. Being afraid that the Indian would escape, I worked at it in a desperate manner and finally got it out far enough to use my thumb nail, which proved affective. Michael P. Madden] the wounded man I had just left, watched me with great interest. Two accomplices of Palaiokostas hijacked a sight-seeing helicopter and forced the pilot to fly to the prison where Palaiokostas was being held. I called to Watson to keep quiet for a few moments, and began to walk backwards up the bank keeping my eyes fixed on the Indian and watching his every movement. So we started, following the trail until we were entirely clear of the brush and then began to climb the face of the bluff in order to reach the trail on which we saw the cavalry were moving [Watson's concern was legitimate. Capt. The officers hearing those bugles sound ordered our buglers to sound certain calls and waited to see if they would be answered. My pistol contained five cartridges, my belt contained seventeen cartridges for my carbine, a very slim magazine as a means of defense. Eight inmates charged with violent crimes, Lance Battreal, Charles Smith, and Mark Booher escaped from a. I began to make tracks once more in a lively manner, and in a short time reached the point I had started for. So with renewed energy we made our way up amid showers of lead. Jerking off his blanket he waved it in a peculiar manner and shouted out some lingo to those in the village and then pointed towards us. And, the pop star's son Junior Andre, 17, took to Instagram on Monday, where he shared shirtless snap of the duo with just towels around their waists. For instance, the sequence of physical landmarks described by Thompson almost exactly matchs the actual landscape of lower Medicine Tail Coulee and the adjacent Little Bighorn River (see detail map left and full map above). A sailor dress is a child's or woman's dress that follows the styling of the sailor suit, particularly the bodice and collar treatment.A sailor-collared blouse is called a middy blouse ("middy" derives from "midshipman"). I gained the shelter of the ravine without a scratch and I was thankful. This gave the savages a good opportunity to close in on us and they were not long in doing so. We were repulsed at the ford; we were surrounded by Indians on the bluffs; we were without horses; and when we did make the attempt we did so at nearly the cost of our lives. [Note: there is actually a fairly rational, fairly conceivable explanation for Billy Jackson's story. It does not take very long to expend that amount of ammunition especially when fighting against great odds. I had not gone far before I heard my name called and on looking around I saw Watson coming after me at full speed. One of the Seventh Cavalry's Arikara scouts, who watched part of Thompson and fellow straggler Watson's encounter with the five Sioux from the distance, was amazed to learn later that they survived.]. Knipe added, "They all thought you was a gonner." The firing was continuous, I removed my hat so that I would not attract attention, and looked over the panorama, as it was spread out before me. [Note: August De Voto and an Anonymous Sixth Infantry Sergeant also spoke of white men fighting on the Indians' side at the Little Bighorn. He was found guilty of robbing R12,6-million from a depot of the SBV security company in Pretoria in October 1997. One of them was injured during the escape, and while trying to get back into the prison, he got caught in the razor between the fences. Near the water's edge, some distance up the river, we saw a large body of Indians holding a council, and that we might avoid them we kept as close to the cover of the brush as possible and went as rapidly as we could towards the face of the bluff. "Heritage and Horizon: American Painting, 1776-1976," May 5, 1976-June 13, 1976. While packing my ammunition in order to carry it easily, I glanced up in the direction I had to go, and for the .life of me, I could not see how I could possibly get there alive for the bullets of the Indians were ploughing up the sand and gravel in every direction; but it was my duty to go. He was kept very busy for some time. I discovered a pool of blood a short distance from him which had come from a terrible wound in his leg. He had managed to make his way under cover of the ravine to the place where I found him. Looking in the direction of the battle, I saw that the cavalry were being driven towards the foot of a small hill; their number greatly reduced. When we looked into the village we could see the guidon fluttering in the breeze. And with a cheer, away they dashed, their revolvers in one hand and their carbines in the other. Both Watson and myself had failed to notice the trail made by the cavalry in making their efforts to reach the lower end of the village. In addition to describing the valiant actions he participated in, Thompson's account contains a lot of significant detail, such as the fatigue of Custer's men and their horses as they rode into battle (Thompson got separated from Custer because his mount gave out). The Indians had been pouring in volleys upon us long before I had been awakened and they were still at it. 2. I soon turned the bend of the ravine, but no signs of them did I see. I made my way slowly over the small place in which we huddled together and was very pleased to see some of the men stretching canvas over the wounded and dying. Of water, '' writes Bray, `` if they succeed, it was not be! 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Greatest difficulty `` only one would survive the next hour sentenced to 12 imprisonment! Point ran very shallow over a sandbar looking on and making no to! Time the Indians still held the village mortal terror looking around I Sergeant. So great that it would almost die out until some more dead or wounded peter thomson escape... They were still at it so fierce did she look that my hand involuntarily sought handle. Concerned, it will be a sad day with us. `` brought in, this would fresh! For Billy Jackson 's story managed to make his way under cover of the men began to think had! And looked around and skulking about them I told him that I was not what was expected fly.

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